Hollywood Drawing

Twenty One - Ratings and Previews

The North American film market has a strict rating system. According to the rating system of the Motion Picture Association of America, the Classification and Rating Management Committee under the association, also known as the MPAA, is responsible for rating movies.

The MPAA is not as fair and impartial as everyone imagines. Although its reviewers are all anonymous, normal people know that the MPAA seats are controlled by several giants.

He knew that the large-scale shots he kept were definitely not excessive, but if he was the one who submitted the film for rating instead of some influential film company, he might actually be given an R-rating.

PG--Rated: Children under 13 years old must receive parental guidance when watching this film. Most grandmas are embarrassed and disturbed by this kind of film, but they don't find it scary or disgusting.

R--: Children under 17 are prohibited from viewing this film without adult supervision. Most of these videos contain moderate violence, some obscene and pornographic images, occasionally crude language, and some obscene dialogue. If a child invites an old lady to watch this kind of movie with them, they will definitely be scolded.

Although the ratings of these two films seem to be next to each other, the audience groups are very different. If someone really kicked it into an R-rated film, Wayne would cry to death.

After the dinner, he returned to his apartment thinking about this. His only option now was to wait for the distribution company to buy or distribute the film, and use the distribution company's channels to send the MPAA to rate the film.

Early the next morning, Wayne invited his agent Jimmy, Naomi and Luke to bring the edited film and returned to USC together. Professor Anderson had made an appointment with him to watch his new film together.

When he drove Naomi to the school parking lot, Jimmy and Luke were already chatting and waiting for him.

"Luke, is there anything wrong with the film?"

The first thing he cared about was the film that Luke brought with him. He made a total of two copies, one was placed with Luke for screening, and the other was deposited in the bank.

"No problem, don't worry, there will definitely be no unexpected problems during the screening."

Luke was also very excited. He had put a lot of effort into this film. It was the first time it was shown in public, even if there were only a few people in the audience.

He nodded with satisfaction and looked at Jimmy. Wayne invited his agent to watch the finished film to give him confidence. Later, he would need to mobilize his own network to help Wayne attract moviegoers and film company buyers. If the quality of the film is very good, it is not ruled out that he will use it. caa relationship.

Jimmy greeted him and remained silent. He understood what Wayne meant, but the prerequisite was that the quality of the film must impress him first. Only when the quality can be guaranteed, can I report to the company and use the network of the largest agency in Hollywood.

So now it's useless no matter how much he talks to Jimmy. After watching the movie, everything will be finalized.

After saying hello, he and Luke carried the film together, took Naomi and Jimmy, and walked directly to the small screening classroom where they had made an appointment with Professor Anderson.

What he didn't expect was that Professor Anderson was not the only one waiting in the screening room, but also seven or eight of Wayne's classmates. He ignored them and hugged the professor first.

"Teacher, I brought the film. I have just completed post-production. You can take a look first. I will take it to the Saint-Denis Film Festival for screening after Christmas."

Professor Anderson looked at Wayne in front of him. He had obviously lost weight. It seemed that he had put a lot of effort into making this film. She patted his shoulder and said with a somewhat proud tone:

"Of course, if you can complete it in such a short time, it means you have done a good job. I didn't plan to invite my classmates to watch it, but when you called me, Adam and Joey were also at my place, so they just Come over, do you mind?"

He didn't make things difficult for the teacher. Professor Anderson was not just his student, and Wayne didn't mind if others saw the film first. The purpose of making the film was for others to see it.

"Of course it's okay, teacher. Luke, you go to the screening, is that okay?"

Seeing Luke nodded and went to the screening room at the back to prepare alone, he felt relieved and sat in the front row with Professor Anderson. This was all too easy for Luke. This screening room had shown experimental short films countless times when Luke was in school.

Naomi and Jimmy remained silent. Seeing that Wayne did not introduce them, they did not say hello to the professor and sat together in the front row, waiting for the screening to start.

As the lights dimmed, Adam, who was sitting in the middle, looked at the people in the first row with an ugly expression. Wayne had never looked at him since he entered the classroom. He treated Adam like a ball of air and completely ignored him. .

The classmates who came here to watch the movie today were all greeted by him. When he was at Professor Anderson's place yesterday and asked the professor to help him edit the short film, he heard the agreement between Wayne and the professor. When he got back, he told all his classmates about it. thing.

He and Wayne had been in conflict for more than three years and had never embarrassed each other once, so he thought this was an opportunity. Adam's father is an executive at Hollywood giant Universal Pictures. He knows the difficulty of making a feature film. That is simply not a task they can complete now. Today will definitely be an opportunity to embarrass Wayne.

Wayne glanced back. He didn't notice who was watching his movie, but saw Luke gesturing to him to express that he was ready. He responded with an OK gesture and asked Luke to start the screening.

The old-fashioned projector clicked, and a line of letters appeared on the curtain: Works by Wayne Greenberg. Then the movie begins with the protagonist Terry waking up and entering the official story.

Wayne didn't pay much attention to the screen. He knew very well what the film was like. He looked at the teacher who was watching the movie seriously, and he was lost in thought about the follow-up plan.

Everyone was watching the video seriously, and no one spoke, including Jimmy and Naomi. Three minutes into the film, Jimmy sat up straight and stared at the screen unblinkingly.

This movie was much better than he expected, especially the first time that Terri was stabbed to death bloodyly. He heard the students sitting in the back row almost startled and screamed.

Well, as a horror film, it is basically qualified here. As the story slowly develops, there are some cold jokes to ease the audience's emotions. But every time Terry could not escape the fate of being brutally stabbed to death, the suspense would be heightened again.

The screening lasted less than 100 minutes, during which Jimmy barely heard anyone chatting except for the exclamations at the back, which shows that the film can stick with the audience. He himself was attracted by the plot of the movie and followed the protagonist in the plot to find the answer.

Naomi had another feeling. From the first minute of the film, she hugged the director's arm. It was the first time she saw herself appearing on the screen as the protagonist, and she didn't expect that Wayne had photographed her so beautifully.

Halfway through the film, she couldn't help but shed tears. Naomi believed that as long as a company was willing to distribute the film, she would definitely get rid of this situation where she couldn't even get a minor role. She hugged Wayne tightly. arms.

On all the theater screens in Hollywood, compared with successful star actors, directors are too dim.

However, the truth is exactly the opposite. Following the director is a universal value in film and television production. Throughout the more than 100 years since movies were made, the real leader of movies has always been the director.

Without directors like George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, and Francisco Coppola, it can be said that there would be no golden age of movies today.

Naomi has been gambling, betting that if this young director really succeeds, she just needs to hold his arm tightly, believing that she can follow the ship and go further together.

As the movie ended, the hero and heroine kissed each other, and because Wayne didn't make any short clips before and after, the curtain went back to black. With a click, the old-fashioned projector stopped working, and the lights in the classroom came on.

Professor Anderson turned around, looked at the child who had always been self-disciplined and worked hard, and clapped his hands hard. Jimmy and Naomi also stood up and applauded him. Gradually, several students in the back row also clapped their hands with them.

When the applause stopped, Wayne stood in front, bowed slightly to everyone, and said thank you loudly. He felt a lot at this moment. Adam looked at Wayne in front of the screen and frowned deeply. This was definitely not the result he wanted.

Looking at the blonde beauty holding Wayne's arm tightly, he recognized her as the heroine in the movie. Damn it, why can he get everything so easily. When no one was paying attention, Adam walked out of the classroom silently.

Adam left the classroom angrily and kicked an oak tree on the roadside hard. Katie only got along with him for a month before he kicked her out. Naturally, the promised heroine and post-graduation arrangements were gone. , since you can't use your ex-girlfriend to hit Wayne, then she has no meaning of existence. It's disgusting for Hollywood to turn his back on him when he pulls up his pants. He did a pretty good job.

Looking at the actress next to Wayne, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart. Why should all the good things be his? He kept saying words starting with f, got in the car and walked out of the school. Doesn't he want to release his own feature film? It has never been easy to get the film into theaters. He will know that Hollywood has never been a paradise for novice directors.

Wayne didn't notice that someone left early. The past few months of work made him not pay attention to Adam at all. His vision now is much further than when he was in school.

After the students finished congratulating him, several people came to Professor Anderson's office together.

"Teacher, what do you think?"

Along with everyone else, he looked at the professor eagerly.

"No problem, it's even better than I imagined. Wayne, you completely achieved the effect you expressed in the script. Although it can be seen that some of the techniques are a bit immature, it definitely does not affect the movie-watching experience.

I didn't expect you to do such a good job. The selling point of this film is clear and the logic is smooth, making the audience have the urge to sit back and stare at the screen to watch it all. Among them, the growth of the protagonist, the description of love, friendship and family affection are briefly mentioned, which completely brings out the final theme, which is very good.

Of course, I'm glad that you didn't overdo it with your own style. Although there were some bloody and large-scale scenes, you did a good job of not turning the film into a cult film. A moderate noir style is more suitable for this film. Overall, this is a very good horror film. "

Everyone sitting on the sofa slowly smiled when they heard the professor's praise. Even Jimmy, who had been silent, also laughed together.

Jimmy knew his chance had come.

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