Hogwarts: Restore the glory of the Black family

Chapter 18 There Are People In Both Black And White Paths, Wizengamot

Cole smiled and said nothing. Of course, he approved the actions of John and others.

Everything in the wizard team belongs to him. Although he is an Auror in name, Fudge is a money-grubbing person.

In fact, it is normal for Shacklebolt to have opinions. What no one knows is that most Death Eaters are pure blood. How many pure bloods are there in the wizarding world in England?

It's not just those big families who came out, but they are all from pure-blood families.

Now that Voldemort has fallen, the Ministry of Magic is eyeing these people, hoping to take a bite out of them.

This is why Shacklebolt has been obsessed with capturing these Death Eaters alive.

As long as he is caught and put on trial, the pure-blood family will have the leverage. There is no Death Eater in the Shacklebolt family, and he is not afraid of others using this to attack him.

But with the appearance of John and others, not only was the power of the Auror Office divided, but he was also unable to get any benefits.

Shakur was at a huge loss.

"It is our duty, the Black family, to maintain the stability of the wizarding world."

Before LeVert could say anything, Cole's slogan was shouted out.

Lucius was so embarrassed next to him that his toes were digging into the ground, and he had to maintain his aristocratic demeanor and try his best to hold back his laughter.

"Mr. Black is really a good man."

Cole was also shameless and said directly: "Of course, in the entire English wizarding community, who doesn't know that I, Cole, am a kind person and like to worry about magic the most?"

"I'm afraid Mr. LeVert doesn't have enough Aurors. I still have a few people from the Black family who can be used. Mr. LeVert, please don't be polite. It's your duty to do so."

LeVille's smile froze on his face, and he sighed in his heart, these Black family members are really shameless, and they still want to rob someone at this time.

"Hey, who called me? Mr. Cole, I'm sorry, a colleague called me. Let's talk some other time."

LeVille pretended that someone was calling him, quickly said goodbye to Cole, threw the wizard robe and ran away, walking in a hurry, for fear that Cole would leave him behind.

Hahahahaha, Cole didn't say anything, they are all human beings, how could anyone not know.

"Cole, you are really..."

Lucius sighed helplessly, the Black family really had a different heir.

It seems that Sirius' entry into Gryffindor is no longer a priority in the Black family.

After all, after thousands of years, a person from the Black family finally appeared who was playing tricks on his brain and being shameless.

"Lucius, you don't know what he wants to say, do you? He just wants my team of wizards to come back, and I won't agree to it."

Cole rolled his eyes at Lucius. This guy likes to pretend to be confused while pretending to understand.

"How is that possible? Cole, we can rest assured when you do things, we just need to be careful not to let anyone get caught."

Lucius put away his smile and whispered cautiously.

Cole nodded. In fact, this matter was very simple. He accepted the commission from the pure-blood family and in exchange for part of the benefits, he promised to clean up the escaped Death Eaters for them.

The Black family is responsible for cleaning up the Death Eaters from pure-blood families, thus avoiding the possibility of them being blackmailed by Fudge and Ministry of Magic executives.

They were even more afraid that people from the Ministry of Magic would learn some secrets from those people's Legilimency and from their family members.

After all, the Ministry of Magic still has a greater appetite than the things handed over to the Black family.

What's more, Cole couldn't understand that these purebloods were not afraid of fattening the Black family, but they were afraid of fattening the Ministry of Magic.

But Cole is not interested in their things either. Wouldn't it be good to develop his own family in peace? Secrets, what pureblood family doesn't have secrets.

I even heard that John and others had become Aurors, but they were the ones who took the initiative to contact Cole.

How could Cole refuse if he could make money? Wouldn't it be great to earn extra money by wearing the garb of an Auror?

Of course, what Cole said just now was not a joke, he was just testing the Aurors. Only when there are people in both the black and white circles can the Black family be more stable.

"By the way, how about that thing I told you before?"

Lucius straightened his crooked bow tie before he spoke.

"Don't worry, there is no problem anymore. The heir of the Black family would have taken a seat in the Wizengamot. It was just that Sirius was not interested before."

Cole nodded, he was talking about becoming a member of the Wizengamot.

The Wizengamot, the highest court, high court and parliamentary organization in the wizarding world.

Although it belongs to the Legal Department of the Ministry of Magic, it was established earlier than the Ministry of Magic, and its judicial power is higher than that of the Legal Department.

It consists of about fifty members. During the trial, they will all wear purple wizard robes with a delicate W embroidered on the left chest.

In the beginning, the members of the Wizengamot were all pure-bloods, or powerful and high-status wizards.

Later, the Ministry of Magic was established, many senior officials of the Ministry of Magic also joined, and mixed-race wizards began to appear among the members of the organization.

However, the Ministry of Magic also agreed that the heirs of pure-blood families would naturally have a place in the Wizengamot.

As the Supreme Court, Cole would not miss this opportunity.

Sirius, a prodigal son, even refused to join the Wizengamot when he came of age, giving up the Black family's position in the court.

You must know that Dumbledore is the chief magician of the Wizengamot. Could it be that Sirius thought that with this backstage, he wouldn't have to go in by himself?

How stupid. Outsiders are always unreliable. Only the power you have is your own.

Cole nodded and said, "That's good. I've been really busy during this period, but I need to rest for a while. Meera is pregnant, and I have to take care of her."

Cole still values ​​​​his unborn child.

What's going on in a big family with only one Black? How can the bloodline continue?

Fortunately, Meera appeared, otherwise Cole would really not be able to find a suitable person to continue his bloodline.

According to the Black family tradition, he was going to marry his cousin.

Cole is so disgusted, look at these idiots among the close relatives, Lyra is crazy, Sirius and Regulus are also paranoid.

Fortunately, there is nothing serious wrong with me.

Coming to the world of Harry Potter, Cole really couldn't find a wizard suitable for marriage. Of course, it was not that he was prejudiced against mixed-race wizards.

But there are too few wizards in England. If the base is not enough, where will the beauties come from? Still the charming and enchanting Melaxiang.

As for the future genius wizard Hermione, the eccentric Luna, the Veela-blooded Fleur...

These are too young and inferior. Cole can only lament that he should leave them to his son.

Yes, Cole thought that he had no chance, but his son still had a chance. For the Black family to flourish, his son must also contribute!

Cole was still thinking happily about his daughter-in-law at this time, completely forgetting whether Meila was willing or not.

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