Hollywood Drawing

Ninety-Two - 2nd of the Year in North America

The first ray of sunshine in the morning shone into the manor, and Wayne ran out of the garden with his two dogs, covered in sweat.

Since the two golden retrievers arrived at their new home, he has not spent much time with them. Now that he has finished most of his work, he finally has time to get up early to exercise and walk the dogs.

After returning to the living room, Wayne went to the third floor to take a shower, then leisurely went downstairs and sat in the living room to pick up the newspaper.

"Get Out" is about to enter its third week of screenings, but it can be felt that the popularity is slowly declining. Most of the entertainment pages in newspapers are now occupied by Warner Bros.'s new blockbuster "Batman Returns" ” and Paramount’s big-budget “Skynet” occupy.

In the past four working days, "Get Out" has seen a clear downward trend in the box office as expected.

Such a thriller-like R-rated film has already driven most of the target group of young people into the theater through large-scale publicity in the early stage. Of course, it is inevitable to have low attendance rates.

The film earned US$45.42 million and US$4.11 million respectively over the four working days, for a total of US$17.76 million.

This weekend marks the film's final large-scale release, before it will surely make way for other big summer productions.

Starting from this week, there will be at least two large-scale films opening almost every weekend. This is a carnival time for movie fans, and it is also a time when major production companies use their methods and the competition is fiercest.

"Boss, where is Ms. Halle Berry..."

Hela watched him put down the newspaper in his hand and asked softly about the follow-up arrangements.

"She will move out soon. I will go back to the farm to rest in a few days. If she moves out, you can call a car for her."

Hela nodded, and seeing that he picked up another newspaper, she walked out softly.

After "Get Out" reached its third week of screening in North America, it also landed in overseas markets. Films that can be successful in North America usually do well at the overseas box office, especially among English-speaking people.

The United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Canada and other countries are basically the back gardens of Hollywood movies.

He is not worried or concerned about the overseas box office at all. He is confident in the film, and the overseas box office does not involve his interests.

It is only the early 1990s, the speed of information dissemination is not as fast as it would be a few decades later, and it is simply impossible to release large-scale overseas films at the same time.

The lack of information has also caused trouble in overseas box office sharing. Some films have been withdrawn in North America for half a year, but many overseas countries continue to show them.

All of Wayne's thoughts are on North America. He just hopes that the North American box office will be higher. The higher the better. This is the basic base for him to obtain stable income.

According to the original contract signed, all of his box office percentage income will be settled based on the total box office in North America. This fundamentally eliminates the hidden danger of Warner tampering with the accounts.

He would never overestimate the credibility of these big companies. Not to mention receiving a share of the box office, they even used various overseas investment funds and Wall Street funds to keep the secrets.

Time entered June. After attending the premiere of "Batman Returns", Wayne took his two dogs back to the farm. He planned to spend time with his parents at home and give himself a few days off.

After Batman was released, all films were affected. Although Paramount's "Skynet" caused some trouble for Batman, it was still suppressed in the competition.

The number of screening theaters for "Get Out" also shrunk to 1,728. It only made 14.32 million US dollars that weekend. Adding in the 173 rooms in the previous four working days, it finally exceeded 150 million, up to 159.44 million. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

In this fiercely competitive summer season, the box office potential has basically been exhausted.

"Congratulations, Honey."

Anna Greenberg put down the newspaper in her hand and hugged her son. Now Wayne's box office success has far exceeded her expectations.

"Mom, I told you, I will be proud of you!"

Wayne patted Anna's back gently and said in her ear.

"Boss, Jimmy called!" Nina waited until the mother and son finished communicating before handing the phone to him.

"Wayne, have you seen the box office statistics?" As soon as he put the phone to his ear, he heard Jimmy's impatient voice.


"It's like this. I communicated with Warner Bros. today. They will try their best to retain the screening scale, but there is little hope. Now that "Get Out" ranks second in the annual box office rankings, you don't want to Pull down Home Alone?”

Looking back at the box office rankings, yes, his film is not far behind the US$170 million of Disney's "Home Alone".

The gap between the two is only over 10 million, but it is difficult to surpass this film. The audience for a film like "Death" is far different from the other, and Disney will have a super box office bomb later, which is bug-level. Aladdin.

"Jimmy, I don't think it's possible. This is an R-rated film. It's hard to make millions at the box office in the future. Even with the support of Warner Bros., it's basically impossible."

The voice on the phone suddenly became quiet, and Jimmy must have returned to the office.

"Wayne, we can buy some ourselves. After communicating with the theaters through Warner Bros., this is not difficult to do!"

The agent's idea was a good one. Many companies in Hollywood have done this, but Wayne thought about it and shook his head.

"Forget it, let it be, Jimmy. This is my second film. We will still have opportunities in the future. That's it. Is there anything else?"

"Of course, 20th Century Fox contacted me this morning. They wanted to meet and talk with you. Unfortunately, I told them that you returned to the farm two days ago.

It should be about directing the second part of "Happy Death Day". To be on the safe side, Townsend-Rothman hopes you can continue to direct. How about it, are you interested? "

"Reject them, I have my own plan." After speaking, Wayne hung up the phone.

As long as a hit movie has the possibility of continuing to make money, according to Hollywood style, both the production company and the distribution company, and even the actors participating in the movie, will try their best to promote the production of sequels.

Compared with the high risk of making an original film, a sequel film that has been successful once has a higher probability of continued success, and the probability of profitability will be several times higher than that of the original film.

The salary of the actors in the sequel will also be higher than the average net worth, and may even double or multiple times, so the actors and their agencies will do their best to promote it.

There are countless examples in this regard, and the most successful among them have all become special A-stars in Hollywood with their series of films.

For example, Robert Downey Jr. and Johnny Depp, these two are typical A-stars in a series of films. If they were asked to star in other films, no producer would give them sky-high remuneration.

In addition to the low salary for his role in "Iron Man 1", Robert Downey Jr. received astronomical salaries of more than 20+20 for the subsequent "Iron Man" and "Avengers". It can be said that he alone has Big chunks of cake were taken away.

Johnny Depp's salary became even more terrifying in the later stages of "Pirates of the Caribbean". It is reported that he was paid more than 35 million US dollars for the film "Human Chest"!

Regardless of whether Hollywood is a giant or a small and medium-sized company, their only purpose in producing films is for profit, and this can never change.

Now that it has been a year since "Happy Death Day" was released, it is normal for 20th Century Fox to want to put a sequel on the agenda.

"What's wrong, Honey?"

Anna has been in a daze after seeing her son hang up the phone.

"Twentieth Century Fox wanted me to go back and direct the sequel to "Happy Death Day," but I asked my agent to refuse." He explained to his mother, then gestured to Nina with his eyes, and the two of them left the living room together.

"Has Halle Berry moved out?" Outside the villa, Wayne asked his assistant while looking at the cattle and sheep in the distance.

Nina has been communicating with Halle Berry about this matter, and he hasn't answered the other party's call in the past two days. Now that the matter is over, he prefers to avoid the media and end it quietly.

"She moved out this morning. Hela called a car for her." Nina looked at her boss with eyes filled with contempt. He was such a pure scumbag.

In the eyes of the assistant, his boss is definitely not a good man, especially he is very disrespectful towards women.

"Take time to call Halle Berry and tell her that I will contact her after the new project starts!"

From Wayne's perspective, this was just a deal. Halle-Berry cooperated with the publicity plan, and Warner Bros. gave her what she deserved. And for all the hard work she put into herself, she would also get the role he promised.

Apart from that, there was no relationship between them. Wayne was indeed obsessed with the black pearl's body, but that was just part of the deal.

Wayne settled down peacefully on the farm, spending the rest of his time with his parents except occasionally thinking about new projects.

The competition for summer movies in North America continues. Due to the film type and classification, the subsequent box office growth of "Get Out" is slow.

After the number of theaters showing this film has shrunk to 100 million, the growth rate has become hundreds of thousands of dollars per day, and it continues to decrease.

"Batman Returns," which Warner Bros. had high hopes for, also opened high and fell short of expectations. Although it defeated "The Wire" that was released at the same time, Paramount's film also achieved a box office of more than 80 million US dollars.

In the third week after Batman was released, Paramount's films made a comeback. The large-scale opening of "Batman" directly overturned the lack of stamina of Batman and successfully won the weekend championship.

Tim Burton's "Batman Returns" achieved a total box office of $120 million. Judging from this figure, apart from not meeting Warner Bros.'s highest expectations, the film did not lose money.

But the shattered reputation among movie fans has cast a shadow over the superhero's subsequent box office and production.

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