"Director, we have passed the test..." Pekes was about to introduce the recent research on intelligence-enhancing potions to Murphy, but Murphy raised his hand and interrupted him, "How many bottles of intelligence-enhancing potions do you have here?"

He had done this a lot when he was in school. He knew what the effect of the medicine was, so he didn't listen to the other party's report.

"Uh... Ten bottles just arrived last week. Three, oh no, five bottles were used for experiments, and there are only five bottles left."

"Okay, bring them all to me."

Murphy got the intelligence-enhancing potion and drank a bottle in one gulp. He felt a certain refreshing feeling rush into his brain, as if his head had doubled in size in an instant and could hold more things.

At the same time, the headache and sleepiness that had been bothering him for the past few days immediately disappeared.

"It works!" Murphy was very happy. "Omid, I think it is necessary to let Pekes join your mind magic research team."

"Pex, you can communicate your research results with Mr. Omid in the future." Murphy said, patting the other party's shoulder, "Come on, Pex, I look forward to the intelligence-enhancing potion taking effect permanently." one day."

After saying that, he left Omid behind and prepared to leave.

After getting the intelligence-enhancing potion, which temporarily solved the sequelae of total recall, he was going to return to the medical laboratory and give himself another shot.

A mere Lion King is not a treasure. He actually has many things in his mind that can play a greater role.

For example, it can speed up the memory of the instruction set of chip IP core design.

As a coder, he remembered that he had seen assembly language courses based on ARM's 64-bit instruction set.

Although it was just to understand some basic knowledge at the time, I basically went through it at double speed, but now I have basically forgotten it all.

But if he can remember them all, he can submit the design ideas of the assembly instructions to ARM designers, let them work backwards to deduce the instruction set architecture, and then work backwards to deduce the CPU functional circuit design.

Although it still takes a lot of time, it is still much faster to do the questions based on the answers.

In addition, he also has some knowledge that can be used in the system development part. Although it is not possible to directly create a usable computer system with bare hands, it should be no problem to speed up the research and development progress in this area.

"Director," but before Murphy had taken a few steps, a researcher caught up with him, "Director, I discovered a use for the developing agent..."

"Developing potion?"

Murphy is not very interested. It is just a potion that can make pictures move automatically. It seems that the scope of application is not very wide. He has not paid attention to this aspect. "You can publish it directly in the journal of the institute. Come on..."


The researcher was still following him, "Director, the developing potion can complete the scene changes before and after the photo is taken. It can automatically generate information. This information..."

"Well..." Murphy listened, still thinking about retrieving those memories later, and casually said, "If you think of any application directions, you can go to Laura..."

The elevator had arrived and Murphy walked in, but out of respect for his researcher, he tried his best to listen to what the other person said.

"I've found the application direction!"

"The advantage is that the developing potion can automatically add frames to the film!"

"It can directionally complete the scene. If two images are taken continuously, the developing potion can automatically show the changes between the two images naturally..."

"That's okay, director..."

The elevator door closed, but Murphy pressed the door-open button at the last moment.

"Wait, tell me again, what can it do?"

"Well," the researcher was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "In order to study the principle of developing potion, I took two photos of a cattail with a few seconds interval..."

"Can it add frames to film?" Murphy asked before the latter finished speaking.

"Yes, it is."

“Then can it add frames to animated images?”

"This..." The researcher was stunned for a moment and thought carefully, "It should be possible."

"Go do an experiment and report back to me. By the way, what's your name?"

There were more and more people in the institute, and Murphy couldn't remember all of them.

"Gorgi Tabarez, Director."

"Very well Georgi, how long will it take you to complete this experiment?"

"Soon, maybe... ten minutes will be enough..."

Five minutes later, Georgi came to Murphy with two pieces of paper and said, "Success, Director!"

He handed the two pieces of paper to Murphy, pointed to a puppy on the screen and said: "I asked Costas, who is a painter, to draw two cartoons of puppies. One is a small puppy. The dog is at the intersection, and a picture of the puppy has appeared in the distance.”

"I stacked the two pictures together and used developing potion at the same time. As a result, the puppy followed the path we drew for him. You see!"

I saw that the puppies in the two pictures were circulating. In the first picture, the puppy walked from the intersection to the edge of the picture. In the second picture, the puppy walked from the edge of the picture to the distance.

"When wizards use developing potions, they can more freely manipulate the scenes in these paintings, but when we Muggles use developing potions, we need some special settings to make them produce the effects we want."

"For example, this kind of frame-filling phenomenon, if we don't constrain the starting point and end point of the puppy through the picture, the puppy will just move aimlessly in the picture."

"Okay! Very good!" Murphy patted Georgi on the shoulder happily, "Thanks to you, we have money to continue burning."


Umbrella Company acquired Pickett, a local film company. That month, Murphy met with several senior executives of the company and directly presented a script outline.

"A little lion whose uncle killed his father and usurped the throne. The little lion was forced to wander in a foreign land to seek for himself, and finally took revenge and regained the throne..."

"This... Prince's Revenge? Hamlet?" someone said.

"Yes, but the protagonists are all animals. It needs to be made into an animation that is suitable for all ages."

The producers discussed it and felt that this idea was really good.

The story of Hamlet has lasted for thousands of years, and its dramatic charm has been proven by time. However, firstly, there have been many adaptations, and secondly, modern people have no interest in the so-called stories of princes and kings.

However, changing the story to animals and the format to animation, the look and feel suddenly became much fresher.

In fact, the strong symbolic and allegorical nature of the animal image itself is extremely suitable for this kind of classical work character.

"This is really a genius idea." Someone praised.

I thought it was for rich people to play with, but I didn't expect that they would be so thoughtful when they made the move.

"With the story of Hamlet as the background, the script is not difficult to write, and the animation image is also easy to grasp," said a senior animation director.

"We will find some screenwriters and polish it for a month or two, and then we should be able to make a draft. Drawing is the most time-consuming, but if we recruit more painters, we should be able to complete most of the picture production in one year, about one and a half years. There should be hope for it to be released.”

"One year? It's too long!" Murphy shook his head, "Seize the day, friends."

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