Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 610 Sniper Plan (2)

Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address: m.xinwanben.com

After Simon nodded slightly, Girl A continued: "There is also a report on campaign funding. It is estimated that this year's campaign funding for each senator will reach $4 million, and the average campaign funding for House of Representatives is about 500,000 to 600,000. The dollar has doubled since 1992, which is good for us."

Simon has also carefully sorted out the information about the 1994 midterm elections in his mind these days.

In the 1994 midterm elections in memory, the Democratic Party's unparalleled defeat in decades is one of them, and the most important point is that it highlights the role of money in political campaigns.

Among them, two California senatorial candidates, veteran Democratic politician Diana Feinstein and energy tycoon Michael Huffington, have invested a total of 41 million US dollars in campaign funds in order to compete for a Senate seat, which is equivalent to the average of each Ten times the $4 million or so in campaign funds for a Senate candidate. That $4 million alone is more than double the average campaign funding of less than $2 million in the 1992 Senate election.

In 1994, the average amount of campaign funds per representative was $600,000, which also doubled.

It was from 1994 that American political elections re-entered the era of money being king. In order to obtain more campaign funds, lawmakers from both parties have begun to push for the relaxation of restrictions on political campaign fundraising.

This phenomenon is most beneficial to Simon, and the most he lacks now is money.

Seeing that Simon did not respond, the girl continued: "Another thing, 3 of the 7 Democratic candidates on our sniper list are also targets of the NRA, 16 Republican candidates, 1 in the rifle The association is targeting a similar 3 of their Democratic opponents. To put it simply, we have 4 targets in common with the Rifle Association and 3 targets with each other. The Rifle Association did this mainly because those people last year Vote for the Brady Act."

The Brady Act is a gun control law that sets a waiting period to enforce criminal background checks on gun buyers.

There have been bipartisan attempts to push for a similar bill in the U.S. for decades before it finally passed last year.

The passage of the Brady Act and another assault weapons ban introduced in the second half of this year in Simon's memory thoroughly angered the NRA. The Democratic Party's fiasco in the 1994 midterm elections was also inseparable from the operation of the RBA.

After 1994, the political influence of the National Rifle Association reached its peak, and both the White House and Congress avoided it, resulting in no politicians daring to slap the gun accusation decree for many years. Not only that, the assault weapons ban expired ten years later. Even if public opinion aggressively called for an indefinite extension of the ban, both parties in the United States chose to ignore it, leading to the re-entry of a variety of powerful assault weapons into the market, and the frequency of shootings in the United States. Immediately increased significantly.

Simon's "sniper plan" is actually imitating the operation of the National Rifle Association.

Although the National Rifle Association has a profound accumulation of over a hundred years, its economic strength is far inferior to the current Westeros system.

So, with this 'sniper program', Simon hopes to achieve a similar deterrent effect to the NRA after the 1994 midterm elections.

Thinking of these, Simon immediately remembered another thing.

The parliamentarians already supported by the Westeros system may also be targeted by the National Rifle Association this year. In any case, the 'basic plate' of this part of the Westeros system is even more important than the current 'sniper plan' , so it must be ensured.

Simon raised his head and was about to say something to Girl A, and after thinking about it, he said, "Help me pick up Joseph."

As soon as Larry Ellison left, it was already off-duty time on the West Coast, and it was eight o'clock in the evening on the East Coast, but Simon couldn't care too much.

Girl a felt Simon's tone, nodded and turned to walk out.

A few minutes later, Joseph Schlapp received a call from Simon's office landline, greeted him, and learned that the other party was at a reception at the house of a senator in Washington. The other party was a member of the Senator's Judiciary Committee. One of the core members of the Luo system's political 'basic plate'.

After a few simple chats, Simon and Schlapp talked about what they had just thought of.

Joseph Schlapp was actually aware of this problem. He originally wanted to communicate with Simon in the last few days. Since Simon started talking about it at this time, the two discussed the countermeasures on the phone.

For a bill to pass, a majority of the MPs must vote.

The NRA is unlikely to target all members of Congress who voted for the Brady Act and other gun control laws, but instead selects models like the Westeros system, which leaves a lot of room for maneuver.

Therefore, Schlapp said that it is not difficult to extract most of the "basic plates" of the Westeros system from the NRA's target list. Of course, some games and exchanges are definitely inevitable in this process. Even if they can't be picked out in the end, both sides have shown their magic in the election.

Since Schlapp was still entertaining, Simon didn't chat much with the other party. It was agreed that Schlapp would fly to the West Coast on Sunday to discuss various recent matters. Simon greeted a certain senator by the way, and the two sides hung up the phone.

Simon continued to browse through the stack of documents in front of him, wrote down some matters and forwarded them to Alison outside by email. He didn't get off work until six o'clock.

Return to Dumay Point Manor,

As soon as she entered the Shell Villa, Janet greeted her with a baby in her arms, claiming that another child in the family would be called mother.

Veronica, who just returned from the east coast today, led Melbourne and Jennifer, who was holding little Nick, with surprise and surprise in her expressions.

Simon was still a little puzzled. Janet had raised a little girl with a pair of special eyes in front of Simon and urged, "Sill, call me mom."

Seattle sat facing Simon in Janet's arms, blinked her beautiful blue eyes, seemed to hesitate a little, but opened her mouth and called out a word to Simon in a very soft voice: "mom."

Simon: "..."

Janet obviously didn't feel anything wrong, and she was more excited than a little guy's mother: "Look, I already knew that Syl was a genius, more powerful than those little vases that Simon kept."

Veronica next to him saw Simon's depressed appearance, and the corner of his mouth was already smiling.

The female assistant handed Nick over to the girl next to her, smiled and took the child from Janet, and said to Simon, "Sill usually doesn't cry much, and is always very quiet. I've always been worried that she will speak. It was very late, I tried it casually in the afternoon, and the baby called out." He looked at his daughter in his arms, pointed at Simon and said, "Sill, this is Dad, call Dad."

For children who are just learning to speak, the word 'daddy' is actually a bit more difficult to say than 'mom'.

However, the female assistant only taught it once. The little girl looked at Simon for a moment, and then called out softly. The pronunciation was obviously not standard enough, but several adults present could clearly distinguish that it was 'daddy'.

Janet also took over her second son from Lady D at this time, and did the same: "Baby, call me Mom... Well, you can call Dad, hurry up, you can't eat at night unless you tell me... You really won't be allowed to eat. Hey."

It's a pity that a certain little guy just stared at Janet blankly, probably feeling the vicious threat of Janet, and soon burst into tears.

Melbourne, who was always obediently holding her little hand and stood beside Veronica, saw this, her little body couldn't help but hide to the side, obviously worried that her mother wouldn't let him eat.

Simon took off his coat and handed it to Alia, took Nick from the disappointed Janet's arms, and led the family to the glass curtain wall of the Shell Villa, while teaching Janet: "Nick is still young, don't toss. He is."

Janet said dissatisfied: "Searle is also very small."

The two little guys were born only three days apart, one on November 3rd and the other on November 6th, and have not been five months old until now.

Seattle is special.

Everyone discovered this shortly after the little girl was born. The little child, who should be innocent and ignorant, always likes to look at everything around him with a pair of beautiful eyes full of curiosity, and most of the time he is very quiet on weekdays. The female assistant suspected whether the child had hearing problems, so she did a special examination.

The little guy is healthy.

The pediatrician in charge of examining the child decided at the time that Seattle would be very smart in the future.

It's just that I didn't expect that the child would call Mom and Dad when it was only four months old.

As a father of three children, and with a lot of life experience, Simon is very clear that most children, even smart ones, need about eight months to be able to make simple pronunciation, usually after the age of one, they start to formally learn to speak .

Judging from the reaction of her daughter just now, the little girl can not only call out her parents, but even know the meaning, or she would not hesitate before being instigated by Janet to call Simon 'mom', which is even more rare. After all, even if most children learn some simple languages ​​before the age of one, they are more of a conditioned reflex after a long time of parental guidance, tending to instinct rather than self-consciousness.

Everyone came to sit down on the sofa by the curtain wall, and the family enjoyed parent-child time against the backdrop of the burning clouds covering the horizon and the sea.

Repeatedly teaching little Nick how to speak to no avail, Janet discussed with the female assistant about changing children again, and she doubted that Seattle was her own daughter. , how the female assistant gave birth to a smart daughter.

Simon actually thinks so.

Both sons are healthy, so, according to some theories, they should be very smart indeed. In fact, Melbourne is also very smart. The little guy is less than two and a half years old now. He has learned a lot of words under the patient teaching of the female assistant, and he speaks very fluently. On weekdays, he looks at his moody mother. absolutely.

It's a pity that compared with his sister, it suddenly paled.

Regarding Janet's argument, the female assistant smiled and retorted that she was also very smart, and her genes were more in line with the child's father, which gave birth to a little genius.

Hey, this is just provocative.

The big girl in the room rebelled, how dare she be so outrageous.

So the two women, who were both mothers, slapped together with a smile, and they were separated until Simon personally 'persuaded the fight'. As a mediator, she was threatened by the female assistant to sign an unequal contract, saying that she would no longer go to San Francisco for business this weekend, and would stay at home with the children.

The lights are on.

Lady D came over to remind that dinner was ready, and the family got up and went to the restaurant.

After dinner, the female assistant did not go to the villa next to her as usual. Since something happened last week, everyone lived in the Shell Villa, and Veronica also did not go to her apartment in the east.

Three Children by Veronica

Accompanying them, the three of Simon snuggled together on the sofa in a living room watching TV, occasionally chatting about some topics.

At ten o'clock, after seeing the children, the three went up to the third master bedroom to rest together.

Janet doesn't care much about the three of them together, and always likes to take advantage of female assistants. On the contrary, Jennifer didn't get used to it at first, but she quickly became accustomed to it. Recently, she has also developed a habit similar to Janet's, like sleeping He hugged the man beside him tightly.

As if Simon would suddenly disappear.

The assassination that did not pose any threat to the Westeros family a few days ago was not an incident after all.

I originally planned to go to San Francisco this weekend. Since I agreed to the female assistant yesterday, I didn’t make the trip. I just discussed various matters with the executives in Silicon Valley through video conference.

The main one is the cooperation negotiations between Igret and the Salzberg family behind the New York Times Group.

The reconciliation intention was conveyed through Joseph Schlapp last month. Simon had a meeting with Arthur Salzberg Jr., the current head of the Salzberg family. The two sides were quite happy, but Simon did not promise immediately. What, just let the executives of the New York Times Group and the Igrit company team negotiate their own cooperation.

It was going well at first. Since the London girl incident broke out at the beginning of the month, coupled with another turmoil caused by Simon's personal net worth breaking through 200 billion US dollars, probably because he felt that his importance was increasing, the New York Times Group negotiating team took it up again.

Simon's response to Bezos was something he never wanted, or even harsher.

Since the acquisition of the Boston Globe Company last year, the New York Times Group now has 32 newspapers, 39 magazines, 5 local TV stations, two radio stations and other affiliated companies across North America, and even the two most important Hollywood One of the media, "The Hollywood Reporter", and the New York Times Group now hold 33% of the shares.

If it is still in the pre-Internet era, such a super media empire like the Hearst Group is enough to incite a war. No one dares to provoke it, and Simon will definitely try to make good friends with it.

It is different now.

Although Igreit has never claimed to be a media company, anyone with a discerning eye can understand that the public influence of this Internet platform is no less than that of traditional old media.

Even if the users of all 32 newspapers of the New York Times Group are combined, the scale cannot be compared with the Igret portal, which has almost monopolized the traffic of 85 million Internet users in North America. That's right, it's just the first quarter that is about to pass. Compared with the 75 million at the end of 1993, the total number of Internet users in the United States has increased by 10 million again, and it is expected to reach 100 million in 1994.

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