"Yes, this is also the third point we need to explain."

"A wizard cannot decide for himself what creature he will transform into through his Animagus."

"What determines what kind of animal a wizard transforms into is God's will, probability, or: the 'Magic Network'. The 'Magic Network' will transform the wizard into an animal with a symbolic meaning based on the wizard's 'qi', personality and needs. similar animals."

"This is why we say that Animagus transformation is a ritual. Because whether it is the pupa of the Grimace Hawkmoth or the animal it finally transforms into, the way it works is at the level of 'symbolic meaning'. "

"Through researching the data, we found that the Animagus form of wizards is often similar to the form of their patron saint. This also confirms our conjecture."

"Because the patron saint is actually more similar to the wizard's soul clone."

"The fourth point we need additional explanation is the properties of the potion."

"The Animagus potion must not be disturbed while it is being placed."

"Any interruption will cause the potion to mutate, which is why the solution is extremely unstable as I said before."

"We believe that this is determined by the characteristics of Animagus potions."

"We discovered a strange phenomenon at the beginning, that is: no matter how precisely we control the conditions, such as asking the same wizard to use half of the same leaf to make potions twice, the final potions will be the same. There are big systemic differences."

"We calculated the cause of this difference and found that it cannot be eliminated through any feasible operation. It is an inherent, systematic, and probabilistic fluctuation in the phenomenon of Animagus transformation."

"Even if we divide the same potion into two parts with the same content and ingredients and store them in the same environment, no matter which method we use, when we observe them, the two potions will show different states. "

"After ruling out all possibilities, we realized that Animagus potions may have certain quantum characteristics."

"It will collapse into a specific state while being observed. Therefore, the observation itself will change its form of existence. Due to the complexity of the ingredients in Animagus potion, any two bottles of potion will collapse into the same The probability of the state is almost zero.”

"However, there are some characteristics that show that this collapse process is not completely random and seems to be controllable to a certain extent."

"In fact, in the process of studying the characteristics of vampires, we realized that the original birth of vampires was probably an Animagus transformation accident."

"Even werewolves may have been born from animagus transformation."

"In this regard, we actually have some proof of correlation. For example, the photophobia characteristics of vampires are close to the requirements of Animagus for dark environments and the characteristics of sunlight mutation. The mechanisms seem to be somewhat similar. The characteristics of the werewolf's full-moon transformation are also somewhat related to the characteristics of the Animagus that need to be crafted under the full moonlight."

"However, the evidence is not sufficient, and we are not yet sure whether these two transformations were unintentional mistakes by ancient wizards, or whether the wizards were deliberately exploring stronger transformation techniques."

"We will carry out research in this area in the future. I believe that research on the birth mechanisms of werewolves and vampires will also help us gain a deeper understanding of transformation."

"The above is our current analysis of the Animagus deformation process, as well as the explanation of four important issues."

"Animagus transformation is an extremely complex magic. Our understanding of it is still very superficial, but we can already see some of its potential for application in transformation pathways."

"According to our initial idea of ​​the deformation pathway, the first stage of the deformation pathway mainly relies on Animagus deformation. With the deepening of research, we can already subdivide the Animagus deformation into several categories. It’s a small process.”

"The first one is naturally the ordinary Animagus transformation. In this process, we first solve the complex production problem of the transformation potion, understand the basic principles, and find a faster, more standard, efficient, and more successful transformation method."

"The second process is directed Animagus. Our main goal in this process is to solve the problem that ordinary Animagus cannot specifically transform, and pave the way for more complex operations in the future."

"The third process is the advanced Animagus. Ordinary Animagus converts between humans and animals. Although the animal form still has some simple thinking, it cannot use magic, while in the human form , nor do they have the special abilities of animals. The two forms are separated."

"But, if werewolves and vampires are also a kind of Animagus, then they are actually an Animagus that can possess both animal and human form abilities. For example, vampires in human form have echolocation and accelerated heartbeats. This will enhance various bat abilities such as agility, blood-sucking, and claws.”

"And the werewolves, after the transformation, also have strong magic resistance, have claws and fangs, and their physique and physique have been greatly enhanced."

"This form in which human and animal forms coexist and can possess the advantages of both is what we call the advanced Animagus form."

"Only through this process can Animagus truly have the power to help wizards become stronger, and can they truly enter the path of transformation."

"However, our theoretical construction is still very weak in this process, and there are many problems that need to be solved. Perhaps the most important point is how to make the two forms take advantage of each other while avoiding the shortcomings of werewolves and vampires."

"The fourth process is the magical Animagus. In this process, the wizard can transform into a magical creature. In fact, the animals transformed into ordinary Animagus may not be truly ordinary animals. After all, they are very It’s hard to imagine that an ordinary animal can act according to human thinking, and they must still have the wizard’s huge magic power in their bodies, otherwise, how can they transform back?”

"We speculate that ordinary Animagus transformations just cannot cause animals to perform magic. The magic power still exists."

"Finally, there is the polymorphic Animagus. This process requires solving the problem of wizards turning into multiple animals and multiple magical animals."

"Currently, we are less than half way through the first process. We also have some conjectures about directional Animagus. In the third process, we have werewolves and vampires as reference, and the fourth and fifth processes are currently in the wizarding world. It’s almost blank, we still don’t know the difficulties of magical animagus, and for polymorphic animagus, we can only rely on some creatures and magic that can transform multiple times for reference.”

"In the future, the transformation path will go deeper and deeper into unknown areas, and the problems we will face will inevitably increase. I sincerely hope that more people can join us and jointly promote this topic. Thank you all."

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