Remember in one second [End of the God Station] Mobile phone user input address:

Santa Monica Airport.

Amy, who returned from a visit to the cast of San Francisco's "Angel God Sent", took her assistant Vanessa off the company's Falcon business jet. The driver was already waiting beside the runway.

The two women got into the car, and the driver started the car and drove towards Burbank, where there was a meeting waiting for Amy.

Sitting in the back of the car, Amy was about to flip through some documents while she was on the road, when she heard a small sound from the car radio in the front row, and looked up. The driver noticed Amy's movements and reached out to turn off the radio, but Amy stopped him and motioned him to turn up the volume.

"Michael, do you mean that Dead Poets Society only won the Best Director award, and it's a complete black box operation?"

"Yeah, it's so unfair to Rain Man director Barry Levinson, who made a great movie and didn't get the credit he deserves. And I haven't heard of any It's a joke that the movie only won one best director award."

"Okay, Michael, please don't get excited, have you seen Mike Nicholson's The Graduate?"

"Of course, I love the movie."

"I have to regret to tell you that The Graduate also won only one best director award that year."

"Oh, really?"


"But, at least, Simon Westero's award for best score is full of problems. He may be a good scorer, but compared to John Williams and others, he is completely unqualified for the best score. A great soundtrack to the statuettes, this is simply a PR effort by Daenerys Entertainment."

"Well, thanks for the call, Michael. This is the Voice of Los Angeles, I'm your good friend John McLauren, and today's topic is 'what's going on with the Oscars?' Let's take the next call from the audience. "

"Hi Matthew, good afternoon."

"Hello, ma'am, what's your name?"

"Andy," the female voice on the other side of the phone said without waiting for the host to continue asking, "First of all, I would like to say, Matthew, that guy just now is a complete idiot full of prejudices."

"Please don't attack other people, Andy, but you can have your say."

"Everyone can see that Daenerys Entertainment is the one who has been unfairly treated this Oscar. This studio produced so many excellent films last year, "When Harry Met Sally", "" Pulp Fiction, Rain Man, Dead Poets Society, Steel Magnolia, oh, I love Steel Magnolia so much, I watched it five times and my mother cried too. And "When Harry Met Sally", Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan are a perfect match. However, this time Oscar only gave Daenerys Entertainment 11 nominations, more than Warners' 19 nominations are almost half off, but those Warners films really give me no interest."

"Warner, um, Sigourney Weaver's 'Mistlock' is still pretty good."

"Haha, look, Matthew, you have to reminisce when you talk about this, but you'll definitely be able to list Daenerys Entertainment's big list without having to react."

"Maybe, but it's mostly because of the theme of this show. I'm going to be neutral, Andy, you can go on. To what Michael just said about Barry Levinson and the best score for Westeros ,what is your opinion?"

"I'm still saying that, he's an idiot," Andy ignored Matthew's just 'civilize you, me and him' reminder, insisted on making such a comment, and continued: "Anyone who has followed the "Rain Man" gossip knows that , Barry Levinson quit the project in the later stages of the film, not only that, he also publicly accused Daenerys Entertainment of interfering in the later stages of "Rain Man" in an interview, and stated that the project has nothing to do with him, Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise were also openly siding with Levinson at the time and at the same time breaking the line with Rain Man. Now that the movie is a success, they're starting to take credit for it, disgusting, Dustin Hoffman's speech at the Oscars was like a clown, he slapped himself in the face. The "Rain Man" we saw on the big screen had nothing to do with Levinson and them, it was Simon Westeros He also wrote the soundtrack himself in the late lead, which would not have been possible without Westeros, and he certainly deserves the award for best soundtrack and more."


Amy listened to the radio talk show all the way.

Calls from various audience members on the show basically covered the media's controversy and discussion about the 61st Academy Awards during this period.

Today is April 7th, Friday.

In the past week or so, the media public opinion has not cooled down at all because the dust of the Oscars ceremony has settled, and the dark battle of public opinion between Daenerys Entertainment and caa continues. However, the performance of the two listeners on the radio show just now was enough to prove that Daenerys Entertainment has a clear advantage in this confrontation of public opinion.

Although Dustin Hoffman's 'emotional' acceptance speech in front of the 43 million viewers live at the Oscars moved many people, the "Rain Man" main creator's statement to draw a line with the project in the later stages of the film was not enough. So annihilated.

With little prompting, many media outlets have been able to unearth a number of inconsistencies in Dustin Hoffman's two statements with publicly available news materials.

Daenerys Entertainment gave some secret guidance, and the media opinion quickly turned to their side.

Even Dead Poets Society's only Best Director nomination, rendered by Daenerys Entertainment, was taken for granted.

"Dead Poets Society" already has the strength to win many nominations such as Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay, but it only won two nominations in the end. It's not that "Dead Poets Society" is weak, but It was the result of Oscar's deliberate suppression.

After all, a mediocre movie like "Working Girl" can get a long list of nominations, which shows the extreme injustice of the Oscars.

"Dead Poets Society" finally won the best director, which can be regarded as a compensation for this film. As for Simon's best soundtrack award, the company also managed to turn the tide of public opinion by rendering his important role in the later stages of "Rain Man".

Although the company invested another $2 million for this public opinion offensive, the return it received was even more impressive.

During the Oscar week from March 24 to March 30, "Rain Man" rebounded from a single-week box office that had fallen to over $4 million. In the 15th week of its release, the box office dropped by 18% and received another $5.11 million. The cumulative box office hit $138 million.

This is not over yet. With the release of the results of the Oscar awards and the consequent increase in topicality, the weekly box office of "Rain Man" rebounded sharply again in the past week from March 31 to April 6. The drop reached 42%, and it received another 7.25 million US dollars, and the cumulative box office exceeded 145 million US dollars.

According to this box office trend, it will only take up to three weeks for "Rain Man" to surpass "Pulp Fiction"'s $156 million box office figure and become the No. 1 North American box office in 1988.

Although the box office of "Dead Poets Society" did not rebound as much as "Rain Man", it also successfully surpassed "Crocodile Dundee 2" and became the tenth-grossing film of 1988.

Daenerys Entertainment also managed to occupy seven places on the top ten box office charts in 1988, although "When Harry Met Sally", "Pulp Fiction" and "Instinct" all topped the list. With the release label of other studios, but such a pioneering work is difficult to be broken in the short term.

In addition, with the increasing success of "Rain Man", after the Oscars, MGM finally found some plausible loopholes in the original contract between the two parties, because the profit distribution terms of the original soundtrack and peripheral products in several contracts were inconsistent. For this reason, it claimed $100 million from Daenerys Entertainment, and also claimed to retake the copyright of "The Hobbit" again.

A $100 million reparation is clearly impossible.

Everyone knows that MGM is doing this just to cut a piece from the "Rain Man" fat.

At the same time as the lion opened his mouth, MGM's legal team had already hinted that the two parties could settle in private.

After the legal department of Daenerys Entertainment evaluated the lawsuit and confirmed that the probability of MGM winning the lawsuit was extremely low, Amy resolutely gave up the tendency to settle, because she knew what Simon would do in the face of this kind of thing. This time, he did not bother Simon again, but replied with a strong attitude that MGM was ready to respond at any time.

There are always too many bullying people in this world.

Although responding to the lawsuit means paying a lot of legal fees, but with a strong attitude this time, Daenerys Entertainment can also avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble in the future business. Moreover, in the current state of decline of MGM, it will never be willing to spend millions of dollars to fight a lawsuit with an extremely low success rate. The scale of this lawsuit cannot be too large.

Amy rushed to the Burbank headquarters, and Robert Rehm and other distribution executives were already waiting for her.

Entering April, the summer season is gradually approaching. The main topic of this meeting is Daenerys Entertainment's publicity strategy for this summer's "Bodyguard" and "The Sixth Sense". Simon will need to return from Melbourne in the later stage of the two films. It will be completely completed after the personal review, but the early publicity offensive can already be started.

Everyone sat down in the conference room. The administrative secretary distributed the conference materials. Robert Rem asked Amy, "How is the shooting progress of "Angel God Sent"?"

Amy nodded: "It went well. Daryl's performance is indeed much better than Brooke Shields. I am still looking forward to the future effect of the film."

The manga change project "Angel God Sent" left over from New World Entertainment started filming in the middle of last month.

Simon does not recognize Brooke Shields' acting skills and box office appeal. The company's finalized heroine is Daryl Hannah, who has appeared in films such as "Blade Runner", "The Mermaid" and "Wall Street" The Hollywood actress who has performed brilliantly fits the image of Brenda Star, the heroine of "Angel God", and the script of the project has also been re-polished, with a budget of 15 million US dollars.

Daenerys Entertainment originally planned to undertake the investment alone, but the other two investors who signed the contract of intent during the New World Entertainment period were resolutely unwilling to withdraw. The final negotiation result was that each of the three companies should bear US$5 million, with Daenerys Entertainment as the publisher. , with a 15% distribution commission.

The filming cycle of "Angel God" is two months. The inevitable result of growth.

The total number of films that Daenerys Entertainment has confirmed this year is as many as 15 from the "Blue Angels of Thunder" at the beginning of the year. It is impossible for all the films to be piled up in the summer and year-end files.

Of course, if the effect of "Angel God" is good enough, the company will also make appropriate adjustments to the schedule.


Because of Simon's filming of "Batman" in Australia, a series of waves caused by the Oscars are also transmitted

to here.

It is always easy for most people to confirm their position based on subjective impressions.

As the son-in-law of an Australian, Simon has won two consecutive awards for best editing and best soundtrack outside of his current directorial career, which immediately became the most interesting talk for the Australian media and the public, about how many Oscars Simon can finally get. The discussion of people has also become a topic of discussion in the Australian local media during this time.

As for Simon, neither the glory nor the controversy has had much of an impact on his work.

On the other hand, Jennifer, seeing the controversy after Simon won the Best Soundtrack Award, once thought of throwing out another box of videotapes called "Blizzard", but was stopped by Simon. Every Oscar is not without controversy, and so are many of Simon's actions. If he had to show evidence to prove himself every time there was a dispute, he would definitely be exhausted.

As the aftermath of the Oscars fades, the filming of "Batman" is drawing to a close.

In fact, the 13-week shoot, originally planned, should have been completed by April 7. However, because the suspension of filming caused by Simon's coma in February affected the progress of the film, such a large-scale film will inevitably have some other conditions later, so the shooting cycle has been delayed until late April.

Fortunately, the schedule for "Batman" is December at the end of the year. Although the shooting cycle is delayed, there is still enough time for more than half a year to complete the later stage.

So until April 19, in a large photo studio built in an abandoned factory in the western suburbs of Melbourne, the time is the afternoon.

With the end of the last scene in the Batcave, Simon carefully checked the shots just shot, and loudly announced to all the crew members on the scene: "Batman, close the lens."

More than three months of busywork finally ended. Hearing what Simon said, along with the applause, Adam Baldwin and others, who had clearly discussed in advance, unknowingly surrounded him, lifted Simon, and threw him into the pool of water in the Batcave. inside.

Simon was suddenly caught by everyone. Although he could break free, he didn't do it. He 'struggled' to get up after entering the water, and threatened a few words loudly with a smile. After a lot of fun, the crew began to clean up the scene, and a grand finale party was arranged in the evening.

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