Hollywood Road

Chapter 239 Overthrow and start over

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"Are you confident in convincing them?"

Walking down the corridors of the Warner Tower in Burbank, Bill Rosses asked Murphy, "Warner Bros. has always been very cautious with this frozen series. They don't think they can afford another failure." ]))}”

Murphy was carrying the briefcase, but he didn't have much confidence. He smiled and said, "You have to try it?"

"I don't have much contact with the top management of Warner Bros., at best I just know each other." Bill Rossis said again when he was approaching the door of the reception room, "This time it was Brian Lauder who led the line. He and caa and others The higher-ups value you very much."

"Yeah." Murphy nodded, and walked forward first.

Bill Rosses followed up later. To be honest, he very much hoped that Murphy could get this series, because once successful, Murphy would undoubtedly become a second-tier or even first-tier director.

He believed Murphy had the ability.

"Hi, Director Stanton."

Before reaching the reception room, a staff member from Warner Bros. greeted him and shook hands with Murphy and Bill Rossis one after another, "Hello, Mr. Rossis. Mr. Berman and Mr. Harris are already waiting inside. is you."

After finishing speaking, he turned and pushed open the door of the reception room, and walked in with Murphy and Bill Rossis.

As soon as he entered the reception room, Murphy's eyes swept over everyone present one by one.

The reception room is more like a place for negotiations. There is a long conference table in the middle, and five people sit on one side. The two people in the middle seem to be the oldest and most imposing, and they should be leaders.

Before the Warner staff member could speak, Bill Rosses took the lead and made introductions for both parties. As Murphy observed, the two people in the middle were the Berman that the person mentioned just now. Mr. and Mr. Harris.

After Bill Rossis' introduction, Murphy shook hands with the two men, then with the other four, before sitting on the other side of the long table.

His eyes were also focused on the two people in the middle. Bruce Berman is a typical fat man, his hair has basically turned gray, and his eyes are always squinting. He is the latest netbsp of Warner Bros.; the other is Die Go-Harris is the executive president of DC Comics and a heavyweight.

Murphy didn't expect,

I can get in touch with these two people, I can only say that CAA and Brian Lauder are big enough.

Of course, this also illustrates the importance of the "Batman" series to these two companies from another aspect!

That's right, it is the "Batman" series that he wants Warner Bros. and DC Comics to unseal. The strong dark qualities of Master Bruce Wayne are very suitable for the style he is good at.

After hitting a wall at Marvel Comics, Murphy set his sights on this series. He also made a plan some time ago, and through the channel of CAA, he facilitated the direct dialogue with Warner Bros. and DC comics.

"Director Stanton,"

Seeing Murphy sitting down, Bruce Berman suddenly said, "Long time no see."

Murphy was stunned when he said this. He glanced at Bill Rosses. Seeing Bill Rosses shaking his head slightly, he couldn't help but look at him again when he remembered the familiar feeling he had when he saw Bruce Berman.

The familiar name and the familiar face reminded Murphy immediately that he had just walked out of prison and wanted to develop in Hollywood. When he went to the "Matrix" crew for an interview, the producer who rejected him mercilessly, Isn't it the big fat guy on the opposite side?

Murphy put on a polite smile, "Yes, Mr. Berman."

Bruce Berman opened his narrowed eyes, and said with a half-smile, "Director Stanton is young and promising!"

Without waiting for Murphy to say anything else, he turned directly to the topic, "I heard from Brian that you are very interested in the "Batman" series, and you have made a plan and project template?"

If the other party's plan really meets the requirements of the "Batman" series, is similar to Warner Bros.'s philosophy, and is good enough, he doesn't mind tearing off the seal of this series.

"That's true," Murphy opened the briefcase and took out several copies of the documents. The staff member immediately came over to pick them up, and distributed them to everyone on the opposite side one by one. After all this was completed, he said, " Fans have gradually forgotten about Batman and Robin, and I think it's time to reboot the series."

He looked at the few people on the opposite side, and continued, "The "Human" series and the "Batman" series are the works that really brought superhero movies into the mainstream. Now your company is preparing for "The Return of Man", so the brand new "Batman" can respond to each other, showing the advantages of group combat that Marvel comics do not have today."

Everyone else opened the documents Murphy brought, but Bruce Berman didn't even touch them. Instead, he asked, ""Batman" can't stand the next failure, otherwise the consequences will be very serious. I want to know, you How do you plan to continue the series?"

"It's not a continuation!" Murphy shook his head directly, "It's a reversal!"

Everyone else looked this way, as if they were shocked by Murphy's words.

DC Comics CEO Diego Harris frowned, "Do you want to overthrow and start over?"

"Yes, I think that in order to save the "Batman" series, we must overthrow and start over." Murphy said bluntly, "Whether it's Tim Burton's gothic style, or Joe Schumacher's cross-dressing show, neither of which is suitable for the current market, and the latter almost killed Bruce Wayne..."

A few people nodded. They have experienced the fall of the "Batman" series from peak to trough. They still vividly remember the complete failure of "Batman and Robin" at the box office and word of mouth. If the series starts again, it will continue This style is tantamount to a super disaster.

"What do you think?" Bruce Berman looked at Murphy and asked, "What style do you want to give the "Batman" movie? Is it the dark wind you are best at?"

From this aspect alone, the opponent's style is indeed more suitable for the "Batman" series, but...

Bruce Berman shook his head indistinctly.

"In the dark," Murphy said calmly, "increase the realistic style."

Tim Burton was the first director to adapt Batman comics into movies. His style is cold and gothic, with absurdity and exaggeration. After the success of the two films, director Joe Schumacher continued the Batman series, but the style continued to fail, making the Batman series in a weak state. The last part of the series, "Batman and Robin", was extremely bad. The Xia series has dropped to an all-time low.

Not only Murphy knew this, Bruce Berman and Diego Harris also knew it, but when they heard Murphy say the words "realistic style", the two looked at each other, and they both saw negation in it.

What are you kidding, shooting a superhero movie in a realistic style? Probably more disastrous than Joe Schumacher's drag show.

Murphy could see the disapproval of these two people, but he knew that if he wanted to achieve his goal, he had to fight for it by himself. He still said, "My idea is that Batman is no longer a super hero, but that he has a stronger body and fighting skills. Some ordinary people, if you want to get this series out of trouble, you have to pull Bruce Wayne off the altar and make him an ordinary person."

No one expected Murphy to say that, not even Bill Rosses. Everyone looked at Murphy with doubts and disbelief in their eyes.

"I wanted to create a very realistic atmosphere, so that the audience felt that Gotham City was the American metropolis in which they lived,"

Despite seeing this, Murphy continued to elaborate, "This city is thriving on the surface, but it has already begun to rot in the dark. All social classes are breaking up and fighting with each other, and various interest groups are intertwined. Sex is like opium bit by bit. The city is being eroded a little bit, and even the system has become an accomplice of evil..."

Bruce Berman raised his hand to interrupt Murphy, "I'm sorry, Director Stanton, I think the idea of ​​turning Batman into an ordinary person is simply ridiculous!"

Although Bruce Wayne in the comics does not have any abilities, he is the strongest among mortals, and he is so far away from the title of ordinary people.

Diego Harris was not much better, he shook his head, "A realistic superhero movie..."

"I think Batman becomes an ordinary person, which is the most likely place to attract the audience," Murphy did not give up. Weakness, failure, loss of direction, and even mental problems. These emotions that ordinary people have, appearing in him, can resonate with the audience!"

"But what the audience wants to see is a super hero who can save the world," another Warner executive disagreed with Murphy's point of view, "rather than wanting to see a waste like himself..."

Bruce Berman raised his hand to interrupt him, motioning for Murphy to continue.

"Everyone has their own journey, and superheroes are no exception. High-level heroes are separated from the market and the audience, and it is difficult to resonate with the audience. This is why superheroes are more popular today." Murphy Qing He lowered his voice and said, "Bruce Wayne is not born to be a hero, he will also wander and get lost, and after being lost, he also needs to find himself, complete self-knowledge and self-salvation. He must not be a perfect person, if like He is as tall and complete as a person, and has no character flaws..."

Even Murphy himself didn't pay attention, and unknowingly got involved, "It's very difficult for such a superhero movie to succeed..."

The atmosphere in the reception room instantly cooled down. Murphy felt like Rosies stabbed him, and quickly stopped to look at the opposite side. The executives of Warner Bros. and DC Comics looked at this side with sharp eyes.

Only then did he realize that he only cared about increasing the persuasiveness of his words, but accidentally said the wrong thing. (To be continued.)

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