Hollywood Drawing

Eighty-two-week champion

Heywood automatically filtered his words and asked again. "So do you think this movie is good? How did you feel after watching it?"

"Yeah, it was very enjoyable, especially after I killed a bunch of white guys, it was very satisfying." Schroeder recalled the scene he just watched, and imitated the actor's action of stabbing his father-in-law to death with his hands.

"ok, thank you!"

Heywood turned around and left after hearing the answer. He had already got what he wanted, and there was no need to waste time here.

Schroeder looked at this strange white man and walked out of the theater with his girlfriend in his arms. Their life had just begun. Midnight in Los Angeles was equivalent to noon for normal people.

Early on Monday morning, there was a quick knock on the door of Wayne Hotel, and a confused Nina opened the door.

"Why is it so early? The boss hasn't gotten up yet." Nina covered her mouth and yawned widely, pointing to her boss's door.

"Last night, a local TV station in Phoenix continued to record the boss until two o'clock at night. He was still sleeping. Do you want me to wake him up?"

Jimmy looked anxious, but he kept grinning. "I'll wait for him in the living room. Is there coffee here?"

After saying that, he ignored Nina, who looked confused and was obviously not awake yet, and sat on the sofa alone.

"Coffee, yes."

Nina walked over to the coffee machine. She gave him a drink, and she didn't react until Jimmy took it and took two sips. "Ah! Jimmy, aren't you supposed to be in Los Angeles? How did you get here so early?"

Jimmy opened his briefcase and yawned as well, as if Nina had infected him.

"Come here? Of course! I set off at two o'clock in the morning and ran over as soon as I got off the plane."

Just as he was talking, the door to the master bedroom opened with a click, and Wayne walked out in his pajamas with a tired look on his face.

Jimmy selectively ignored the beautiful woman on his client's bed. He stood up and grinned uncontrollably. "Wayne, I have to come over. Warner wanted to send you a fax, but I stopped him."

He took out the information he got from Warner Bros. and handed it to his most important client.

"Wake up, Director Greenberg. Today's media will go crazy for you."

He took the printing paper handed over by his agent and took one look at it, and his fatigue was instantly gone.

Starting from Saturday morning, the attendance rate of "Get Out" screened in 2,088 theaters has been huge. It achieved 1 in one day on Saturday.

This is not even the most surprising thing. The most surprising thing is that on Sunday, the box office figures exceeded that of Saturday, earning more than 20 million US dollars in the United States, up to 20.35 million US dollars.

And the box office of "Get Out" in its first week was as high as 4, which is a miracle!

This is a bit outrageous. The box office trend is not in line with the market rules at all. Normally Monday is a working day, and the box office on Sunday will definitely be lower than that on Saturday.

In the North American theater market, if a newly released film is not an adaptation of a novel or a sequel to a successful previous film, Saturday is the peak box office for the newly released film.

Because Friday is a working day when the movie is released, and Sunday is also a working day because the next day is also a working day, Saturday is the benchmark for measuring a movie's box office.

But obviously "Get Out" did not follow this market rule, and its box office on Sunday actually grew in reverse!

"Aha, are you shocked too?" Jimmy was like a child eager to take credit, his tone full of pride. "You've pulled off a minor miracle, Wayne."

Holding back his pounding heartbeat, Wayne sat down and watched these sets of numbers repeatedly. He thought that the film's box office would not be low, but the film would need to slowly adapt to the market and the box office would slowly increase.

Unexpectedly, the film’s box office exploded in its first weekend!

"Jimmy, do you have detailed statistics and analysis? There are some things I don't understand." Wayne took a few deep breaths, forced himself to calm down, and turned to ask his agent.

"Of course."

Jimmy took out two more pieces of printing paper from his bag and handed them to him.

Wayne is very clear that according to all film types, his "Get Out" should be defined as a genre film, although he tried hard to make the film not niche.

But for such a large-scale R-rated film in a broad sense, even if it does well at the box office, it will only grow slowly due to the film's audience reputation and word-of-mouth spread.

Sure enough, he found the answer from Warner Brothers' investigation report.

According to feedback from investigators randomly sent by Warner Bros., theaters in most surrounding African-American communities were actually full.

There were actually many gang members who put aside their hatred towards each other and walked into the theater together to watch the movie.

This makes Wayne himself feel incredible!

"I was very surprised when I first saw it." Jimmy sat next to him and pointed at the investigation report. "Do you know why those black people go to the movies so crazy? The reason is a bit dumbfounding.

It was because at the end of the film, black people killed all the white people, this made them feel very excited. Many people even bought tickets to watch the movie multiple times in two days. "

It is indeed a bit dumbfounding, but no matter what the reason is, as long as the box office is high enough, there is nothing that cannot be done.

"Also, Warner Bros. investigators found that this film actually formed a trend in the African-American community. Later, many viewers who went to the theater did so because someone around them had seen it. If they didn't watch it, they would be ignored by their friends. A shame!"

What else can Wayne say? This is a textbook announcement by Warner Bros. They fully considered the glass-hearted attributes of that group and used their mentality to let these black people enter the theater again and again.

"You can actually ask Warner Bros. to fax it over. You don't have to travel so far in person." Wayne looked at his agent, who couldn't hide his fatigue from the joy on his face, and felt that he was a little too excited.

"No, I think you don't have time to rest. Warner Bros. has changed your schedule, and I want to accompany you." Jimmy put away the smile on his face and got down to business.

"What? You don't need me to promote it across the country?"

"Yes, take Halle Berry with you and follow me back to Los Angeles. Vanity Fair is going to do a special interview with you." Jimmy said and became excited again, waving his arms unconsciously as he spoke.

"Do you know what this means? It means that your reputation will become even bigger. No one will say you are a novice director anymore. They will speak of the name Wayne Greenberg with respect. With your tone, you are not far away from being a first-line director in Hollywood!"

Seeing Jimmy getting more and more outrageous, Wayne interrupted him calmly.

"Hey, hey! Don't think too much Jimmy, a director's achievements are never announced by the media. We must wake up. I am still far from being a first-line director in Hollywood!"

At this moment, there was another loud knock on the door. After Nina opened the door, she saw Naomi Watts and Will Smith walking in with their agent.

"Hey, Nami, Will, aren't you sleepy so early?" When Wayne saw them, he thought of how he yawned during the recording of the show last night.

"Wayne, today is Monday, Monday!" Will Smith gave him a hug excitedly, and then took the newspaper from his agent. "Look, now the whole country is talking about us, who can still sleep?"

I saw the Los Angeles Times in Will Smith's hand, with the headline written in big letters: Wayne Greenberg has wiped out the market with the movie "Get Out"! ! !

"I've got the news." Wayne shrugged and asked everyone to sit down. "I just want to tell you that I won't be going to the promotional event in the next city. I have to rush back to Los Angeles."

"Hey, bro, let's not talk about that for now. Don't you want to see how the media reports on you?" Will Smith opened the newspaper and read it aloud.

“The director whose first official feature film grossed over 100 million in global box office, Wayne Greenberg is making a strong comeback this week with his new film “Get Out.”

This R-rated film with a bad background opened in 2,088 theaters on Friday. It scored 4 times in the first three days of the first weekend, landing directly at the top of this week's box office rankings, and bloodbathed the North American theater market!

Director Wayne Greenberg's two debut films both created horrific return on investment ratios. This young director with a strong personal style is extremely good at creating small and big miracles.

The box office of "Get Out" in its first week exceeded ten times the production cost. Warner Bros.'s absolute trust in it has also created foreseeable large amounts of revenue for itself. "

Will Smith read this with a wink, put the newspaper under his arm, and took the lead in clapping his hands. Everyone in the room clapped their hands to Wayne.

"Brother, congratulations!"

"Honey, congratulations."

"Director (Mr.) Greenberg, congratulations on your success!"

Wayne saw the smiles on the faces of the people around him, and he also smiled and raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Thank you, Will, Namie." He looked at Will Smith, who was still young, and Naomi Watts, whose face was full of collagen. "The success of this film is not just my fault, it was made by all of us, so don't just praise me, think about yourselves."

"Of course, we all understand that you are the core and leader of this project, Wayne, you deserve these praises!" Will Smith pressed him on the sofa and continued to pick up the newspaper.

"Ok, I'm not done reading yet, guys! Let's move on.

"Get Out" is a script written by director Wayne Greenberg himself. The logic, sociality, and metaphors about racial issues shown in it are worthy of deep thought by all viewers who have watched this film..."

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