Hollywood Hunter

Chapter 1704: The general election, or the stock market, make a choice

Al Gore's inversion speech in Iowa was 'immediate'.

When the news spread quickly, the originally prosperous New York stock market turned sharply downward at the end of the session, and the three leading stocks in the two cities, Igret, Daenerys and Tinkerbell, continued to rise like a head-on. The man took a sap and fell headlong.

U.S. stocks closed at 4:30 p.m. East Coast time.

The first is Daenerys Entertainment, which has received the most attention today. Although it broke through the trillion-dollar market value at the opening of the market in the morning, it was a pity that it could not stay until the end of the trading day due to the sudden Gore variables.

Not only that, but Daenerys's stock price on Wednesday failed to hold on to the gains, but also fell as much as 3.2%, and the final closing market value fell from $981.1 billion before today's opening to $949.6 billion.

According to Daenerys’s highest market value of $1,011.7 billion on this trading day, Daenerys Entertainment’s single-day stock price fluctuation ranged as high as 6.5%, equivalent to more than $60 billion in book wealth, because of a speech by Gore, short It evaporated out of thin air in just twenty minutes.

This is just the Daenerys family.

The other two giants, Igret and Tinkerbell, both turned from their previous gains to slumps at the close in a single day, driving thousands of stocks down on New York's two major stock exchanges.

The end result is that this Wednesday, the Nasdaq closed down 2.7%, and the market evaporated nearly $300 billion in wealth. The Dow Jones closed down 1.6 percent, also wiping out nearly $100 billion in financial wealth.

However, this is still only the beginning.

the next day.

Thursday, November 2.

The public opinion fermented all night, not only in the Federation, but the whole world knew that once Al Gore came to power, he would slash the anti-oligarchic plan of the Westeros system.

So much happened this sleepless night.

The most direct feedback is the stock market of the new day.

Gore may have felt some kind of 'victory in the first battle'. The new day has an ambitious plan to fly to three continents and launch three large-scale canvassing activities in the morning, noon and evening. There is no free time for breakfast, so many media have been arranged again. At the breakfast meeting present, they continued to shoot at Simon, crusade against the Westeros system, promote their anti-monopoly plan, and even brought up the once-short-lived and highly targeted 'rich tax' plan.

A big fun.

Even if all the media operation teams in the Westeros system are running at full capacity, it is still difficult to resist a large number of various media outlets who clicked and chased reports for the sake of sales. But a certain super-rich hangs high there every year, making people unable to even look up, which is too dazzling.

Now, someone has finally pointed the finger at each other again. Countless people like to see it because of the natural hatred of wealth by human nature.

However, watching the excitement sometimes comes at a price.

The price will come soon.

The market opened at 9:30 a.m. ET on the east coast, following a sharp drop late in the previous session. Affected by Gore's remarks, of course, the Westeros system is also indispensable for the intensive and secret operation. The Nasdaq market opened for only 9 minutes, and fell 7% in a crash-like manner, from 8367 points at the opening. At 7781 points, the U.S. stock market was triggered for the third time after the establishment of the relevant mechanism.

In just nine minutes

In the meantime, just the Nasdaq market, more than 730 billion US dollars of financial wealth disappeared.

Igreit, who bore the brunt, even plummeted by 13.7% before the meltdown, and its market value fell from $1,163.5 billion before the opening to $1,004.1 billion, barely holding the trillion-dollar market value.

Although Igreit is far from the one with the largest decline in the two U.S. stocks, with the company's trillion-level market value, the market value of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars has evaporated in a blink of an eye, which is absolutely shocking.

Tinkber, which has just broken through in recent days, was not immune. Before the circuit breaker mechanism was triggered, the stock price also plummeted 9.2%, and its market value fell from $1,017.6 billion, which closed yesterday, to $923.9 billion.

It's just that these two Nasdaq leaders lost more than $250 billion in market value in less than 10 minutes. The other big and small technology stocks that followed were also bleak.

On the other hand, the New York Stock Exchange led by Daenerys Entertainment, although the US stock market was suspended from trading, although the decline did not reach 7%, but Daenerys Entertainment, as a single stock, fell as deep as 7.9%, driving the entire market as a whole. It fell 4.3%.

Mourning is everywhere.

The crash-style U.S. stock market plunged, like a stock market crash, which made countless bystanders who were planning to watch the fun quickly calm down.

Because there are no bystanders.

Everyone is in the game.

You must know that in recent years, with the rapid recovery of the new technology industry after the short-lived bubble burst in early 1997, whether it is the federal government or overseas countries, whether it is billionaires or ordinary middle class, they have tried every means to raise funds to break into the new technology market. Please share the dividends in this crazy internet bull market.

A large number of people at the top of the pyramid who would rather pledge their ancestral properties but also buy Internet stocks, let alone the general public. In just two or three years, the proportion of retail investors in U.S. stocks has soared from about 17% in 1997 to today’s. 29%, behind this figure, are millions of ordinary middle-class families in the United States.

As long as they are not fools, everyone can understand that technology stocks are too frothy, maybe

It will burst in the next second.

However, the greed of human nature makes countless people feel that they will be the luckier one, and can make another profit before the collapse, another profit, and finally a profit... In short, in this grand capital In the carnival, there are few who can maintain restraint and jump off the boat ahead of time.

Now, it seems that technology stocks have finally ushered in another moment of collapse. If it is the natural reaction of the market, most people can only consider themselves unlucky. However, in the eyes of most investors, this is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster.

Some unfortunate politician, for his own political ambitions, actually destroyed the prosperous stock market that everyone was thinking about. How can people bear this? !

After all, no one knows whether you can deliver on your campaign promises. We have seen politicians utter nonsense countless times during the election phase. However, the rapid shrinkage of money in stock accounts is visible to the naked eye in a short period of time.

What did that sentence say.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing one's parents.

Although it is a common saying in China, the principle is universal all over the world.

Therefore, on the morning of November 2, 2000, all investors related to the U.S. stock market had a painful illusion that their "birth parents" were stabbed by Al Gore.

mymoney! ! !

As a result, the short 15 minutes of trading suspension after the U.S. stock market melted down almost

It was the pressure from all over the world that quickly turned to Al Gore. First of all, the countless sponsors who supported Gore's candidacy, through various means, conveyed basically the same information.

To shut up!

Who cares if you can be elected president, my stock account is the most important!

After a quarter of an hour that made countless capital frustratingly tormented, the U.S. stock market reopened. However, the miracle did not occur. Although the decline has slowed down, the curve is still downward.

Immediately, the day took another dramatic turn.

It just happened to happen in Florida.

In the face of the rapid advancement of the new technology market, a fund manager in Miami could not resist the temptation. Recently, with the tacit approval of the company's top management, he embezzled 30 million US dollars of funds, added 10 times leverage, and bought all Internet stocks.

According to the information collected by the Westeros system-related team stationed in Florida, the work log left by the manager shows that the other party's plan is that after the three giants break through trillions at the same time, they will no longer be greedy and quickly clear their positions.

A very sober and restrained plan.

However, people's calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. I didn't expect that the three giants broke through trillions at the same time yesterday, but they failed to stay and plummeted in late trading.

Then today.

According to the plan, it should have been the day when the manager liquidated his position. However, the market did not give him any chance to escape. The stock market fell all the way to the circuit breaker at the opening, and due to leverage, the stock account operated by the other party was directly liquidated, 3000 Thousands of dollars, not a cent left.

Facing the suggestion from the top management that all the guilt should be placed on the other side, and facing the high claim that he was destined to be unable to bear, the collapsed manager jumped directly from his office on the 25th floor.

After confirming the authenticity of the news, the relevant teams of the Westeros system quickly launched public opinion operations, and the Internet, TV and newspapers fully bloomed.

However, the relevant news has also been processed to a certain extent, focusing on the hundreds of victims whose life savings have been emptied in a blink of an eye, and at the same time explicitly or implicitly turning the spear to a certain initiator who triggered all this, and lashing out.

Too many people's personal wealth has shrunk due to today's U.S. stock market crash. This deliberately pushed news quickly aroused emotional resonance across the United States. In just one day, Al Gore went from a windmill rider who dared to challenge the capital oligarchy to a financial killer who destroyed the private wealth of countless American families.

long day.

On Thursday afternoon, the Nasdaq closed with a deep drop of 8.7%, and the Dow Jones index also plunged 5.6%. The accumulated wealth in the two major trading markets evaporated by more than 1.2 trillion US dollars.

In the evening, all parties who had been adhering to the wait-and-see approach began to speak out one after another.

First, Clinton accepted an interview with NBC's Wired, in which Mr. President euphemistically said that what the federation needs is a stable investment and financial market environment, not a radical disruptor.

The attitude is obvious.

The excitement at the end of the general election turned into a battle to defend the stock market. For the sake of the overall situation, even the president abandoned his vice president without hesitation.

Subsequently, Bush Jr. also published a signed statement on major portal websites, not only clearly expressing his strong support for the new technology industry, but also additionally stating that once he is elected, he will suspend the Fed's interest rate hike process if necessary. , in order to give the market a more relaxed development environment.

In addition to the two current political focus figures, many other important figures in the political and business circles have also

Expressed his attitude through various platforms, basically supporting the federal stock market.

Then again, Al Gore, who ran two campaign rallies in one day, unexpectedly kept silent.

Isn't it three rallies?


In the state of New Hampshire, where the recent polls were stalemate in the 1% range, the Gore team leased the stadium for the campaign. The local government suddenly announced that due to the power failure, the evening event was forcibly canceled in order to ensure the safety of the people.

Obviously deliberately targeting, it should have been a good topic for hype, however, the Gore team neither played on the topic, nor did they temporarily change the venue and regroup.

organized activities, but silently chose to accept.

The sudden change that had just stirred up, in the blink of an eye, the silence dissipated.

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