Jing Ming, who was studying ninjutsu in the room, didn't know the minister's subsequent small movements, but fortunately, the daimyo's looseness as always made him not suspected.

The advantage of hidden illusion is that it consumes less pupil power and is very secretive. Generally, ninjas who are not Grandmaster illusion can't see the state of daimyo at all.

If it is a continuous illusion, it needs to inject more pupil power to maintain it. Ordinary people without Chakra protection will definitely be unable to bear it and die.

The shortcomings of the hidden illusion are also obvious. If the illusion is invoked, the daimyo himself will be in an unconscious state, and will not remember what happened afterwards, so that it may be exposed when others ask.

But this matter can't be suspected by Jing Ming, because he is just an ordinary ascetic monk and has not exposed Chakra.

Jing Ming did not expect that the name of the Water Country would not be dismantled in his life, so he chose to pass the Wave Country to make the next plan.

Of course, because the pupil power is not much, and at the same time, in order to reduce the chance of exposure of the name of the country of water, this kind of hidden illusion can not be used, and try not to let the name of the country of water be discovered before the affairs of the country of Poland are implemented.

If the name of the water country is exposed for some reason, the only destiny waiting for him is death. The pupil power hidden in his body will instantly destroy his fragile body, and then the water country will welcome his next ruler .

It is also Jing Ming's next goal.

The eldest son of Daimyo, the country of water.

Unlike the guards around the daimyo, the precious ninja certainly cannot protect everyone in the mansion. Although the guards around the daimyo's eldest son are not low, they are definitely not as tight as those around the daimyo.

Jing Ming released a Summoning snake to find the name of the future water country.

Before actually doing it, it must be carefully considered. If the eldest son is not suitable, then he will look for the next goal.

Until he found a qualified candidate who could accept his bewitching.

"I hope I won't be disappointed, the heirs of the daimyo, shouldn't they be the indisputable generation who is willing to hand over the position of the daimyo."

Under the influence of unwillingness, conspiracy, and jealousy, it is reasonable to give birth to one or two people who want to be in position by any means.


On the west side of the Daming Mansion, the eldest son's bedroom.

Several dancers dressed in bright colors and exaggerated decorations are performing in the palace of this future daimyo.

Theatrical actors with rich faces were preparing under the curtains on both sides. One of them was even tied to his neck by a chain, as if to play the role of an animal being led.

The eldest son of the big name, who is in his prime, is now squandering his abundant energy and indulging in drunken life and dreams of death.

Relying on his eldest son's identity, Yamamoto usually leads a life that seems to be passionate, but in reality, nothingness.

No one accuses him, everyone has everyone's hobbies, and the daimyo of the water country is enjoying his life at this moment.

In this famous mansion, there are not a few people who work tirelessly, but for the noble people, most of them are fed up with rich clothes and good wine.

Outside this vast area of ​​the famous mansion, life is a real life. You can see businessmen trading and trading, construction workers casting foundations, children playing and playing, and smoke cooking. There are a lot of customers on the winding food street.

But in this famous mansion, it is magnificent and majestic on the surface, but secretly it exposes the ugly state of the powerful.

It's not that there is no such wanton life in the outside world, but here, it can be more concentrated.

The Summoning snake that Jing Ming released found a corner and hid it, preparing to observe it for a long time.


A powerful family, there are extravagant people, and naturally there are people who forge ahead, otherwise this family will not be able to stand for a long time.

As the leader of the nobles in the Water Country, Daming Mansion is naturally the same.

It's just ill-fated, people who work hard may not have results.

In the inherited system, the brothers who are in the same generation as the eldest son of the daimyo, but strive to make progress, generally have no good fruits.

Because the harder you work, the greater your threat. Such people will either succeed in counterattack or be ruthlessly suppressed.

Being sent to a remote place is considered a light disposition, and severely executed directly and secretly.

The transfer of power will never be calm.

As the fourth son of the water country daimyo, Yamamoto Yu is training her body and sword skills.

Yamamoto Yu, an aristocrat who advocated the spirit of samurai.

He received his mother's strict education since he was a child, and practiced the samurai way.

In addition to reading a large number of historical books, Yamamoto Yu began to train hard, swordsmanship, and physique since he was a child. He never left for a day, determined to become an excellent samurai.

The country of iron is the country he has always longed for. One day, he must visit and exchange his ideas with the samurai there.

Yamamoto Yu's mother was a daughter of a family with very strict etiquette restrictions. She married from the Iron Country and became one of the exchange items for the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

For her son, she has always been strict with him and does not want him to become a degenerate person like other brothers of the same age.

However, unlike those who strive to advance for power, loyalty is the core of their spirit as someone who practices the spirit of Bushido.

Loyal to the -kun lord, is the morality that the samurai must abide by.

Yamamoto Yu and his mother didn't think about becoming the masters of the water country, they just demanded themselves strictly.

"Mother, here I am."

After Yamamoto Yu finished his training, he changed into clean clothes and came to greet his mother.

After some simple etiquette, Yamamoto Yu's mother looked at her son lovingly.

"Rain, when do you take the time, go and see your fiancee."

Yamamoto Yu's resolute face was slightly surprised, and he didn't know whether to say it or not.

Looking at her son who was a little nervous, the mother pursed her lips and smiled, knowing that her son is not good at dealing with this kind of children's affairs.

"I, I hope you can get the marriage done as soon as possible, so that I can feel relieved."

"Mother, will this matter be a bit anxious."

Yamamoto Yu can't help it anymore. He wants to get him married as soon as possible, but he hasn't gotten close to each other yet.

"how could be!"

Mother said a little bit agitatedly, "Don't you always want to go to the Iron Country? I calculated the time. It can be a few weeks or as long as a few months. It is impolite for you to hang people here. "

Yamamoto Yu drank a sip of tea and thought, "Iron Country...Yes, mother, I'm going to leave for the Iron Country in a while."

"Did you listen to me."

The mother said unhappily, "I said, before you go to the Iron Country, take care of the marriage, and then stay with your wife for a period of time. It is best to give birth to a grandchild for me, and then you will consider going to the Iron Country."

"Your fiancee, you really like you, you just leave her, go to the Iron Country, and let people wait for a few months, how embarrassed?"


Yamamoto Yu instinctively wanted to refute, but he took it back when it came to his lips.

The mother had mentioned this matter many times before him, and she couldn't always shirk it on the grounds of waiting, otherwise she was afraid of hurting her mother's heart.

Thinking of the future trip to the Iron Country, and thinking of the beautiful woman who had been waiting for him for more than a few years, Yamamoto Yu sighed.

"Mother, I know, I will see her tomorrow."

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