
In the training ground, several young wizards were lying weakly in the magic circle.

"No, it’s useless!"Ron looked depressed and felt like he was about to lose his life.

"I suspect that Yaris didn't teach us the correct spell at all, so we have been unable to cast the fireball spell.....~.."

"However, when he recited the incantation...Did you really cast that magic?"Harry frowned and tried hard to analyze what went wrong. They thought they were very focused and serious.

Even when they took the first Charms class, they didn't think so. Really

"In fact, Aris can summon fireballs without chanting a spell!"Hermione added next to her..

"So, it is possible that this spell...Is there really a problem?"Harry looked at the little witch

"But there’s no need for Yaris to lie to us, right?"Qiu is practicing the wind whirlwind magic today. Like several others, she has not succeeded even once, and she is also a little depressed at this time.

"Hermione, how long have you been practicing the Levitation Charm?"At this time, Harry suddenly asked

"Probably, about a week! Hermione thought for a while and replied:"Although I succeeded in the first time in class, before that, I had previewed the content of that class in advance and practiced that spell!""

"So, it took you a week to master the levitation spell?"Harry was stunned for a moment.

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be that easy to use a magic spell skillfully......."Hermione shrugged

"I wonder if we are too anxious......"Ron's voice suddenly sounded

"Sure enough, today's training was exactly the same as what I dreamed about last night. How can elemental magic be so simple?~"

"Perhaps, it's not that there is something wrong with my brother's spell, but that we simply don't understand the key to this magic. Elemental magic is different from the spell system we know now. Elemental magic pays more attention to the control of magic power by mental power......."

At this time, Luna's voice came from the magic circle on the side, her tone was calm and ethereal.

She stretched out her hand, as if she was feeling something, and then spoke again:"Today I have been feeling the elemental energy that my brother mentioned, so when you cast the spell, I happened to be able to feel the fluctuations of your elemental energy more clearly!"

"I feel that the fundamental reason why you have been unable to successfully release fireballs and whirlwinds is that you have poor control over magic power. In the process of gathering elemental energy, it is easy to collapse due to the unsmooth supply of magic power."

Said, Luna looked at Hermione

"Hermione is the one who is closest to success. I can sense that your control of elemental energy has reached a certain critical point. Maybe you are just one chance away from successfully causing the elemental energy you control to undergo qualitative fission......."

"And Qiu, you two have significantly better control over magic than Harry Potter and Ron!"

Listening to Luna's analysis, the other little wizards on the field were stunned.

They didn't expect that Luna, who was only exposed to elemental magic on her first day, could actually see so many details that even they didn't pay attention to, especially It was Hermione, and she looked at Luna in surprise.

"Luna, can you really sense the elemental energy we mobilize when we cast spells?"

"this...Is it weird?"Luna looked at everyone with some confusion.

"It's incredible indeed......"Harry also had a look of surprise on his face,"The first day I sensed elemental energy, I almost fell asleep and felt nothing at all!"

"I'm similar to Harry, so your situation must not be common!"Ron nodded in agreement.

"Maybe Luna is a genius like Aris?"Qiu looked at the little girl with a hint of envy.

"Compared with my brother, I am far behind!"Luna smiled and shook her head.

Then, she glanced in the direction of the castle

"It seems like it's almost dinner time, why don't we take a break first?"

"No, I don’t believe it, I can’t learn it! Ron muttered, and got into the magic circle again.

Harry also expressed his thoughts with practical actions, and then sat next to Ron.

"It seems that they feel threatened because of your talent!"Hermione glanced at the two of them, then shrugged at Luna.

"Forget it, I'll practice for a while too!"With that said, Hermione also turned around and returned to the magic circle.

"I'll go back to the castle later too......"Qiu also nodded towards Luna.

"Did you work so hard?"Luna glanced at the castle, then skipped out of the training ground without paying attention to the people.

She didn't want to miss dinner with her brother because of extra training....

Three days later.

Hermione and Cho had successfully unleashed their first Fireball and Twister.

So they even had fun all day long.

However, even so, they did not dare to relax at all.

Because once they lose their concentration, they will still be instantly knocked back to the starting point.

Gradually, the little wizards discovered the difference between the elemental magic system and the modern spell system.

In terms of difficulty, elemental magic is obviously more difficult.

0 ·····Asking for flowers···· 0

In addition to the perception and affinity for elemental energy, one also needs to continuously strengthen one's control over magic power.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to truly release even a small fireball.

But this is much more harsh than the modern spell system!

However, what they can be sure of is that the power of elemental magic is indeed much stronger than ordinary spells.

This kind of strength is not only in lethality, but also in destructive power!

Hermione understood this deeply when she threw out the fireball spell for the first time and almost set a large piece of training tools on fire.

In the castle, Aris is reading a book at this time

"The time has come, right?"

Suddenly, he looked up and looked in the direction of the castle gate outside the living room.

"That old fox is never late?"

At this moment, a silver-white figure suddenly appeared outside the gate.


Then, he opened the door of Shafiq Castle with a gentle wave of his hand and walked in calmly.

"Professor Dumbledore, I thought you weren't coming!"

At this time, Yaris' figure appeared next to the silver-haired figure with a crackling sound.

"It's a very beautiful apparation. I didn't know that you actually learned this skill secretly?"

Dumbledore looked at the boy with deep meaning, a little helpless in his eyes.

"I guess you must not have registered with the Ministry of Magic?"

"certainly! Yaris said without thinking.

"Well, let’s do this for now!"

The silver-haired old wizard shook his head, and then looked inside the castle.

"Are those little guys okay?"

"It couldn't be better!"Aris nodded.

Thinking that Harry and the others had been acting hopeless all day, the boy smiled unkindly.

"That's good! Dumbledore had no doubts,"Guess, why am I late today?""

"Was there something delayed at school?" Yaris guessed

"Strictly speaking, it's not a school matter......."The silver-haired old wizard's eyes suddenly turned a bit resentful:"It was Firenze and the others. Those centaurs almost broke out of the Forbidden Forest. It is said that they saw a certain giant dragon leaving in a hurry and thought something had happened......."

"Firenze? Yaris was stunned for a moment, and then shook his head helplessly.

"I forgot to tell them about this!"

"It’s okay, I’ll ask Elise to run over in a while. She misses her hometown a little anyway!"

"That's the best!"Dumbledore nodded, then stretched out his hand

"Come on, I will take you to meet Nick, he is looking forward to meeting you!" towel.

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