Hollywood Road

Chapter 254 Unbelievable Number

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This is a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, who looks to be in his early forties, with a Mediterranean hairstyle and a square face similar to Seth Rogen, making him look natural and honest, but that A pair of bright light blue eyes projected shrewdness.

Although the two parties only met once, Murphy remembered clearly that this person was an executive of Warner Bros., who seemed to be the person in charge of the TV program production department, and his name should be Bruce Rosenbloom.

Murphy saw Bruce Rosenblum, and Bruce Rosenblum saw him.

And unlike Murphy's plainness and calmness, Bruce Rosenbloom immediately smiled and walked towards Murphy.

"Hi, Director Stanton." Bruce Rosenblum took the initiative to greet, "I didn't expect to see you here."

"Hi, Mr. Rosenbloom." Murphy responded equally politely.

"Call me Bruce." With a completely different attitude from Warner Bros., Bruce Rosenbloom said with a smile, "Can I call you Murphy?"

Murphy nodded, "Of course."

Bruce Rosenblum looked at Murphy and Paul Wilson who was following behind, and suddenly suggested, "Do you have time? Find a place to chat?"

Murphy was a little confused about Bruce Rosenblum's proposal, but there was no urgent matter right now, so he agreed.

Not far from Fox Studios is the central business district of Sydney. Bruce Rosenbloom and Murphy purposely found a quiet coffee shop.

"You came here," Bruce Rosenblum looked at Murphy and asked, "Is it to inspect the shooting location?"

This is Fox Studios, and I know why Murphy, the director, is here.

"It will be filmed in Australia," Murphy smiled. "It's no secret."

Instead, he asked curiously, "I didn't expect to meet you at Fox Studios."

"It's Warner Bros.' most important project right now," Bruce Rosenblum said immediately, "I'm here to oversee a promotional special."

Murphy immediately understood, "And filming in the Fox studio?"

"Yes." Bruce Rosenbloom nodded,

He sighed and said, "Now the Warner Bros. Movie World on the Gold Coast is more like a tourist area, not suitable for shooting."

Australia is an important overseas filming base for Hollywood. Not only 20th Century Fox has a studio here, but Warner Bros. also built it earlier, but the Warner World built on the Gold Coast is like this tourist destination. The same, has become an amusement park for tourists.

The two casually chatted a few words about Fox Studios and Warner Bros. Bruce Rosenblum suddenly asked, "Murphy, you didn't like Warner Bros. last time?"

This project has been planned for many years, and has experienced various twists and turns such as changing screenwriters, directors, and investment. There is a lot of information circulating on the market.

"Not optimistic?" Murphy shook his head, "I don't know the specific content, and the judgment based on the news circulating in the circle cannot be said to be correct."

Bruce Rosenblum stepped forward and sat down a little, "What if I say that most of the news circulating in the circle is accurate?"

"Including the shape and setting of Superman?" Murphy asked.

"Yes." Bruce Rosenbloom nodded.

Murphy stared at Bruce Rosenblum for a while, and gradually had his own calculations in his heart. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "It's not good to say, I just think that it's the 21st century now. Superman still wears underwear outside, such an aesthetic is terrible, the aesthetics of the audience is changing, but the appearance of Superman has not changed."

"Also, Superman is too perfect." He repeated the old saying, "If, as rumored, the new Superman continues to resemble Christopher Reeve's style, the result..."

Murphy shook his head.

After hearing Murphy's words, Bruce Rosenbloom's heart moved, and he asked quickly, "If you were the director, what would you do?"

"I've already said it." Murphy spread his hands, "It's similar to what I said about Batman, pulling Superman down from the altar and exploring his human side more."

Bruce Rosenblum frowned, "But Superman is different from Batman. Bruce Wayne was not born to be Batman, but Superman was born to be Superman."

"That's right, Superman was born to be Superman." Murphy first nodded in agreement, then shook his head and said, "Don't forget, he is still Clark Kent. Superman didn't land on the earth and immediately become Superman, he became Superman has a process."

"A..." Bruce Rosenblum couldn't help asking, "What kind of process?"

Murphy pondered for a while, not really successful, but Zack Snyder did endow Superman with more humanity, and the process of finding himself and surpassing himself was something that no previous Superman movie had, even except for one series, It is also what other superhero movies lack.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it weren't for the trilogy, especially the first one, the reputation and success would be higher, but with that trilogy, it is just Zack Snyder's not particularly successful imitation.

The current situation has changed because of him. If there is no particularly big accident, the new trilogy is very likely not to appear.

These three movies have achieved a new level of word-of-mouth and connotation for superhero movies, and have also allowed DC superheroes to rise again, but from a large strategic level, they have severely limited the development of the DC superhero movie universe.

Batman has reached unprecedented heights for a superhero, but it has dragged down the entire DC series to a certain extent.

Murphy is very clear that if he wants to become a super director, he will never be able to do it by relying on small independent films and literary films in this era. Today's Hollywood and even the global film industry are no longer what they used to be. Without the support of super blockbusters resounding all over the world, how could it be possible to stand at the top of the director industry?

Maybe I can change the DC movie universe?

This idea inevitably appeared in Murphy's mind. Now that he came to this world, he certainly wanted to make something different.

Of course, it's not easy, especially since Warner Bros. and DC Comics don't buy him as a young director.

Then wait, maybe and will change this situation.

Murphy didn't answer Bruce Rosenbloom's question, but shrugged, "I haven't thought about it either."

Bruce Rosenblum took a look at Murphy and felt that he seemed to have some opinions about Superman, but he just didn't want to say it.

The two exchanged some polite words, and Murphy left Sydney's central business district under the pretext that he was still busy with work.

The timing is not right now. With the development of computer special effects, superhero movies give people a new visual experience, but after the flooding in the future, it is inevitable that many viewers will experience visual and aesthetic fatigue. Too much attention is paid to visuals while ignoring the plot, resulting in the story being too monotonous.

Therefore, if you want to make different superhero movies, you must make a breakthrough in the story.

In the past, Warner Bros. remade the early stages and movies over and over again. Marvel pushed forward from hero series to hero series, and finally formed a team to fight monsters, and Warner Bros. woke up.

Until now, Superman and Batman have always been unit dramas, and other DC heroes are even more absent.

On the second day after the meeting with Bruce Rosenblum, Murphy went to the photography area to look around. The set was being set there, and there was not much to see.

He also thought about it, before and, he would not have more connections with Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

But what to do? Without the core characters, the possibility of this series disappearing is extremely high.

Murphy didn't have much time to think about it, and then he and the team members began to inspect suitable locations in Sydney. Under the leadership of Paul Wilson, they almost ran all over the places suitable for shooting in Sydney. After a whole week After comprehensive consideration, seven important locations for location shooting were finally determined.

"Helen, the style of the film is mainly realistic."

Before leaving, Murphy specially called Helena Espora, the art director who stayed here to design and arrange the shooting scenes, and asked a few words, "Don't use the background style of the last film, the setting should be more cold and cold. The dark colors are dominant."

Having worked with Murphy on three films, Helena Espora can understand his ideas and intentions very well, and said, "Don't worry, I will communicate with you by video call every day."

During these days in Sydney, in addition to keeping in touch with Gal Gadot, Murphy also used video and phone calls to learn about the situation of the crew in Los Angeles in preparation. It is impossible for a director to break away from the pre-production of the film.

After completing the preparatory work in Sydney and gathering with Kara Firth who had completed the tax refund procedure, Murphy and his party boarded the plane back to Los Angeles.

Unlike Murphy's complicated work, due to sufficient preparation, Kara Firth quickly completed her work, and then wandered around Sydney.

After boarding the first-class cabin of the plane and meeting Kara Firth again, Murphy asked curiously, "The Australian government is so easy to deal with? Your work is done quickly enough."

"A local agency in Hollywood offered us their services,"

Putting down the magazine in her hand, Kara Firth shrugged, "They are long-term partners of 20th Century Fox and have close ties with government departments."

Murphy nodded, similar intermediary companies seemed to exist in most countries.

"How much is the tax incentive?" He asked casually.

Kara Firth said an incredible number, "8.4 million dollars."

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