Hollywood Drawing

Seven hundred and eighty - something different

One of the most important purposes of a movie premiere is to build momentum. From Warner Bros. spending a lot of money to inviting many influential guests to the stage, it is actually all to create greater popularity and media discussion for the movie to be released.

Of course, a press conference is indispensable for a movie premiere.

On the second floor of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, a temporary press hall was set up. Reporters and related staff from more than 150 media outlets crowded the temporary press hall, with only a token number near the door. At the front, a long table was set aside for the crew and creators.

The press conference was relatively quiet. When Wayne and Bruce Rosenblum came in, all the reporters and creative staff were already ready, waiting for them to arrive and start.

In the movie "Wonder Woman", Angelina Jolie is the center of all the shots and the absolute protagonist. Basically, the reporters in the press hall know that this actress will most likely become famous with the film. The position has increased significantly.

The previous year's "Charlie's Angels" and this year's "Wonder Woman", this sexy actress with a prominent face and hot body can be said to be on the fast track of her career.

However, the eyes and attention of almost all media reporters were cast on Wayne, who had just sat in the middle seat after the Warner Bros. staff announced the start.

Almost all reporters present who are engaged in the media industry know that this "Wonder Woman" is destined to arouse more heat than expected, because this film is quite different from the previous works directed by Wayne.

"Wonder Woman" is different from what fans, media and critics around the world have speculated. The film is not like Wayne's previous superhero movies. It has neither a deep dark style nor a strong mapping of DC religion. It does not even have a deep dark style. Discussions of human nature and social issues that are essential in Wayne's films simply disappeared without a trace this time.

"Director Greenberg, please"

In the front row, a middle-aged white female reporter from The New Yorker stood up first. As everyone expected, she did not target the glamorous heroine. Instead, she immediately aimed her gun at the movie director.

"After the movie premiere just now, we have all seen that this is a movie about the birth of Wonder Woman Diana Prince. But this movie is quite different from your past works. Can we talk about it? Tell me, what was the reason that made you choose to make "Wonder Woman" into a film that is similar to summer popcorn.

As we all know, movie fans across North America and even around the world are looking forward to the heavy temperament in your works. Do you think movie fans can accept such a highly homogenized popcorn work? "

As soon as the reporter's first question came out, the host of the press conference wanted to stop it, but Wayne narrowed his eyes with a smile and waved his hand to stop the host's next move.

The scene was eerily quiet for a moment, and then there was a buzz, and a large number of reporters were whispering to each other. Obviously no one expected that the questions from their colleagues in The New Yorker would be so sharp, and it could be said that Warner Bros. was not spared any face.

"Unless you understand the needs of movie fans better than I do."

Putting his hands on the table in front of him, Wayne lowered his head slightly and spoke to the microphone on the table with a smile: "In fact, I have never said in any public place what kind of film I will definitely shoot. Of course, It also doesn’t mean that my standards for shooting are infinitely wide.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a reporter from the "Luoshen Times" sitting in the front row immediately asked spiritually: "Director Greenberg, what are your standards for making films? "

There was a look of satisfaction in Wayne's eyes, and he secretly glanced at the reporter who picked up the topic, planning to say hello to Warner Bros. after the press conference was over.

"There is only one criterion, and that is a movie that fans love."

Speaking of this, he spread his hands helplessly to all the reporters, and then said: "Don't ask what kind of movies fans like, and don't wonder whether this "Wonder Woman" will be favored by fans, listen. , guys, unless one of you understands what fans want better than I do."

It seemed like a joking response to ease the atmosphere at the scene, but the reporter was not stupid and continued to be serious about this issue.

Regardless of whether Wayne, who is sitting in the middle, is changing the subject, no one can deny what he said. In this temporary press hall, there is really no professional who understands the needs of movie fans better than Wayne.

Not to mention this temporary press room, even if the scope is expanded to the entire Hollywood, there are probably not many people who dare to pat their chests and say that they know what movie fans like better than Wayne Greenberg. This is a business society, so the measure of success is past market performance.

"Wayne, can you talk about the reason for your sudden change in style?"

After a burst of laughter, a reporter with an "Entertainment" magazine pass on his chest stood up and asked politely. "You know, when I was watching the film, it was almost hard to believe that this was your work, and God, Wayne Greenberg actually started adding humor to the film."

In fact, to put it bluntly, this question is not much different from the first one, but compared to the first reporter who was obviously provocative, this guy is much smarter.

"Alright alright."

Wayne shrugged and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender in front of all the reporters. Then he thought about it for a moment and answered into the microphone in front of him: "When I decided to shoot Wonder Woman, I was actually thinking about how to make more non-DC comic fans understand it. And fell in love with this different superhero.”

After adjusting his sitting position slightly, he looked at the crowd of reporters in front of him and continued: "As we all know, when people mention superheroes, the first things that flash in most ordinary people's minds are always Superman, Batman, and The Flash. Yes, even if you are not a fan of DC comics, you must have heard of their stories more or less.

Compared to Superman Clark Kent, Batman Bruce Wayne and Flash Barry Allen, although Wonder Woman Diana Prince is one of the three giants of justice, she actually has no public understanding of it. So high. "

Hearing his answer, many reporters at the scene nodded slightly. This is absolutely correct. When people mention superheroes, the first thing that comes to mind seems to always be Batman, Superman and The Flash. Who makes these three famous around the world?

Wonder Woman is relatively embarrassed. In the comics, she is one of the three giants of justice and an extremely heavyweight character. However, in reality, it is often easier for the public to ignore this character and put all their attention on characters such as Superman.

"Don't question my words, because when I was preparing for the film "Wonder Woman," I commissioned Warner Bros. to do a lot of market research."

Wayne continued to talk to reporters. "And I also talked about this issue with the former CEO of DC, and he told me some detailed data. Since the birth of the superheroes in DC comics, Superman and Batman have been published for the longest time and have the highest sales.

Behind these two heroes are The Flash and Wonder Woman. The reason why I say this is to answer the question of the lady just now. The main reason why I chose to shoot "Wonder Woman" like this is that I want more ordinary movie fans to understand it, and not to blame me for not having seen it. Comics, I was confused after entering the theater. "

In fact, Wayne is playing a little trick here. Yes, the DC comics that have been published for the longest time and have the highest sales are Superman and Batman, followed by The Flash and Wonder Woman.

But he did not tell reporters that there is a special reason why The Flash has been published for so long and is so popular. The Flash isn't just one generation, and that's the biggest difference.

To be precise, Wayne has already filmed and released the Flash Barry Allen, which is only the second generation. In front of him is Jay Garrick, the first-generation Flash, and naturally there is Wally West, the third-generation Flash behind him. It can even be said that the Flash's unique superpowers are one of the reasons for his huge popularity.

"Wayne, it's been revealed that filming on Superman is going well."

A reporter from the "Hollywood Reporter" raised his hand. He did not dwell on "Wonder Woman", but instead aimed at another popular bomb. "Excuse me, if the work on "Superman" goes smoothly, can it be able to meet the fans within this year?"

"Hey, man, I should bring Zack Snyder with me today. He might be able to give you an accurate answer."

Without any hesitation, Wayne joked with a smile. "As you know, most of the work of "Superman" from preparation to casting, recruiting the behind-the-scenes team, etc., was actually completed under the supervision of Zach. Even after the filming of "Superman" officially started, most of the scenes were presided over by Zach. Shoot.

Nominally he is the assistant director of the crew, but I prefer to call him the resident director of the crew. There is no way, I am too busy at work, so I can only leave more specific work to him. As you may have heard, Superman is going pretty well off the bat.

Well, I can't guarantee anything more right now, but I can tell you now that "Superman" will definitely be released within this year, and there won't be any big surprises. "

Boom, there was a chaotic discussion in the press hall. Wayne's answer revealed a lot of information. Even if the release time of "Superman" is put aside, there is not a lot that Zack Snyder, the director, can do. .

"Director Greenberg, will "Superman" continue the production style of "Wonder Woman"?" A reporter reacted very quickly, and then asked: "Or will you be serious again in the project of "Superman"?" Deep dark wind?”

"People can't be too greedy, comeon." Wayne was not so easy to talk this time. He just smiled and shook his head and said: "Everything about "Superman" is in the confidentiality stage now, so we'd better draw our attention back to "Wonder Woman" is coming up, okay?"

"Hey, Wayne."

A reporter from the New York Times in the front row asked loudly: "How would you rate Ms. Angelina Jolie's performance? How do you evaluate her performance?"

The topic gradually returned to normal, and the absolute protagonist Angelina Jolie was inevitably mentioned. After hearing the reporter's question, several actors gradually sat upright.

"Full marks, no matter how many points it is, she deserves a full mark." Wayne glanced at Angelina Jolie and replied naturally: "She has put in a lot of hard work for this role. Months of bodybuilding and eating food that has no taste at all can drive most normal people crazy.

But in order to show better screen performance, she not only shaped her figure to perfection, but also underwent special physical training for several months. The content includes but is not limited to Eastern kongfu, boxing, swordsmanship, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and so on.

You know how difficult this is for a woman. "

When it comes to the film's heroine, Wayne doesn't hesitate to praise her. Not to mention whether Angelina Jolie performed as perfectly as he said during the filming process, but one thing no one can deny is that the main promotion point of this movie is this woman.

She is the centerpiece of the promotion of "Wonder Woman". Fans love to hear how hard the actors work for the role. This is the experience that Hollywood has accumulated over the past few decades.

Although more than 90% of famous actors are at least quite professional, this is what movie fans love to watch and listen to. Not only is Wayne doing this, but Warner Bros. will also mention it frequently in subsequent promotions, and even basically every crew in Hollywood is doing this.

Even in the past ten or twenty years, this marketing strategy has not changed much. Even Tom Cruise, an A-list superstar, is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the dedicated marketing method.

Subsequently, reporters at the press conference began to frequently ask Angelina Jolie questions about the difficulties encountered during filming, interesting anecdotes on the crew, and even some interesting stories that did not exist at all.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. After the press conference, Wayne led the entire creative team and hurried to the Four Seasons Hotel. There, there were still some social events where he had to show up.

Angelina Jolie stole the show tonight. When facing reporters, she was the center of being chased by the cameras. After arriving at the banquet hall, she became a popular figure at the reception again. Surrounded by many celebrities and film company executives, she lined up to exchange greetings. She was the protagonist tonight not only in the movie, but also outside the movie.

"Look, Angie, you're going to get everything you want soon."

When the crowd dispersed, Jon Voit pulled his daughter to the corner, stared at Wayne and others on the other side from a distance, and whispered: "Yes, I am not a competent father, but I am A man. I understand what men think, okay?"

Seeing his daughter's brows begin to frown, Jon Voight waved his hand and continued: "I don't mean to interfere in your private life, I just want to remind you that Wayne Greenberg is also an asshole. Get it After you want something, what you should do is stay away from him as quickly as possible."

"No, being able to come into contact with Wayne is like opening a different door for you, allowing you to see different things."

Faced with her father's serious reminder, Angelina Jolie put away her smile and whispered: "Dad, you don't understand the shock of that special perspective."

“Shit’s perspective!”

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