Hogwarts: Restore the glory of the Black family

Chapter 102: Ronald Became A Genius?

An incredible thing happened in Professor Snape's Potions class today.

With Professor Snape taking care of Harry and all the Slytherin students watching the show, the team of Harry and Ronald not only completed the potion refining quickly and efficiently.

Ronald actually answered a series of questions perfectly despite the pressure from the dean.

Although the Gryffindor was still deducted points, this is not important. What is important is when will Ronald be able to answer questions, something that only Hermione, a Gryffindor master, can do?

The trio of Harry and Ronald came out of the potions class with confidence on their faces, without any of the frustration they had before.

"Ronald, weren't you most afraid of Professor Snape before? Today you dare to stand up and help Harry answer questions."

Hermione looked straight at Ronald with her big eyes, as if she didn't recognize him overnight.

Harry also had big doubts in his mind. He knew that Ronald not only hated Snape, but was also afraid of Professor Snape. After all, not everyone could withstand Dean Slytherin's eyes.

When Ronald heard Hermione's words, his heart tightened, he reached into his pants pocket and touched it, and said unnaturally: "I just don't want to see him treat Harry like that.

"You weren't like this before," Hermione muttered.

Although the questions Snape asked in class were easy for Hermione, you must know that Hermione was a ruthless person who could preview all the textbooks before school started.

Harry thought to himself: Maybe Ronald just knew how to work hard when Mrs. Weasley said it, which is good.

Harry and the three of them hurried to their next class.

Martin and Draco not far behind were watching all this. Draco couldn't believe it. He had wanted to see Potter and Weasley make a fool of themselves just now.

"Ben, this is impossible. He must be possessed. Otherwise, how could Weasley suddenly become smart?"

"Draco, maybe it's just a coincidence? Take it quickly, the next class is my favorite Charms class.

Unlike Draco, Ben had to keep an eye on Harry and the others all the time. He was only interested in the power of magic.

No matter how dissatisfied Draco was, Gryffindors and Slytherins were in most classes together.

This is what makes Martin strange. It is the tradition of Hogwarts that the little lion and the little snake don't like each other, but they have to go to class together.

Ravenclaw's little eagles hate stupid people the most, and they want to be with the little badgers who don't fight for anything.

But it is precisely because Hufflepuff students don't care about anything that they can tolerate Ravenclaw's arrogance.

It can only be said that the small Hogwarts is divided into four colleges, each with its own unique personality.

In fact, this is also the reason why Martin is still young and has not entered the wizarding world. If Cole is here, he can give him the answer.

Such differentiation even occurs from underage wizards to adult wizards.

Most of the top officials of the Ministry of Magic are from Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Wizards born in Slytherin are extremely ambitious. Every wizard who comes out of Slytherin wants to gain status in the Ministry of Magic.

And Ravenclaw is simply because of his excellence. Among the graduates of the four colleges, Ravenclaw has the largest number of people who have passed the Ministry of Magic exams.

Gryffindor graduated wizards prefer to do some challenging work.

Hufflepuff is a brick in the wizarding world. It can be moved wherever it is needed, filling other positions.

The future of most wizards has been determined from the moment they saw the Sorting Hat.

Next, in Professor Freevey's Charms class, Ronald held the wand wrapped in a bandage and succeeded in one attempt, winning five points for Gryffindor.

In Professor Sprout's herbal medicine class, Ronald not only answered the question about the properties of mandrake, but also succeeded in changing the flowerpot. Neville, however, fainted due to the baby-like cry of mandrake because he did not wear earmuffs. .

Similarly, Ronald's performance in Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration class was also praised by the stern Headmaster Gryffindor.

Professor McGonagall even used Ronald as an example. As long as he works hard, a lowly student can become a top student.

In the next week, not only Draco and the others were unfamiliar with Ronald, but even the Gryffindor students seemed not to know Ronald.

Ronald, who seemed to have been injected with blood, even listened to the history of magic and divination classes with great interest.

Harry and Hermione, who were in class together, were stunned.

Similarly, Ronald, who is shining brightly these days, has also won a lot of attention. In Ronald's heart, all this sunshine is his envy.

This feeling was something he had never experienced before, and he finally understood how Harry, the savior, felt on a daily basis.

In the cafeteria, Harry looked at Ronald who was enjoying his meal, and couldn't help but feel worried.

"Ronald, are you feeling well? Do you need me to accompany you to the infirmary to take a look?"

"How is that possible? I'm fine." Ronald couldn't swallow the drumstick in his mouth, and his voice couldn't be heard clearly.

Hermione also advised from the side: "Ronald, I also suggest that you go and see him to avoid physical problems.

Ronald drank the food in his mouth with juice and looked at Hermione with a frown.

".々Miss Smart, I told you it's okay, do you think you're the only one who's smart? Humph."

Hermione was pushed back by Ronald's words, and she glared and said: "I don't care what you have to do with me, Harry, I'm going to the library.

Harry looked at Hermione's angry back, turned around and said helplessly to Ronald: "Hermione is just worried about you, why did you say that to her?"

Ronald didn't care at all. The professor's praise and classmates' attention these days had made him very proud.

"I don't need it, huh, she just thinks I'm better than her and is jealous of me. Gryffindor isn't a smart person like her, is she? Harry.

Ronald always raised his head when he spoke now, with a proud look that was strange to Harry. He was not like this before.

Seeing Harry's silence, Ronald had a hint of doubt in his eyes. "Harry, we are good friends. You won't be like Hermione, who doesn't want me to be better than others.

(Wonderful) Harry replied awkwardly: "It's possible, Ronald, it's your own ability."

Ronald nodded proudly and joked at Harry.

"Hahaha, just don't blame me for stealing your limelight. Harry, I will protect you from now on. If Malfoy troubles you, I will take action.

Harry smiled and said nothing. Even if Ronald performed well these days, it was not to the point where he could do anything to Draco.

Ronald looked a little angry when he looked at Harry. "You don't believe me? Harry."

"Trust, trust, trust, I trust you."

After receiving Harry's affirmative answer, Ronald patted Harry on the shoulder and left the long table.

Harry looked at Ronald's back and touched his forehead. He had been having nightmares these days and originally wanted to tell Ronald.

But looking at Ronald's appearance, Harry couldn't hold back.

For some reason, Harry always felt that something was wrong with Ronald. .

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