Hogwarts Kryptonian

Chapter 200 Substitute

Lu Yunkai thought that at his age and with the various recovery potions in the system, he would be able to bounce around vigorously in two or three days.

But he was wrong.

Summoning an unknown thing from nowhere is far more dangerous than what he knows.

He stayed in bed for more than half a month.

It wasn't until August, halfway through the summer vacation, that he could barely get out of bed.

So much so that Irene, who had never cared much about Lu Yunkai's private life (mainly because it was inconvenient to care too much), became worried when she saw him appear again.

Not to mention Daphne.

For more than half a month, the worry on her face has not disappeared.

However, Lu Yunkai couldn't help it. Seeing Daphne so worried, he wanted to reply quickly, but his body really didn't listen to commands.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing. At least after all this trouble, Lu Yunkai's idea of ​​"summoning it from time to time to learn something from it" was completely abandoned by himself.

It doesn’t seem like a good deal either.

While he was lying in bed for more than half a month, Lu Yunkai also carefully checked the origin of the thing he summoned.

Most of the things used in this summons are related to the legendary king, and the story of King Solomon can be found everywhere in the Muggle world.

In particular, it mentions two names.

When he could walk on his own again, he had already figured out what he had summoned that afternoon: it was said to be the summoning demon god who had signed a contract with King Solomon.

However, this did not help Lu Yunkai eliminate his wariness about the ritual to dispel magic.

Lu Yunkai was reluctant to experiment with Daphne.

And as the time came to August, the Hogwarts owl also reminded Lu Yunkai that he and Daphne were still just students, and there was no need to be too anxious about some things.

And wait.

It would be better to find an opportunity to try it on others first, and then use it to help Daphne lift the curse after confirming that there are no side effects...

As for the potion knowledge that the summoned demon god named Walliver taught him, Lu Yunkai planned to refine it into potions one by one to determine whether they were reliable or not.

Therefore, after getting out of bed, Lu Yunkai entered the state of buying materials from the system, processing them himself, and then selling them back to the system to "make up for the summer vacation" and "enrich the system product library."

Originally, Lu Yunkai thought that this summer vacation should be passed peacefully, but some people would not allow him to be so peaceful.

Not even a week had passed since Lu Yunkai was eating, sleeping, refining potions, chatting with Daphne in his free time, and even going fishing on the coast outside his home, when the big snake appeared outside Lu Yunkai's house again. In the grass.

Lu Yunkai, who saw the snake, naturally understood that Voldemort was looking for him.

Following Orochi, Lu Yunkai returned to the castle where he met Voldemort last summer.

It seems that he has put aside his worries about the hiding place being exposed because Crouch Jr. was exposed.

And Voldemort, who had become weak again after a "long journey", actually needed Lu Yunkai to help him get unicorn blood.

Voldemort, who drank the blood and regained some physical strength, still wanted to remind Lu Yunkai not to forget to help him resurrect. Lu Yunkai said that based on his correspondence with Harry, so far, the Ministry of Magic has not Without relaxing his monitoring of Harry, he could only wait until the time was right...

They were all the same old polite words, and Lu Yunkai was a little impatient when he said them.

And Voldemort was helpless.

If there was anything new, Lu Yunkai took what Snape told him about the Ministry of Magic's intention to directly intervene in the management of Hogwarts, processed it, and told it to Voldemort.

"The Ministry of Magic is not very satisfied with Dumbledore's previous protection of Harry, so it is said that in the new school year, people will be sent to the school to serve as teachers to carry out comprehensive rectification and management of the school. It is estimated that the strict protection of Harry will be at least It’s been going on for two or three years.”

Lu Yunkai said to Voldemort.

Of course he knew that it was obviously impossible for Voldemort to accept staying the way he was now for two or three years.

He just wanted to defeat Voldemort's army. Sure enough, Voldemort couldn't sit still when he heard Lu Yunkai said that the Ministry of Magic had directly intervened in Hogwarts, and that there was even a possibility of a dragon protecting Harry Potter.

"I need people, more people."

Voldemort said so.

And this was exactly the result Lu Yunkai wanted.

"Meow, are you too brave?"

On the balcony on the second floor of the home. Lu Yunkai, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, looking at the book in his hand, humming a song, seemed to be in a good mood.

Chris, who was eating a fish on the table, had some appreciation in her tone.

Chris supported Lu Yunkai's "daring actions" most of the time, not to mention this time, what Lu Yunkai wanted to try sounded interesting.

"Little Crouch was just imprisoned in Azkaban and sentenced to life imprisonment before. This time, instead of escaping from prison, he was directly sentenced to a dementor's kiss and became a walking zombie!" Lu Yun started. He turned a page in the book inside and said while reading: "I think if those Death Eaters stay in Azkaban, something will happen sooner or later. It's better to lure the snake out of its hole... Well, this is from the East. Strategic wisdom, you don’t understand.”

"Meow, how do you plan to organize this Azkaban prison break?" Chris's tone was full of curiosity, "Although the Dementors are trash, they are not without any deterrence. Those locked up inside The Death Eaters have little fighting ability..."

"How could it be possible!!" Lu Yunkai shook his head, "It's not that they have no fighting power, they just don't have weapons!"

"Yeah! Without a wand, you can't use magic, naturally... Meow??"

Kris immediately understood what Lu Yunkai was thinking.

If you don’t have weapons, give them to them! !

It's not like Lu Yunkai doesn't have a way to send things to Azkaban... Chris herself! !

"What, are you willing?"

"I don't want to." Chris shook her head, "I only want to go to Azkaban that lousy place once, and I don't want to go there a second time."

"You!" Lu Yun smiled and sighed. He didn't take Chris's words seriously at all.

Can you just not go if you don’t want to go? Lu Yunkai doesn't want to have anything to do with Voldemort yet! But now Voldemort is not the only one at his disposal! In the final analysis, this matter is not because of Chrissy!

"Then, what if those Death Eaters really succeed in escaping from prison?" Chris seemed to understand this, so she just complained, "That's very dangerous."

"I don't think you understand the saying that a group of dragons are leaderless." Lu Yun gave Chrissy a blank look, "With Voldemort's current virtue, even if the fear of him is deeply rooted in the bones of the Death Eaters, their attitude will be more or less the same. Something has changed. Would Crouch dare to go to Hogwarts to take advantage of Harry in such a way that Voldemort was at his peak?"

"Meow, if I hadn't happened to see him killing old Crouch in the Forbidden Forest, he would have hidden it very well! And he almost succeeded..."

"That's the problem!" Lu Yunkai nodded, "Without unified command, they will fight independently. Everyone has their own little calculations and thoughts, and then they do their own thing. Without collective efforts, even one person can No matter how much you think, you will still make mistakes easily. If you make mistakes, you will be targeted and dealt with... This is called leaderless, do you understand? "

"Meow, I don't understand." Chris shook her head, "But... I still don't agree with you helping Voldemort organize people. After all, you are going back to school soon. If these people really come out, what will happen to you?" If you don't, you will be very embarrassed! Wasn't it because you were so worried that someone under Voldemort wouldn't be able to use you?"

"Of course I remember." Lu Yunkai nodded, "That's why I haven't rashly told Voldemort that I plan to help his men escape from Azkaban! I was wondering if I could arrange for one of my own to arrive before this happens. Go to Voldemort and help me control the situation while I'm away."

"Meow, who is it? Lucius Malfoy?" Chrissy shook the cat's head, "You can't control someone you don't have control over, and Voldemort won't believe someone who has control over you."

"I can't command Lucius." Lu Yunkai shook his head, "I have to think about it..."

"Meow, actually I have a suggestion."

Chris glanced outside the front yard.

In the grass, the big snake lay there sleeping soundly.

Since the last time Lu Yunkai followed Orochi to find Voldemort, Voldemort arranged for Orochi to follow Lu Yunkai instead of staying with him.

In name, it can help Lu Yunkai solve some problems.


Voldemort himself didn't believe it when he said he wasn't here to monitor whether Lu Yunkai was trying his best to help him.

"Nagini? Don't make trouble, it is Voldemort's pet..."

"Meow, it's not just Voldemort's pet." Chrissy shook her head, "Have you forgotten, I always feel that it has a human soul in it."

"I always thought you were wrong."

"Maybe! But if you don't try, how will you know?" Kris' eyes flashed.

"Try? Try what?"

"Meow, if it was once a person, but it became like this...why?"

"Why else! I'm under a spell... Oh! Oh oh oh oh!!!" Lu Yunkai jumped up from his chair.

"Meow, you kill two birds with one stone!" Chrissy nodded with satisfaction when she saw Lu Yunkai's surprise reaction.

"Yes! Kill two birds with one stone! Well... But wait a minute, if what the demon god taught me really works and helps it get rid of the curse on it, it will naturally be Voldemort's most trusted person, right? How can I control it? ?”

"Meow, if you were a person who turned into an animal due to a certain spell, and was forced to be someone else's pet for a long time, and finally recovered, would you still be willing to continue being someone's pet?" Chris asked Lu Yunkai , "And if one day Sophie suddenly turned into a human, would you dare to trust it?"


"This is a gamble!" Lu Yunkai muttered.

Yes, what if Voldemort can trust him and Nagini is willing to continue working for Voldemort?

"Then you're not at a loss! Anyway, let the snake do the dangerous things, just keep an eye on Harry Potter... I don't think Voldemort will have any objections to this."

"Hmm..." Lu Yunkai touched his chin, still seeming a little unsure.

"Even if you take a step back, there is someone who can help Daphne detect the magic circle. You don't need it?" Chris changed her expression.

"...That makes sense!" Lu Yunkai jumped directly from the balcony into the yard.

Lu Yunkai climbed over the wall from the yard and jumped outside. The big snake sleeping in the grass woke up almost immediately.

Then he quickly swam to his side.

He raised his upper body and looked at Lu Yunkai.

He seemed to be waiting for Lu Yunkai to say something.

"Can you understand what I'm saying?" Lu Yunkai squatted down so that his eyes could look at the big snake, and then asked.

The big snake didn't move.

"...I don't understand." Lu Yunkai sighed, a little disappointed, "Then stay here and don't move."

Lu Yunkai warned the snake and then took out the wand.

The big snake looked at Lu Yunkai's movements, but had no reaction.

It seemed that it understood that Lu Yunkai was not its enemy, so it had no defense against Lu Yunkai's actions.

After pulling out the wand, Lu Yunkai wrote a few ancient magic words around the snake, then called out Xue Li, and asked it to take out a fish, a chicken, and a rabbit from the kitchen, and threw them in circle.


"Don't eat it!! This is not food for you!!"

Lu Yunkai was speechless as he looked at the big snake that immediately opened its mouth to catch it as soon as he threw the living creature in.

The big snake looked up at Lu Yunkai.

It didn't seem to understand why Lu Yunkai yelled at it.

Helpless, Lu Yunkai could only let Xue Li get it before throwing it into the circle.

But the big snake still didn't understand Lu Yunkai's words, and insisted that Lu Yunkai might think it was too hard outside and was feeding it...

Repeated five times.

It was not until the sixth time that Lu Yunkai threw things in that the satiated snake finally stopped attacking the sacrifices.

Seeing that several sacrifices were finally placed beside the big snake alive, Lu Yunkai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Not bad, if the snake's appetite was better, Lu Yunkai would have to arrange for Xue Li to buy new ingredients. The inventory at home is basically in the belly of the big snake now.

And the big snake who was full didn't rush to escape. Seeing Lu Yunkai place three more pieces of food around it, it thought this place was the nest Lu Yunkai prepared for it, so he tightened his body, took a plate, closed his eyes and began to digest the food.

This is a rare opportunity for Lu Yunkai.

He bought seven-color crystals from the system as quickly as possible, piled them around the snake, and then used his wand to draw a final circle, trapping all the sacrifices and crystals inside.

The sacrifices are in place and the magic circle is completed.

The exciting moment should come...


Nothing happened.

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