Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 136 Comprehensive Physical Examination

At first, it was just a cramp in the abdomen, and then the pain quickly spread to all parts of the body, as if there were flames burning between the muscles and organs, as if the whole body was melting.

He knelt down on the ground involuntarily, his body twitching violently. With a clicking sound, his body suddenly shrank in size. Then the black robe turned into feathers, the soles of his feet turned into sharp claws, and his two arms gradually transformed into into wings.

Suddenly, a raven soared into the sky in the heavy rain. At first it seemed to be flapping its wings like crazy, but it quickly adapted to its new body and began to fly smoothly.

It rolled up and down in the rain, and a shadow-like thing covered its body. The raven was like a fighter jet equipped with a jet engine. Its flying speed suddenly increased, and it crossed hundreds of meters in an instant. distance, and continued to accelerate. Suddenly, a cone-shaped air wave burst out behind the raven, and the surrounding heavy rain was wiped away.

Sonic boom!

The speed of the raven has exceeded the speed of sound, and it is like a black lightning in the heavy rain.

Murphy once again felt the joy he felt when he first learned the flying spell. Perhaps it was because his body was smaller and lighter, making it more suitable for flying, or perhaps it was the effect of one plus one being greater than two. In short, his flying speed had greatly exceeded that before. Supersonic speed is just normal, and even he feels that reaching two or three times the speed of sound is not particularly difficult.

Whether it was due to the factors of the advanced Animagus or because the crow itself was smart enough, Murphy felt that his thinking showed no signs of being restricted, but in terms of senses, he was stronger than before.

The night at this time was no longer just darkness in his eyes. The four-color vision of birds and the light-gathering ability of the double pupils allowed him to see most things in the night clearly. By adjusting the focus, he could also Can see very far away.

During the extremely fast flight, he could still clearly distinguish most of the scenes on the ground.

Suddenly, he swept down rapidly, and when he was close to the ground, he spread his wings again, flew close to the ground for a short distance, and then stopped.

Then the change that turned him into a crow happened to him again, this time it was reversed. In a moment, a wizard with black robes and black hair appeared in the same place again.

He took a deep breath and opened his eyes again.

The four-color vision was still there, and he looked at himself with an extra layer of color in a slightly weird way. He reached out and patted everywhere for a while, and found that there were no obvious deformities or changes, and there was no discomfort in his body. His reason was also there. , no strange psychic effects.

Murphy breathed a sigh of relief and apparated back to the Magic Research Institute, where he found Andrew Tuke and asked, "Arrange a comprehensive physical examination for me."

"There are no lesions, no cancer, and the appearance has not changed much. I have lost three kilograms in weight and grown two centimeters in height. The appearance has not changed much. The obvious change is that the pupil contraction range near the eyes has become larger, and it seems to have become Two, the shape of the iris has changed, and the color has turned gray-blue. By the way, have you noticed that your eyebrows have turned into barbs?"


"This is the one we just cut off your eyebrow. Look, although it looks similar to ordinary hair, it is actually hollow, and there are actually some very small barbules on it..."

"What the hell..." Although he knew that there would probably be a lot of abnormal things about him, this change still made him lose some of his sanity.

"It's just a change on the outside... There's a lot more going on inside your body than on the outside."

"First of all, a large part of your weight loss is because your bones are lighter, but instead of reducing their strength, they have become stronger."

"Our radiographs show that the compact bone of most bones throughout your body has become denser, and the trabecular bone in the cancellous bone has more than doubled, which would have made your bones heavier, but We determined that the material composition of your bones has changed and seems to be doped with more carbon, but we have not yet found out what the specific changes are."

"The increase in bone strength is to adapt to your new muscles. Whether it is grip strength, arm strength, leg strength, waist muscles, etc., your strength test data has exceeded the known world record by one and a half to two times. .”

"But your physique did not change into that of a muscular strongman, so we can only speculate that there was also a general change in the structure or materials of your muscles."

"In terms of horizontal comparison, in terms of strength, you are equivalent to a transformed werewolf, but in terms of flexibility, you have reached the level of a vampire. You are now a superman."

"However, the changes in your bones and muscles are nothing compared to the changes in your lungs."

"When we scanned your lungs, we found that the structure of your lungs has been completely reorganized, and more airways have appeared. Moreover, they are not like the main trachea, bronchi, smaller bronchi, and alveoli like ordinary humans. There are one-way tree branches, but every channel is two-way.”

"We can't be sure because of the resolution, but there are some indications that even your alveoli are modified into a dual-channel structure."

"This structure allows your alveoli to take air in and out from the other side at the same time."

"They are not even alveoli anymore. We even suspect that there are some small muscles that control the contraction and expansion of the alveoli - just like the air sacs of birds."

"Due to this dual-channel structure, your current gas exchange efficiency is frighteningly high. We have calculated that the amount of oxygen you can provide to the body with each deep breath is more than eight times that of ordinary people."

"Coupled with the fact that you can instantly increase your heartbeat to more than 600 beats per minute, you can quickly supply energy to all parts of your body, making your instant explosive power reach an extremely terrifying level. In short, you are really a superman. .”

"More importantly, these mutations are so well integrated into your body that, apart from small blemishes like your eyebrows, no negative mutations have been found that can cause lesions."

"Oh, of course, I'm afraid you can't have children easily. Although you don't have an extra chromosome that can't meiosis like a vampire, your genes are already very different from ordinary people. If you combine them with ordinary humans, , the embryo is likely to fail to develop normally and lead to miscarriage..."

"Of course, you probably don't care about that?"

Murphy shrugged. He was only in his twenties, so it was indeed too early to consider this. Now this is not so much a negative effect as a positive buff.

It's just that you can't have children, but it doesn't mean you can't have children.

You can shoot at will without fear of killing someone?

A very good thing!

"As for my brain, I can feel that my thinking has become more sensitive and clear, and I can process information from the five senses more quickly and at multiple levels. Are there any physical changes as well?"

"Oh, brain." Andrew looked at him in awe, "Of course, your brain is a miracle."

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