Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 518 Several projects

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Roland Emmerich's "Stargate", another translation, also called "Stargate".

On the original timeline, "Space Shock" released in 1994 not only achieved a very good box office, but also, like Paramount's "Star Trek", took the "Stargate" in the film as the main idea, forming a The enduring sci-fi film and television series has produced more than ten seasons of related TV series and a large number of sequel films.

Simon has seen the original "Space Raiders" and some "Stargate" TV series. According to his personal standards, the plot of "Space Raiders" is not very good. The key is to apply the wormhole concept to the movie. It seems that Very novel.

As a sci-fi action movie, the original action scenes are also very rough, which is terrible compared to the action blockbusters in Hollywood's later mature period.

Simon made Michael Bay the director this time, also to make up for some of the original's flaws.

Michael Bay's "boom-boom-boom-papapa--" is actually very pleasing by the standards of popcorn movies. The subsequent complete collapse of the "Transformers" series is mainly due to the plot, and in the final analysis, it is probably due to Michael Bay's own tiredness of repeatedly directing a series, and Paramount's lack of courage to change directors is also one of the reasons.

"As for the character creation, Lieutenant Colonel O'Neal is a tough guy with a resolute and determined soldier. There is no problem with that. Dr. Jackson's setting is a little vague." In the office, Simon recalled James Spader's unremarkable performance in his memory. As well as the thin portrayal of Dr. Jackson in the script, he said: "As a leading actor who is more important than Lieutenant Colonel O'Neal's role, I hope his character can be more distinct. For this, you can refer to "Jurassic Park" in A performance by Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum."

Although it is a standard commercial film, in "Jurassic Park", Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum have successfully portrayed two completely different personalities of scholars. One is gentle and rigorous, the other is witty and uninhibited.

By comparison, James Spader in "Space Shock" is not so much a Ph.D. in archaeology and linguistics as a down-to-earth middle school teacher who actually gives a sense of "Sex, Lies and Videotape". The feeling of a down-and-out youth.

After all, James Spader is still more suitable for acting in literary films.

Roland Emmerich had apparently considered this issue as well, and said, "So, Simon, what do you think about having Jeff as Dr. Jackson?"

Simon immediately understood what Emmerich meant, with a strange expression, and said, "Are you going to copy Dr. Malcolm?"

Roland Emmerich nodded, but shook his head again, and said, "Of course there will be some changes."

If Jeff Goldblum is used in this "Space Shock", then the next "Lonely Day" may be a little troublesome.

Levinson in "Solitary Day" is the one who copied Malcolm in "Jurassic Park" to a large extent.

Shaking his head, Simon denied Emmerich's idea, saying: "In this case, the emotional line of the script needs to be adjusted a lot. Jeff is too old. Also, copy a 'Dr. Malcolm', It's too good to do this. "Jurassic Park" is still in theaters, and even next year, the audience should be more sensitive to this. I think that Jackson should be able to become a Ph.D. at a very young age with a bit of academic focus The nerdy character of her, a little simple and dull, but erudite enough."

Michael Bay, who listened attentively as an apprentice most of the time, said at this time: "Simon, two male protagonists, one is serious and the other is rigid, the movie will definitely look dull. According to the traditional brother movie model, the two protagonists The character should need to show a clear contrast."

Simon heard the words, nodded and said: "This is indeed a problem, then adjust the character of Lieutenant Colonel O'Neal to make him more witty."

Having said that, noticing that both of them had a thoughtful expression, Simon looked at the time and said, "Forget it, you guys should discuss this matter in private, come up with a revised opinion, and then we will make an appointment. ."

The two agreed, and everyone discussed some details and settings, and Roland Emmerich and Michael Bay got up and left.

After sending the two away, Simon also rushed to another conference room in the office building.

There are already many people waiting for him here, including Robert Rehm, who is now the president of Paramount Pictures after several turns.

Others, mainly the creators of the "Mission: Impossible" series.

In addition to the long-established "Mission Impossible" series actor Nicolas Cage, the project has begun casting roles since the second half of last year.

The original version of "Mission Impossible", at least the first few films, was completely centered on Tom Cruise. Although the film had a good team prototype at the beginning, with Tom Cruise's strong character, he did not. Anyone is allowed to compete for their own light in a movie, and at the same time, for the consideration of remuneration and other aspects, stars similar to Cruise's coffee are not allowed to appear.

It was not until later that the attractiveness of the soup to the audience was not so strong, and the "Mission Impossible" series paid more attention to other team members, and successively introduced 'Hawkeye' Jeremy Renner and 'Superman' Henry Cavill, To enhance the film's box office appeal.

This time, frankly, Nicolas Cage's box-office appeal relative to Tom Hanks

There is a big lack, so Simon intends to adopt a relatively easy team model from the beginning.

Of course, team members won't be completely fixed for the sake of sequel pay, but computer whiz Luther, played by Ving Rhames, and hilarious supporting buffoons like Simon Pegg's Benjamin, will Fixed from the beginning.

Taking into account the novelty factor, the heroine needs to be replaced.

This also gives the project a lot of wiggle room.

In the original version, because of Tom Cruise's various principles, the heroine is basically not a first-line, and must not suppress the brilliance of the male protagonist, and the stature should not be too tall. Of course, Cage does not need these "taboos".

Therefore, Daenerys Entertainment intends to use first-line actresses this time, compared to Emmanuel Bea, who has a very low reputation in North America in the original first film.

As of now, apart from Nicolas Cage, the director has made a decision, because the original Brian De Palma is going to shoot "Dawn of the Owl", and Simon also feels that the other party is not suitable.

After several searches, Australian director Philip Noyce, who had just directed "Midnight Bell", successfully obtained the guide tube. The Australian director had directed Harrison Ford's "Patriot Game" and "Burning" on the original timeline. Eyebrows and Angelina Jolie's Agent Short.

The box-office hit "Midnight Bell" also proved that the director, who has made personal films since he was a child, is a generalist similar to George Miller's films, and it is enough to support this project.

The roles of master hacker Luthor and colleague Benjamin have also been determined.

Luther is still played by the original Ving Rhames. Simon and Rhames have worked together in Pulp Fiction. Simon is well aware of the black actor's excellent acting skills.

Simon Pegg is still a nobody, so the role of Benjamin can only be replaced, and finally Dana Carvey, who is partnered with Mike Myers in "Rights and Wisdom", is chosen, although the actor's comedy talent is not as good as Mike Myers, but it seems just right in a commercial production like "Mission Impossible".

Franz, played by Jean Reno in the original version, was basically cut off this time.

As a European movie star, Jean Reno will not always play a supporting role in a Hollywood movie project. The original version uses two European coffees, Jean Reno and Emmanuelle Bea. In addition to being cheap, there should also be European considerations. for the sake of the market.

Simon wasn't worried about that.

Hollywood movies already have a strong enough output attribute, and there is no need to deliberately use local actors to gain market favor. Even, sometimes forcing it to say it makes the film seem nondescript.

The heroine is still in the final discussion stage.

Both Paramount and the creative team are more inclined towards Famke Janssen, the "Wonder Woman", as the heroine of the first film.

Famke Janssen's performance in the first "Wonder Woman" in the summer of last year really left a deep impression on the audience, and also confirmed the image of his first-line actress and action star for the first time.

Simon hesitated.

On the original timeline, 'Hawkeye' and 'Da Chao' joined "Mission Impossible" one after another. On the one hand, it was because Hawkeye was not the core of the Marvel Cinematic Universe series. On the other hand, the ups and downs of the DC Movie Universe The twists and turns made it impossible for Warners to limit Henry Cavill's choice of other action movies.

The current dc movie universe is different.

For Daenerys Entertainment, the DC Cinematic Universe has to be a priority. Simon will never let dc movie universe actors play roles similar to their own superheroes in other films, thus consuming the popularity of dc movie universe.

In recent years, a woman in the DC Cinematic Universe, 'Catwoman' Valerie Golino, has developed very well outside of the superhero series, but corresponding roles, such as Xiaojiabiyu in last year's "Peachy Deal", are very similar to "Catwoman" The sexy and hot Catwoman setting in the Batman series is completely two concepts.

This time in "Mission Impossible", Simon hopes that the heroine has enough character, not just a vase. Simon doesn't even worry that she will suppress the edge of the hero Nicolas Cage. It's easier for the hero and heroine to sparkle. Get the audience excited.

If Famke Janssen, the actress who just made her name with "Wonder Woman", will play a 'beater' in an action movie, the role will inevitably be directed towards Diana Pullen Sis moved closer, which Simon definitely didn't want to see.

In the conference room, everyone discussed the preparations for "Mission Impossible" for more than half an hour, and finally it was inevitable to talk about the heroine.

Simon didn't hesitate anymore. He didn't want this matter to be too vague and directly denied: "Forget Famke, you should discuss other people. Well, don't even think about Valerie, and I don't want to appear in the film. The second Catwoman. In addition, you can contact other first-line actresses at will, of course, I want to remind everyone that you only have one month."

According to the plan, "Mission Impossible" is expected to start in late February. If there is no accident, the shooting and post-production will take six to seven months in total. It will be completed in late September at the latest, and the schedule will be directly locked at the end of the year.

If you can't find a heroine when filming starts next month, you can only look for it while filming. This kind of thing is very common in Hollywood, and the first heroine's role is not too much.

For action movies, of course, it is more suitable for action movie actresses to participate. Not only the character image, but also the shooting experience. Actresses who have participated in action movies are definitely more suitable than actresses who have not participated in similar movies.

Simon directly passed the team's favorite Famke Janssen and Valerie

Golino, everyone is a little depressed, but the work has to go on.

Robert Rem said: "So, Simon, do you think Miss Nicole Kidman is okay?"

Simon shook his head with a smile: "Nicole has no schedule."

"Batman: The Dark Knight", which will be released in the summer of next year, will also start filming in the first half of this year.

Nicole Kidman is a confirmed poison ivy actress. With the temperament of a girl, it is indeed more suitable for "Mission Impossible".

Rem didn't give up immediately, saying: "I know, but it should be fine to adjust it."

Simon once again dismissed Rem's thoughts: "I hope Nicole can concentrate on the creation of Poison Ivy."

All right.

Everyone looked at each other.

In recent years, Hollywood blockbusters have just risen, and there are not many actresses suitable for action movies.

Simon passed all the actors who were more optimistic about the team, but could not find a more suitable candidate for a while.

Skip this topic for now and let's start talking about other things.

So consistent and busy at noon, lunch is still a working lunch, with female assistants as usual, as well as Amy Pascal and the head of New World Pictures Danny Morris.

In the restaurant, I briefly discussed with Amy the progress of Daenerys Entertainment's 1992 corporate financial audit, and Simon turned to Danny Morris to ask about the projects that New World Pictures has recently paid attention to.

There are mainly three scripts.

A sleazy comedy called "The Detective Airplane Head".

On the original timeline, "The Detective Plane" was released earlier than "Dumb and Dumber", and it was Jim Carrey's famous work.

The other two scripts, one is called "The Haunting of the Mortuary", and the other is called "The Conjuring".

Just listening to the name, it is known that these are two horror movies.

In the original timeline, "The Haunting of the Mortuary" and "The Conjuring" were both filmed after the new millennium. However, both stories were changed based on real events in the United States, such as "The Conjuring", which was originally put into production in 2013. Previously, the project had been in preparation for 20 years. "The Haunting of the Mortuary" is also a real story that entered the news of American newspapers more than ten years ago.

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