Hollywood New Century

Chapter 140 Exciting October

In a suite in a five-star hotel in Berlin, Simon Parker hugs the petite Jessica Alba.

With a chocolate-like glow of wheat-colored skin and a rosy face after passion, Jessica Alba nestled in Simon's arms like a bird.

"By the way, the specific report of my honest company has been prepared, and it was made by the management staff who specially consulted. When will I show it to you?" Jessica Alba said.

Rubbing Jessica Alba's smooth back, Simon nodded, it was a trivial matter anyway.

And Jessica Alba has been voted the world's sexiest actress by the magazine for the past two years!

"You still have a time management company? You have 5 movies released this year," Simon said and smiled, Jessica Alba is definitely a qualified vase, acting or something, that should not be considered.

"I won't be so busy in the future," Jessica Alba also knows her position, but a simple vase is not enough. She is only responsible for sexy and beautiful in the movie. The most important role at present is the "Wonder Woman" series. Invisible girl.

"I heard that you insisted that you can't be naked in "Sin City", this principle is not bad," Simon was a little relieved, after all, in the movie "Sin City", female actors basically have nude scenes.

"I can show off sexy, but I won't take off my clothes. It's always been my insistence," Jessica Alba said seriously.

Immediately, Jessica Alba said helplessly: "There should be no third film in the "Fantastic Four" series. Twentieth Century Fox is not satisfied with the word-of-mouth and box office of the second film now released!"

"Uh!" Simon really can't say anything, after all, "Fantastic Four 2" is indeed a bad party.

"A few of your actors' trilogy contracts have been cancelled?" Simon remembered that when the first film was released, Constantine Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox announced that they would make the "Fantastic Four" into a trilogy. of.

"Well, it's canceled!" Jessica Alba can take a break after finishing her "Fantastic Four 2" promotion.

"By the way, did you take part in a horror movie "Ghost" released by Lionsgate this year?" Simon asked suddenly.

Jessica Alba nodded and explained: "It seems to be a flopped Chinese movie, co-produced by Paramount Advantage and Cruise-Wagner Pictures!"

"Tom Cruise's film production company?" Simon thought for a while, and with the participation of Paramount, it seems that the relationship between Tom Cruise and Paramount has indeed begun to ease.

After all, Tom Cruise also made a cameo appearance in Paramount's DreamWorks movie "Tropic Thunder," isn't it!

"Ms. Paula Wagner is now the CEO of United Artists, but this film was produced by Cruise Wagner Pictures and Paramount Advantage, distributed by Lionsgate, and has nothing to do with United Artists. ' Jessica Alba continued to explain.

"Uh, I know," Simon shook his head helplessly, of course it was clear.

I just mentioned this remake of the American version of Hell when I was chatting with the executives of Lionsgate, because it was flopped from the horror movie Hell of the Chinese directors Peng Shun and Peng Fa Brothers, Simon was a little impressed. .

"By the way, I'll find you when I get back to Los Angeles," Simon said, and he kissed Jessica Alba's lips, only to hear the girl's "um" voice.

Simon Parker spent three more days in Germany because of sexy Jessica Alba.

Afterwards, Simon put down Xinghai Entertainment and returned to New York, waiting for the angel to come to the United States.

At the end of September, housing prices in the U.S. fell sharply, and the subprime mortgage crisis began.

The government's various policies on subprime mortgage bonds have indeed moderated the falling share price of the two houses, from the previous $55 per share to more than $60 per share.

From the end of September to October, the shares of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, which were shorted by the Nine-headed Bird Fund, always went up and down, jumping from $55 to $70 a share.

"Simon, my heart is under a lot of pressure every day now," Nancy Davis complained to Simon with a tense expression on the sofa.

"Heh, look at how much housing prices in Las Vegas and some parts of Florida have fallen, not to mention blue-collar residential areas, new development areas, and even the wealthy areas have dropped a lot, all because of the industry. One single reason," Simon leaned back in his chair, looking flat.

"Hehe, the White House's policy is mainly three points: from the perspective of supply, it strictly controls the construction permit of houses; from the perspective of demand, it tightens mortgages and introduces more and more strict loan conditions; from the evaluation of housing prices, Provisions for the use of a third party, a bank or any interested party, cannot appoint and influence a home appraiser.”

Simon Pike laughed, looked at Nancy Davis, and told the present facts with a "would you believe this would work?" look.

"Simon, yesterday Fannie Mae's stock price exceeded $70 for a period of time, and the highest was $71.25." Why is Nancy Davis always tense, because the bet is too big this time, if the stock price goes up At $77 a share, the Nine-headed Bird Fund will be forced to liquidate and lose all!

"This, I'm also nervous. At that time, I really didn't expect the stock price of Liangfang to rise to $70." Simon is not lying, this is his own $1 billion. Fannie Mae was at $70 a share.

At that time, Simon thought it was a very high price!

"I hope the stock price will drop soon," said Nancy Davis, although an American, if the financial crisis described by Simon broke out, the Nine-Headed Bird Foundation would become a shining star fund on Wall Street.

At that time, Phoenix Fund, a private equity fund, will definitely attract a large amount of money, and it will manage a powerful private equity fund. Coupled with the personal asset management company Nine Head Bird Fund, which is backed by Simon Parker, the future is bright. .

Of course, the premise is that the subprime mortgage crisis broke out in full, and the real estate bubble in the United States was directly punctured in a period of time...

When Nancy Davis was reverie, Simon Pike looked at the high-rise buildings out of the window, and seemed to see many investors and financiers who jumped off the buildings to become trapeze in the future.

"Finally, on the eve of the storm, my dream has gone one step further," Simon meditated in his heart. As for the trivial matter of how many people will die in the United States, of course, he chose not to remember.

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