High Above

Chapter 890 The much-anticipated Xiahui leader

Imperial Holy Light. In other words, the light of holy healing.

Every person who awakens to spiritual energy will naturally know the name of spiritual energy from within his own heart.

But this time, the power of holy light that Loren obtained was because Ian used his own power to help him resonate, so Ian also vaguely sensed the essence of this spiritual energy.

It is the power of using the power of the mind to temporarily convert pure vitality, which is used to heal, restore injuries and life.

An extremely rare psychic power that has no direct combat ability and is mainly 'healing'.

In Terra, Ian has actually met many psykers. Their psychic powers can obtain intelligence, control other creatures, predict the future, protect others, directly destroy, and have all kinds of messy effects.

But ‘treatment’ is really, really rare.

In fact, you know it if you think about it carefully.

Psychic determination requires extremely intense emotions - for humans, once the emotions become extreme, they tend to be anger, despair, hatred, or extreme desire, desire and greed.

This kind of emotional outburst and the spiritual energy catalyzed by it are naturally destructive forces.

Ian speculated that Terran humans were not fully prepared to adapt to the power of 'psionic power'.

The psychic power of Terran humans is not strong enough, and only extreme emotional stimulation and high spirits can access the Great Etheric Gyre.

As for civilizations with true spiritual awakening, transcendental sainthood, and spiritual ascension, individuals of their species may not need extreme emotions to awaken their spiritual energy. They only need firm determination to choose spiritual energy just like choosing their own profession.

Only then will it be possible for psychic powers to be ‘non-weaponized’.

But everything is not absolute. As long as you can feel happiness, yearn for peace, and look forward to the future, you can awaken a power similar to the Holy Light just like Loren does now.

"Sir, this psychic power is very powerful!"

The light on his body slowly dimmed, and Loren was a little excited at the moment. After all, he was only a child in his early ten years. With the help of Ian, he gained great strength and walked out of his brief melancholy.

He has obviously also noticed the invigorating effect of holy light on the human body. This kind of spiritual energy that can directly restore vitality and heal people's injuries and illnesses is really incredible.

Yes, the holy light cannot directly make the pain disappear, it only provides powerful vitality to encourage people to heal themselves. The only effect on people who are dying is to restore the light.

But for sublimators whose vitality is already strong, being able to "return to the light" means saving a life from a certain death situation.

For ordinary people, even if they are seriously injured and on the verge of death, the proper care of a Holy Light Psychic is enough to allow him to return to Xiahui Territory from the outside alive, accept 'soul recycling', and return to the Heart of Terra, instead of Disappear in the world.

"Your desire to help others is strong."

Ian smiled and patted Loren's shoulder. The boy's shoulders were very thin. Although he had recovered from the six months of recuperation, he had not really become stronger.

However, compared to his body, his mind is growing stronger.


Loren lowered his head and stared at his hand, which still seemed to have the pale golden light: "Sir, actually I want to confess to you... I, in fact, at the beginning... I didn't want to help other people."

He hesitated, but still said frankly: "I want revenge. Sir, when I saw my grandma stopped breathing just now, I wanted to take revenge on Feiyandi like crazy. I want all those who started the war to pay the price. I want to make They all died, starved to death and suffered what we suffered."

Ian didn't comment. He looked at the boy in front of him gently and encouragingly and said what he really thought. Loren also mustered up the courage to continue: "But after talking to grandma... I understood."

"I'm really sad, I'm sad, I've suffered. But there are other people who have suffered more."

"I was hungry and thirsty, but more people died of hunger. Although I lost relatives, more people died under the sword."

"Revenge against other people doesn't make me happy. I just want that other people don't have to experience the hurt I've suffered. I hope everyone can be happy."

"I want to defend the life I have."

"Of course..." When he said this, Loren murmured. He smiled, but there was a bit of sadness in his eyebrows: "Grandma will watch me."

"She didn't want me to become a vengeful person... She wanted me to be happy."

"I'll make grandma proud of me."

"You can do it." Ian raised his brows slightly and said with rare seriousness.

To be honest, Ian was indeed quite emotional.

If the dead really exist in this world and can watch the world, then maybe human morality will really improve a lot because of this.

If people can know that there are people who love you watching them from the beginning to the end... If there are really souls in the dark to witness everything, then maybe there won't be so many evil things happening, and there won't be so many self-righteous people. God knows and the earth knows the despicability of oneself.

Yes, it's not to completely prevent it. But before letting everyone do evil, there should be a trace of fear in their hearts.

This little bit of fear can prevent many things from happening that shouldn't happen.

It's a pity that Ian can create the underworld and make the souls of the dead live in the world forever... but he can't make 'there are spirits in the dark' become a reality.

After all, what all souls need most when they come to Hades is a long sleep - waking up requires energy for ordinary souls without obsessions.

However, this does not mean that Ian cannot do it.

This future can be achieved entirely with artificial intelligence monitoring systems.

Yes. It sounds like it's cold, invading privacy, monitoring everyone, and oppressing everyone's soul like cold sea water.

‘The gaze of the dead soul’ and ‘artificial intelligence supervision’ - although the results are exactly the same, if you change the words, coldness and warmth can be interchanged.

Everything is one thing and two sides.

But Ian has never cared about means. He only wants results. Means are one thing, publicity is another.

He whispered: "Have a good rest."

At this moment, Loren was already feeling tired - psychic energy requires physical strength, and holy light is the kind that consumes a lot of energy, probably no less than precognitive vision.

After all, this spiritual energy was the most powerful spiritual energy he had selected for Loren.

Ian raised his hand, lifted up Loren, who had begun to lose consciousness and fell into sleep, and then sent him to the mobile hospital bed that had automatically driven to the side: "Heart of Terra, send him to have a good rest."

The prophet looked at the child's face: "Take good care of the future son of our Chongling Religion."

time flies.

The construction work in Xiahui Ling seems to be endless. Every time the construction team completes a major project, they are greeted by another major project.

Although there is a short break between the two projects, and the salary given by Xiahui Ling is always generous, enough to make all the workers smile, but tiredness is still tired.

In particular, Xiahui Ling's project can basically be said to involve tearing down mountains and rivers, and rivers have to be diverted. This kind of action against nature is fine once or twice, but if it happens too much, it will really make you doubt your life.

However, in March 775, Xiahui led one side and began leasing an exoskeleton armor called 'Iron Man' from major construction teams.

This kind of exoskeleton armor with strength increase, terrain adaptability and various environment adaptability equipment can greatly speed up the progress of the construction team.

In the past, Xia Hui Ling did have coolie exoskeletons modified from decommissioned magnetic storm armors, but this time the 'Iron Man' series is obviously different. It was created for the specific purpose of infrastructure construction and absorbed a lot of Xia Hui Ling construction. The team’s opinions were well received once launched.

In fact, those keen team foremen immediately noticed the fact that in the future, the team that did not purchase the Xiahui Iron Man exoskeleton would never be able to compete with anyone in Nanling.

In the past, it is not that no one developed related technologies, but most of them only scratched the surface.

Because there is no profit in developing this kind of technology... Except for the imperial capital and other super big cities, no aristocratic territory in the empire needs this kind of exoskeleton machine, and those wonders with huge engineering quantities will be taken care of by the sublimators.

But Xiahui Ling is different - it has money and technology, but lacks manpower... so it needs to use technology to maximize everyone's power.

A new engineering era has arrived.

At the same time, as the equipment of the major engineering teams in Xiahui's territory was updated, a rather mysterious Chongling Cult team also entered various construction sites.

As we all know, large-scale construction machinery is prone to accidents and injuries, which is inevitable. Especially the internal construction regulations in Xiahui Ling are extremely primitive. Even if the requirements are repeatedly reiterated, there will always be people who are lazy or think they are nimble. .

Especially for the road construction located deep in the Baisen Mountains on the 'Big Snow Summit', Xiahui Ling's requirement is to build a mountain road that can go directly to the top of the mountain. Iron Man armor is required to assist the entire process. This project is huge and extremely dangerous. If not A true dragon came to help and roughly smoothed out the mountain structure and complex terrain on the mountain and down the mountain. The number of people injured and disabled may have increased ten times.

It was difficult to save the dead, but the seriously injured and disabled workers were all rescued by this Chongling Cult team.

According to the description of the cured worker, this team is mainly composed of a boy with black hair and blue eyes about ten years old. He did not reveal his name, but his status is very high in the Chongling Sect, and everyone else is his bodyguard.

He can use a kind of light golden psychic energy to stabilize injuries, restore internal organs, and rejuvenate failing organs. Although the vitality will also fade, the injured survived the initial dangerous period and was sent to the hospital for treatment. treat.

This strange healing spirit can make many workers who have never seen much of the world cry out for miracles... Who doesn't want to be saved when they are in danger? The name of the young clergy of the Chongling Sect began to gradually spread among the engineering corps, and a large number of people chose to join the Chongling Sect for this reason.

The power he possesses is called the return of light by some people, and it is also called the gift of heaven, but more often, it is still called "holy light".

The name of Chongling Sect began to spread throughout Nanling.

As the prototype of the passage leading directly to Daxueding was shaped, Xiahui Ling's publicity work also began.

On April 12, Terra 775, a rather puzzling news began to spread in Nanling and within the empire.

The local sect "Chongling Sect" in the Baisen Mountains of Nanling Province has announced that it will start construction of their holy land "Frost Sky Dome" and will invite all parties to come and watch the foundation laying ceremony of the holy land.

Many people are surprised by this. For example, what is the "Chongling Sect"?

Some people said they 'got it'. They knew that the Chongling Cult was the toy of the prophet lord, but they didn't pay too much attention to it.

But most people neither know nor pay attention to it - they feel indifferent to all this, and even have a weird sense of amusement.

——Even if the Chongling Sect has a prophet, it doesn’t really think it is a big sect, right?

In addition to having prophets, a large sect must also have a stable psyker training system, a professional clergy system, and a set of philosophy of doing things, that is, dogma.

Every sect has this last one, but only a few on Terra can meet the previous conditions.

As for the Holy Land, it is even more complicated. It requires a natural high-level psychic field environment and a supporting inscription integrated array to make the Holy Land run. In the Holy Land, the clergy of the relevant sects will gain several times the strength. Blessing, and the sublimation at the top combined with the Holy Land is enough to repel enemies stronger than itself.

For example, the sacrificial temples of the mountain tribes do have many inscriptions, but because they are not high-level spiritual fields, they are at most called ancestral lands, not holy lands.

At that time, there were only three holy places in the Dragon Kingdom in Nanling: Steel Dragon's Nest, Xiahui Lake and Qiangang Holy Mountain, and they were mainly famous for their strong dragons rather than the holy places themselves. Rather than saying that the holy places blessed the dragons, it was the other way around.

"You're talking about laying the foundation of a holy land, it's just kids playing house."

This is what most people think. After all, the prophet has indeed become famous in the Xenogeneic Research Institute recently, and is now considered a leading figure in Nanling. He is still young, so it is not surprising that he suddenly comes up with something.

For Ian's sake, most of the families and forces that received the invitation were willing to send an envoy to watch the ceremony.

After all, after so many years of inheritance, everyone knows that one more friend is better than one more enemy. Since the other party takes things so seriously, no matter how much they don't take it seriously, they still have to show a little dignity.

What if... the other party really becomes some big sect in the future? At that time, those who participated in the groundbreaking ceremony could even witness the beginning of history, and the family had an additional honor that could be passed down.

Haha, impossible.

However, whether it was rejected or treated as a joke, it was mentioned in the family afternoon tea party... Chongling Sect and Xiahui Ling were preparing for related activities with an extremely serious attitude.

Moreover, two rather surprising things happened, forcing everyone to re-examine the Chongling Sect's invitation.

The first thing was that after discussion, the Huaiguang Church decided to send an entire official delegation to participate in the foundation laying ceremony of the Holy Land of the Chongling Sect.

This envoy includes the fourth-level Archbishop of the Imperial Capital, the third-level Archbishop of Nanling Tianyan, and a team of clergy from the Holy Mountain.

Such high standards are enough even for a mission to one country, especially since everyone knows it.

Huaiguang never does anything superfluous.

In this case, there is only one reason why they are so solemn.

Ian is the ‘fifth level’ potential person that they have already begun to witness and observe.

This is Huaiguang's certification - for the first time in many years, Ian Silverfeng's strength and potential have been put on everyone's table for careful observation.

Then, there was shock.

An alchemist master under twenty years old? Part-time mechanical engineering expert? Proficient in inscriptions? !

Let’s not talk about prophetic powers... This person has actually completed the transformation into a fairy?

He is actually a chosen prophet? !

Because goblins have never been able to keep any secrets. If anyone is willing to go to the goblin town and ask, the goblin will definitely tell them. Therefore, the fact that Ian has transformed into a third-level goblin made everyone stunned... Oh my god, Although the third level of energy, which is less than twenty years old, relies on divine spiritual power and transformation rituals, with this kind of talent, it is no wonder that it is included in the witness list of Huaiguang Church!

In addition, hidden behind Ian, the 'secrets' about the First Knight were also unearthed.

The child chosen by the prophet, a wandering old man, a young man with extraordinary talents... The first knight who lost all his power found two children who could inherit his power and will.

Among them, the first one has grown up to be able to defeat the fourth-level Labyrinth Master and crush the major forces of Terra. The second one has also become the lord of the empire, Earl Silver Peak, and even controlled the former South. The belief in the Dragon God in Ling established its own sect and power.

A 'complete' story was gradually being completed, as if the legendary story of the First Knight was not over yet.

In this case, with the First Knight and the Huaiguang Church as the 'background', the foundation laying ceremony of the Holy Land of the Chongling Sect can't help but attract people's attention.

Many families and forces that originally didn't care about it have chosen to wait and see for the time being - it's not that they look down on it, but they think too highly of it, and feel that they may not be worthy of being involved in the incident involving the First Knight and the Four Orthodox Churches.

As for the second thing, it is about elves.

And this thing is actually quite simple.

The victor of the Elf Civil War, one of the leaders of the Sustaining Party, and the Speaker of the Canaan Moore Grand Council, Japhetha Silver Gate, presented an empty boat to Xiahui Territory in his own "personal name".

At this point, everyone is paying attention.

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