Hollywood Road

Chapter 267 Oscar nomination

"this is……"

In the studio, Gal Gadot looked at the stacks of drawings, "What are these?"

Although Murphy's drawing skills are very, very ordinary and look unusually blunt, she can tell that the protagonist in all the drawings is herself. The question is why she is drawn as a strange-looking warrior? And it seems to be a female warrior in ancient Greece?

What is he going to do? With such doubts, Gal Gadot glanced at the opposite side, and Murphy took out another stack of drawings from his briefcase. ?Eight}\u003e}))


There is no one else in the reception room now, and Murphy pushed the drawing to Gal Gadot, "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day."

Gal Gadot nodded, "Didn't you say you would give me a car?"

Originally, Murphy wanted to give Gal Gadot a Lamborghini or a Porsche 911. In her opinion, such a car is too ostentatious and too expensive. From the very beginning until now, Gal Gadot has always opposed Murphy Give gifts that are too expensive.

"It's just a very ordinary Chevrolet." Murphy understood that Gal Gadot's independent character would basically not depend on others, and said, "This is our first Valentine's Day!"

In any case, he really wants Gal Gadot to stay in Los Angeles for a long time in the future, instead of returning to Israel to serve her country after finishing her studies.

This is indeed a bit selfish, but even now, his so-called brainwashing work has not made any progress. Gal Gadot grew up in Israel, and the concepts influenced by propaganda are not so easy to change.

However, Murphy can also see that Gal Gadot is a very, very emotional person, and the two are very in tune, and the deep relationship may change her future choices.

Law is difficult to learn, and Murphy learned later that there are many restrictions on studying law in the United States. Gal Gadot is only studying the relevant preparatory courses that can enter law school in the future. If he wants to return to Israel, he still has several Years, he still has time in the future.

But he will not relax because of this. An overly aggressive strategy will only lead to a conflict between the two people with completely different perceptions of Israel and the Jews. After all, Israel is not a fun thing in the education he has received since he was a child and the news he has watched.

When dealing with Gal Gadot, a native Israeli, Murphy's strategy is to subtly change, little by little, and use a long time to win the battle between personal emotions and the country.

Gal Gadot flipped through the draft that he had just received,

The above is based on Murphy, which is completely consistent with his own style, especially the clothes, no matter how you look at them, they are lovers' clothes.

"I want to commemorate our first Valentine's Day in a special way." Murphy has some unspeakable secrets in his heart, "So, I specially designed this costume."

He stretched out his right hand to cover Gal Gadot's left hand, gently stroking the smooth and jade-like back of his hand, "Let them be the testimony of our love."

"Hmm..." Gal Gadot nodded vigorously, put down Murphy's drawing, and picked up his own. Feeling something was wrong, he frowned and said, "But... why did you design it like this?"

In the drawing, she is wearing a retro-style close-fitting battle armor, with a typical ancient Greek fighting style. The shoulder breastplate is V-shaped and continuously shrinks towards the waist, giving people the beauty of power in an inverted triangle. The skirt armor that exposes her thighs is full of Rich detail depiction and stacking on...

Also, there is a bronze round shield on his left arm, and his right hand is stretched behind his back, pulling out a simple long sword.

This is of course the costume of Wonder Woman, but Princess Diana in the comics of this era is still wearing a star-striped costume. Others will only think that it is the costume of an ancient Greek warrior.

Murphy must not tell the truth, otherwise Gal Gadot would accept it.

"My dear..." He had already thought of the reason, "You grew up in a land full of wars, but you never flinched or flinched. You are my God of War! The Goddess of War! That's why I have such a idea."

These words completely reached Gal Gadot's heart. She grabbed the hand that Murphy was covering the back of her hand, rubbed it back and forth on her face a few times, and smiled happily, "Then... just order do it."

Having been dating for a while, adding these words, Gal Gadot thinks he sees very clearly that Murphy never regards her as a vase, let alone as a man's vassal, but as she thinks, he always Think of her as a strong and independent woman.

Murphy stood up and reached out to pull Gal Gadot up again, "Let's go find Jack."

The actual owner of this studio is Jack Watson. He used to be a stylist without any qualifications and not a glass artist. own studio.

After meeting Jack Watson, Murphy explained to him a few more words. His drawing skills are limited, and the drawing can only be a more intuitive reaction, and it cannot be used as a design draft at all. There are many details that need to be finalized. The two also agreed to communicate in time.

Later, some staff came to measure the body data for Murphy and Gal Gadot, and after they were done, they left Jack Watson's studio.

The two of them didn't stay in Beverly Hills anymore, and went straight back to Santa Monica. After returning home and waiting for a long time, someone from the sales company brought over a brand new red Chevrolet sedan, which was given by Murphy. One of Gal Gadot's Valentine's Day gifts.

This is a very ordinary Chevrolet sedan, worth less than 20,000 US dollars. Gal Gadot's driver's license has also passed the review. If you have a car, it is also convenient to get in and out of Los Angeles.

The public transportation in Los Angeles is not very advanced, and it does not match the city's great reputation. It is very inconvenient without a car.

The house has two garages. Murphy parked the Chevrolet in the other garage, and Gal Gadot went to the main building, carrying a large bottle of champagne and a box of vegan pizza, and also entered the garage. .

Then, the two of them never came out that night. This brand-new Chevrolet sedan carried the burning flames of the two of them, as well as their desires that could not be eliminated by the most intense actions and methods.

Because Murphy gave the post-production team a vacation, Valentine's Day hid at home with Gal Gadot. The two of them are very fond of this kind of game that can be hidden at home, as long as they are interested, no matter the time and place. A crazy obsession, the house in the Santa Monica Valley has left the imprint of the two crazy in almost every corner.

In fact, Murphy has also been thinking about whether to buy a house recently. The lease term of this house is about to expire. It is impossible to redecorate this house according to my own ideas.

But he has some financial problems now. For example, many of the accounts of "Sin City" have not been paid in place yet, and a lot of money he got before has been invested in the project of "Deadpool", and it will not be used for a few years. It is like real estate in the United States. Will it plummet?

He doesn't remember very clearly, but it should have an impact.

The most important thing is that Gal Gadot lives in the school most of the time, and only comes over on weekends or holidays, and it is not very urgent now.

After Valentine's Day, Murphy and Gal Gadot returned to their respective work and study, especially Murphy, the post-production of "Deadpool" has reached a critical stage, and the film will be released on the second weekend of April. For the film to be released, he must ensure that all the work is completed on schedule, and reserve a certain amount of time for trial screenings for 20th Century Fox.

Although the initial cut has been completed a long time ago, Murphy still watches a lot of footage repeatedly every day. Sometimes, editing a scene that looks poorly acted into a suitable clip may become a stroke of genius. More It's about picking and editing really good performances, like Downey's material.

I have to say that Robert Downey Jr.'s performance is very good, his height is flawed, but it is too easy to solve the actor's height during filming, and his performance in other aspects is simply perfect, there is no material that is Unusable, he gave Murphy a lot of options, so it became "Which one is the right one to put here? Is this more funny, or should this be more sincere?"

However, these materials are not simply arranged and combined. Many times, some clips are very funny when viewed alone, but if they are put into context, they will feel a bit too much.

Murphy knows all too well that Deadpool should be a typical popcorn movie, but at the same time, the character's most intriguing quality is his dementedness and insanity.

So, the cut is really about staying true to the character without taking him away from where the story is going.

After adding a lot of post-production effects, Murphy and Jody Griffith whittled down the two-and-a-half-hour initial cut to around 1 hour and 55 minutes.

That's not enough, the feature length of Murphy's plan is only 1 hour and 35 minutes to 45 minutes.

That required him and Jody Griffith to continue editing.

Murphy cut first the unnecessary shots, then the ineffective, then the redundant.

During the period, he may have to cut some of his favorite shots-with the purpose of "better for better".

By the end of February, the editing was basically completed, and Murphy's work was a little easier, and he was more involved in supervising and reviewing the production and addition of special effects, recording and dubbing, and soundtrack production.

Bill Rossis, who has been busy during the awards season, also returned to Murphy's vision after disappearing for a while, and came to the post-production room of the Fox Building specifically to find him.

"The academy has announced the Oscar nominations, and the public relations work is going underground, so I'm not so busy."

Looking at Murphy, Bill Rossis sighed, "Originally, the company and I wanted to win a Golden Globe or Oscar nomination for you. The current situation is really a pity." (To be continued. )

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