Hogwarts: Restore the glory of the Black family

Chapter 100 Beating Kreacher, The Sinister Black

In the castle, Cole looked at the empty home. The new semester started, and once Martin and the others left, it became less lively.

I have a lot to do next.

Ginny Weasley, Tom in the diary will definitely use her to release the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets.

Cole suddenly thought of what else he could do.

Cole, who was sitting on the sofa, stamped his foot twice. "Kreacher, come here."

After being summoned by Cole, Kreacher's figure appeared in the room.

"My master, do you have any orders?"

Kreacher, a house elf, no, should be said to be an old elf, stood in front of Cole with his hands in front of him.

Cole's serious expression made Kreacher a little scared, and he looked at him at a loss.

The gloomy voice made Kreacher tremble.

"Kreacher, do you know what news I got? The "840" house elves of the Malfoy family actually betrayed Malfoy. What do you think about this?"

Kreacher seemed to have heard a big joke and said in disbelief: "Master, how can a house elf betray his master?"

"Oh, damn Dobby, I knew this guy was a disgrace to the elves, and his family should be nailed to a stake.

The circle of house elves is only that big. Except for the ones in Hogwarts Castle, the others are all distributed in the homes of noble wizards.

Similarly, Kreacher and the other house elves with owners looked down upon the group of masterless guys at Hogwarts the most.

Compared with them, Kreacher is a nobleman for house elves.

Kreacher couldn't believe that Dobby's family had received a gift from the Malfoy family, but they didn't know how to be grateful and committed betrayal.

"I didn't expect that a house elf would betray a wizard. Kreacher, do you think I can still trust you?"

Cole looked at Kreacher with a smile, but Kreacher's heart fell into an abyss and he knelt down directly.

"My master, Kreacher will never betray you or the Black family. I have been serving the Black family since I was born. Please trust your servant."

Kreacher looked at Cole with pleading eyes, and Cole didn't know how to tell, but he found determination in Kreacher's eyes.

Obviously the trust of master Cole is very important to Kreacher. If the house elf is not trusted by his master, there is no point in living.

After a long silence, Cole knew that if he didn't speak, Kreacher might even cut off his head and offer it to Cole.

Cole quite needs this guy, at least he can keep the castle clean.

"Kreacher, I believe you will not be like that house elf of the Malfoy family. Get up. The Black family will always remember your dedication."

Kreacher had tears in his eyes after receiving Cole's affirmation. "My master, this is what Kreacher should do.

"Do your best, and when you die, I promise you that your head will be hung on the fireplace."

Cole drew a pie for a house elf. Obviously, elf creatures are different from normal humans. If Cole heard this, he would be shattered.

But Kreacher jumped up excitedly, thanking Cole for his kindness.

"This is my glory, master, Merlin, ancestors, Kreacher will be hung on the master's fireplace, what an honor it is.'

Cole looked at the elf who was even more excited after being beaten by him, and thought to himself: If other wizards in the wizarding world were like Kreacher [the Black family's ten steps are the pinnacle of the wizarding spring.

"Kreacher, okay, I called you here to ask you something. How did Regulus die?"

Kreacher stopped, froze on the spot, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Master, do you know about Master Regulus? Kreacher should be damned. Damn Kreacher for not protecting Master Regulus."

"I also hid Master Regulus's affairs from you, my master. Kreacher does not deserve the glory of the Black family."

In just a few minutes, Kreacher's mood changed drastically. He would laugh happily at one moment and slap himself on the other.

The attack was so cruel that Cole felt his face hurt.

"Master Regulus was so kind to Kreacher and couldn't bear to let Kreacher die in his place. It was the Dark Lord who killed the master."

Kreacher finally revealed the secret he had hidden for many years.

In fact, Cole could understand Kreacher's reaction. House elves are very loyal, but they also have their own thoughts and emotions.

There is no wizard like Regulus in the entire wizarding world who would rather die than let an elf take his place.

The elf who has been discriminated against by wizards for many years and has been tortured will only become more loyal when meeting such a former master.

However, Cole has no interest in changing the situation of the house elves. He can only do it without punishing and torture easily. As for liberating the house elves...

That was a dream. After all, Cole was a nobleman, and he was the vested interest.

Lying in the service of house elves, this is what wizards should do, selfishness is human nature.

"Okay, Kreacher." Cole stopped Kreacher from hurting himself.

"I feel sorry for what happened to Regulus, but it has already happened. We should strengthen the Black family so that similar things will not happen in the future."

"Did Regulus ask you to keep something else?"

Kreacher, who was wiping his tears, did not question Cole's understanding of what was going on.

In his heart, whatever the master does is right.

"Yes, master, it's a locket. Kreacher hid it in his room. It's an evil thing that makes a sound every night, making Kreacher do some bad things.

"Go get it."

Cole thought while letting Kreacher get the things.

Having just heard Kreacher say that a voice bewitches him every day, Cole certainly knew that it was Voldemort's soul that was causing trouble.

If it weren't for Kreacher, he would have been an adult house elf, and he would have been wary of pendants because of Regulus.

Maybe Voldemort's locket soul will succeed.

After all, not everyone can refuse power, but the house elf Kreacher does not have this ambition. 5.5 What he wants is not to gain power, but to hang his head on the fireplace.

It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it?

When Kreacher took the locket back and handed it to Cole, Cole looked at it carefully, the exquisite Slytherin family crest, the long platinum chain, and the familiar aura of the Dark Lord.

Cole smiled and thought sinisterly: If Lucius gave the diary to Ginny Weasley, could he deliver the locket to Ronald Weasley?

After all, as a poor student of Gryffindor, Ronald is obviously better at seducing, and Harry is a seed in his own right.

In this case, Gryffindor can have three Horcruxes of the Dark Lord, combined into three-star Horcruxes?

Isn't it a good idea to just catch the Weasley family raking in wool like this?

Cole's sudden kindness made him sick.

Are you a very good person?

Shaking his head, Cole thought to himself: The show is about to begin!

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