The students were silent for a while, as if they were thinking carefully about Aris' words.

After a while, a Ravenclaw girl raised her hand timidly

"Senior Shafiq, your iron armor looks very different. Can you tell us more about it?...Elemental energy? I think a lot of people would be interested in that......"

"Yes, that golden light is so cool. Is that elemental energy?"

"Is it difficult to understand elemental energy? After all, we have never heard of it......."

"By adding gold elemental energy, can the Iron Armor Curse change like this? Amazing......"

Voices suddenly spread from below again, and the whole classroom became buzzing again.

Aris smiled kindly, this is what he has been waiting for!

He had already planned to promote elemental magic in Hogwarts very early on. This club is undoubtedly a very suitable time, and now it seems that the effect is very good.

On the side, Hermione glanced at Aris, a little surprised.

I don’t seem to understand why the boy suddenly mentioned elements���Law.

Yaris's voice came to mind again:"Of course, if you are interested, I will explain it carefully, and you can rest assured that elemental energy is not difficult to understand. As long as you have perseverance, you can all peep into its secrets!"

"In today's lesson, we will first use the Iron Armor Curse as an example to explain to you......"

He walked up to a dummy target

"The iron armor spell is also called armor protection, which is enough to resist general offensive spells. This magic can be divided into full coverage and selective coverage, with different levels of difficulty!"

"Selective coverage can reduce magic power consumption, but it requires precise timing. Full coverage is much simpler, and it is also the most basic method of summoning armor to cover the whole body!"

"You might as well try and cast some evil spells on this dummy. Yaris looked at the little wizard in the audience again and smiled invitingly.

Several boys who were eager to try immediately rushed forward and violently fired stun spells and obstacle spells at the dummy.

After the spell hit the dummy, it was actually hit by a The thin layer of golden light instantly offsets it.

Moreover, during the pause of the spell, the golden light shield does not exist.

This will undoubtedly greatly reduce the magic output, and the few spells just hit the armor shield. It has no effect at all!

"This is the effect of selective covering of armor for body protection.?"

"This effect seems to be no worse than the complete iron armor curse?"

"It’s golden light again...Does this spell also have a metallic element?"

"It’s incredible, Shafiq is so awesome...No wonder he was able to defeat Professor Quirrell and Voldemort's soul!!"

The students all watched Yaris's demonstration excitedly, eager to learn this spell right away.

Yaris nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, it has aroused their interest.

Next, it depends on their learning enthusiasm and understanding..

He cleared his throat to attract everyone's attention.

"Okay, now the lecture is about to start in Aris' small lecture hall. Next, I will demonstrate the steps of casting the armor to protect myself. Everyone, please watch carefully!"

Everyone held their breath and stared at him.

Even Hermione's eyes were shining. , the quill quickly scratched on the parchment, for fear of missing a detail.

Aris raised his wand with a solemn expression,"The key to armor protection is to concentrate your mind, keep your wrist steady, pronounce it accurately, and remember the formula."A sincere heart is spiritual, a steady hand is accurate, and the tone is powerful. All three are indispensable!"

He read calmly:"Armor protects you!"

The tip of the wand shot out a pale golden light, which quickly condensed into a translucent shield in front of him.

"See it? When casting a spell, the wand is pointed straight forward and the wrist is shaken sideways in a smooth motion."

"The pronunciation is pro-te-go, with the emphasis on the second syllable, and the speaking speed should not be too fast."

The students watched attentively and recited the mantra silently in their hearts.

"Okay, let’s ask a few classmates to come up and give it a try. Remember what I said!"

Several students who were eager to try came forward and raised their wands at the dummy target.


A red-haired boy recited the wrong spell and blushed.

"Armor protection!"

A girl stammered, her wrist shaking violently.

Some faint white light emitted from the tip of their wand, but it dissipated before it could condense into shape.

"Don't be discouraged, this is normal." Yaris comforted

"It's like this at the beginning, just practice it a few more times and it'll be fine."

With his encouragement, several people tried it a few more times, and gradually improved.

Although the shield was not strong enough, it could finally form a barrier-like light, but most people's barrier could only be broken with a light poke. If it is broken, it cannot be sustained at all, and naturally it cannot withstand the real evil curse.

"Well done, that's it!" Yaris still applauded enthusiastically

"But why, our spells emit white light instead of golden light?......"

A little wizard asked a question. Suddenly, more people stopped what they were doing and looked at Yaris.

"Of course, because you haven't realized the elemental energy yet...This is not an easy task!"Aris saw that the preparations were almost done, so Shi Shiran put away his wand and stood still on the stage.

"That’s it for today’s demonstration. You can go back and practice the release of the Iron Armor Curse again. Of course...If anyone wants to know how to comprehend elemental energy, you are welcome to pay attention to the club's next activities!"

"Next time, I will focus on explaining how to make your iron armor spell sparkle and how to make your...A true element of understanding!"

As he said this, Aris blinked at Hermione, then turned around and walked off the podium.

Behind him, all the young wizards were stunned.


They originally thought that Aris was going to give a lecture, but it turned out���this...Just slipped away?

What about the elemental energy mentioned?

Where is the golden iron armor curse you promised?

This professor is so irresponsible!

Wait, he's not a real professor...It seems that there is no obligation to attend the full length of a class!

"How could this be possible? It’s so appetizing!!!"

The little wizards suddenly scratched their heads and scratched their heads. Their inner curiosity has been aroused, and they can't wait to have a second club activity right away.

And this is actually the original purpose of Aris.

If you want to understand the elements, you must portray the formation. Fa, obviously there is no such condition today.

This is why he wants to arouse the curiosity of the young wizards and wait until next time to announce it.

"Yaris, what you said is so good!"

Hermione quickly followed and excitedly whispered in the boy's ear:"But why did you suddenly mention elemental magic? Are you really ready to teach them?"

"What, is there a problem?"Aris smiled

"Of course not, just...I thought you would be more cautious!"Hermione shrugged.

Although it was unexpected, it seemed to be expected.

As early as when Aris taught Harry their elemental magic, Hermione knew that this day would come.

At this time, Aris The system prompts have sounded in my mind.

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