Hollywood Road

Chapter 195 The Road to Transformation

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"Let's put it this way, Murphy."

At the desk, Jessica Alba was sitting at the desk, looking at Murphy very seriously, "Except for nudity scenes, do you think I am suitable for other aspects?"

She could see that in the audition.

Murphy didn't answer directly, but just smiled.

The fact is indeed the case, regardless of whether it is preconceived or not, Jessica Alba has a very big advantage in terms of appearance alone. She looks sweet and pleasing, and has a sexy and hot body.

"I think I am very suitable for Nancy's setting," Jessica Alba once again showed a sweet smile. A few years ago, she might have felt inferior, but now her appearance brings her confidence, "I've taken professional dance lessons, and dancing is a breeze for me, and I'm sure I can attract a lot of people even when I'm dancing with clothes on..."

Years of hard work in Hollywood also taught her the importance of self-confidence. If she doesn't even believe in herself, how can she convince others.

But before she could finish her sentence, Murphy shook her head, "Jessie, I admire you very much. I have never concealed this from the audition to now."

Jessica Alba froze for a moment, then nodded her head lightly, what she felt was indeed correct.

"I remember you were born as a child actor, right?" Murphy suddenly changed the subject.

"Yes." Jessica Alba smiled confidently, "I have been acting in movies since 1993."

These are her advantages.

Murphy tilted his head and looked at her, "May I ask, how old are you this year?"

This is not a very polite question, Jessica Alba hesitated for a moment, but said, "It's almost twenty-two years old."

"Twenty-two years old," Murphy said meaningfully, "Twenty-two years old is already a very dangerous age for a youth idol."

Jessica Alba's eyes are drooping, and the smile on her face is fading.

"Have you thought about it, Jesse?" If there is hope, Murphy still wants to use Jessica Alba, "How long can you go on the youth idol route you have positioned?"

Without waiting for Jessica Alba to answer,

He continued, "I believe you know better than me that youth idols have a shelf life, and the shelf life is often very short. It is difficult for youth idols to persist until they are twenty-five years old."

Murphy was not in a hurry, instead he stopped and asked Jessica Alba to think for himself. He was not talking nonsense. This was a situation that youth idol actors would inevitably face as they grew older.

"I don't know if your agency has reminded you," Murphy added, "Jesse, you should change."

The smile on Jessica Alba's face is getting weaker and weaker. Why is she clinging to the role of Nancy? This film is aimed at adult audiences, not those furry children...

Looking at the actors who have become famous in the youth idol route in recent years, there are very few who can successfully transform. Create a batch of youth idols, throw them away when they expire, and then create a new batch. This is a common phenomenon in Hollywood, unless you are very If they have characteristics or have excellent acting potential, otherwise most agencies will not help young idol actors to formulate a complete transformation plan. Instead of spending a lot of resources on the transformation with a low probability of success, it is better to re-accept a batch of good conditions. The young rookies come out.

Hollywood is never short of good-looking young men and women.

After probing, Murphy could tell from Jessica Alba's reaction that her agent should not have done much planning in this regard.

"Neve Campbell, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Jennifer Love Hewitt, these smash hit Hollywood youth idols, how many people still remember them now?"

If it wasn't for their presence in the tabloids, these people would have been forgotten long ago, "Jessie, their biggest problem is that they didn't make a decisive transformation when it was time to transform, and continued to live on the laurels of youth idols. When the age is really old, there is no chance to think about transformation."

Jessica Alba was a little puzzled, "Is this related to the role of Nancy? This is also a vase role..."

"But vases are also different. Some vases can be performed until they are over forty years old," Murphy reminded, "Some can't be performed after twenty-five years old."

The vase roles of youth idols are mostly limited to those around the age of seventeen or eighteen. If they are not born with baby faces, they are usually over twenty-three or four-year-old, and it is rare to find a suitable role.

"But..." Jessica Alba no longer had the self-confidence she had just now, "I'm old, I can still..."

"Can you still play a mature vase role?" Jessica Alba seemed to be quite clear-headed, knowing that she was not an acting school, Murphy shook her head and said, "You can take a serious look, how many After breaking away from this type of works and roles, a youth idol can still get an influential mature vase role? Want to play a mature vase role, but is stereotyped by the previous role, and has no appeal among adult audiences, if Failing to impress adult audiences, soon to be..."

He shrugged, and said, "Jesse, why do you want the role of Nancy? Even if the contract can't be negotiated, you still don't give up? Don't say it's because of me. I don't have such appeal as a young director."

Jessica Alba's eyes wandered around, but she just didn't look at Murphy, like a little girl whose thoughts were seen through.

"Because the audience of this film must be adult audiences over the age of 17! This allows you to enter non-youth roles that you have never been exposed to before!" Through the words just now, Murphy has gradually grasped Jessica Alba's Psychology, "The character of Nancy seems to be a vase, but it is a vase that is extremely critical to the plot in the comics, and it is easy to leave a deep impression on people."

He leaned forward and looked at Jessica Alba, who had wandering eyes, "Nancy is completely different from your previous role. Although she is a vase, she is out of the category of a youth idol."

Jessica Alba pursed her lips, wanting to deny it, but seeing the burning eyes on the other side, she swallowed her words again.

If it wasn't for the fact that the role of Nancy is completely different from the roles she played before, she has already left the category of a youth idol, and she can still maximize her own advantages, why would she want to chase this role so hard?

She is not desperate!

But the nude scene... Jessica Alba frowned slightly, and the reason why she refused was because the nude scene would hurt the current positioning.

Rejecting nudity scenes and being able to get the role of Nancy is a good way to achieve the best of both worlds. Even if the role of Nancy is unsuccessful, it will not have much negative impact on the current career.

"The earlier the transformation, the better," Murphy said again, "This will give yourself a bigger buffer. Jesse, since you understand your own situation, you should know the first role after leaving the youth idol restriction. It is very important, the way and image of the play must have earth-shaking changes, and it must also leave an extremely profound impact on people, especially audiences over the age of 17. If you win their reputation, you will win the future."

He added another sentence at the end, "Only by taking off the cloak of a youth idol can you succeed in transformation."

The former Jessica Alba, after her amazing performance in "Sin City", returned to the old way, and her acting career went from bad to worse...

Murphy will definitely enter the mainstream commercial film circle in the future, and he also needs a super popular vase. Jessica Alba is a good type.

Of course, the premise is that she is no longer a pure youth idol, and a pure youth idol is not suitable for his future film style.

Deliberately looking at his watch, Murphy reminded, "It's getting late. Jesse, I still have work to do, so let's stop here today."

"I..." Jessica Alba stood up, "May I think about it again?"

Murphy nodded, "I hope you can give me an answer as soon as possible, preferably within the weekend."

He has said what should be said, if Jessica Alba still insists, he has no choice but to choose Sofia Vergara.

After Jessica Alba left, Murphy continued to improve his shooting plan, and the preparation work would not be slowed down by the choice of an actress, everything was proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the afternoon, Quentin Tarantino came to visit again and came to settle accounts with Murphy by the way.

"You said you were going to guest-direct one of my films for a day, what happened?" Quentin stood in the middle of the office in a rascally manner, and asked Murphy loudly, "I'll call you, and you say you're busy, fine! We'll wait You, I ended up filming and you didn't even show up!"

Maybe it's because the movies I like are somewhat similar, and we can find a common language in filming and production. From the first meeting, the two have been more speculative, and they talked straightforwardly without so many scruples.

"I forgot!" Murphy hurriedly fetched a glass of water for the ruffian director, walked over and gave it to him, "Really, I really forgot."

The ruffian director raised his eyebrows again and wanted to say something, but Murphy quickly changed the subject, "I heard that after the filming of "Kill Bill" is completed, you will keep the samurai swords customized for the Eighty-eight and Ishii Yulian for private collection." gone?"

"What do you want to do?" Quentin immediately became vigilant.

"Borrow a few and use them."

Those prop knives were ordered by Quentin from Japan at a cost of more than 60,000 US dollars. Murphy didn't want to make such trouble, "Did you forget? In the comics, Meihui's weapon is also a samurai sword."

"Okay." Quentin heard that it was a serious business, but he was still very calm, "I'll send you some sometime someday."

After passing Meihui's audition, that Miss Ziyi-Zhang has come to the crew to report, and is following the action director team for some necessary training.

The preparatory work of the film is like this, how to make it easier to shoot, in addition to these, Murphy also frequently goes to Venice, and frequently meets and communicates with the heads of the three studios that signed special effects production contracts with the crew, and at the same time inspects them. The early special effects model.

As soon as the weekend arrived, the crew received a call from Jessica Alba's agent. She agreed to take the role of Nancy, but there are still restrictions on the nudity shots. There can be **** shots of the upper body and the back, But there can be no positive ****. (To be continued.)

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