High Above

Chapter 618 It’s time to rub the armor with bare hands! (5600, first update)

Imperial Capital, Master Gosei’s private experimental building.

Single room in the basement.

"Unfamiliar ceiling."

Ian opened his eyes and woke up from his brief rest.

The gentle sensor light on the ceiling dimmed as he looked directly, and as soon as he turned his gaze away, the light brightened simultaneously, allowing him to see the entire room clearly.

Except for this rather advanced smart sensor light, the single room in Master Gosei's private laboratory is actually very simple.

The only furniture in the entire room was a table, a bed, and a matching bathroom. There was nothing else, not even a bedside table to put things on.

Obviously, everyone who lives here has no intention of having a private life. It is just a place to sleep and rest. Once they wake up, they have to go to the laboratory to continue working.

Ian doesn't dislike this design, and is even a little familiar with it.

What's more, it's not like he was really unconscious here for several days and just woke up now.

Ian is just acting here.

Four days ago, when Master Gosei arrived around the Avak Territory and saw the 'seriously injured' Ian, he was 'shocked' and immediately used his privileges to send Ian and others back to the imperial capital.

The old man told the worried fairies such as Hua An Mo Feng and Frost Butterfly with a serious face that Ian's condition was very dangerous and required closed treatment.

His physical injuries may not be serious, but the real core problem is that as soon as he advanced to the second energy level, he tried his best to move the essence, which damaged the essence of life and may cause the structure of the essence in some sublimated organs to collapse.

This is a big deal. It is basically equivalent to the loss of the fairy soul of the fairy, the damage to the furnace heart of the etheric weapon, and the precursor of the cultivator's demon body being destroyed... For sublimators, if they are not careful, it will cause a chain collapse of the sublimation organs in the body. , directly become a useless person, or even deformed into a monster!

If there is no precious treasure like Dettol, which can directly reset the source environment in the body, the best outcome for Ian is probably to become a vegetative state.

Of course, the good thing is that Master Goser and Isengard have traceable Dettol.

In this way, curing Ian would not be a problem, and the worst outcome would be to start practicing again from the source seed.

For sublimators who have already gone through the journey, it only takes a year at most to restore the first level of strength, just spend a little more money on potions.

But the goblins didn't know this - so they could only watch Ian being sent away with tears in their eyes while they themselves tended to his injuries.

Moreover, they also need to deal with the fairy souls rescued from Avak's laboratory. In response to this matter, Fairy Township has sent an envoy to preside over the reshaping of reincarnation, so Hua An and Mo Feng have also been quite busy recently. busy.

Frost Butterfly wisely didn't say a word.

This reflects the importance of the common sense that Ian introduced to Frost Butterfly at the beginning - if you don't say something, it is good, if you say more, you will be wrong, and stay silent at critical times!

But, let’s be honest.

It's one thing to lie to people, but it's another thing to lie to monsters.

When Ian deceives people, he never feels any guilt, or even has any fluctuations in his heart. It is as habitual as breathing.

But once the goblins are deceived, they are still the goblins who treat themselves well and truly treat themselves as friends...

My conscience will still sting to some extent.

It was not until the second day after everyone returned to the imperial capital that Hua An learned about the existence of traceable Dettol from Isengard during his visit, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

But treatment is still necessary.

Theoretically, in everyone's eyes, Ian has just finished the rescue treatment and is currently resting in a closed environment to avoid interference from external source matter and psychic fields.

"Next time you want to pretend, you'd better stab yourself. Otherwise, it will be really hard for me to see you in such good health."

These were the exact words of Master Gosei. He found that Ian opened his eyes immediately when he was in private with him. His whole aura was healthier than that of a young dragon. When there was no so-called source of damage, he couldn't help showing a look on his face. 'Sure enough' expression.

"Just stay here for a few more days. There are a lot of things going on outside now, so it's just a good time to avoid the limelight."

He shook his head and gave advice: "When did you break through the second level? Don't tell me that you did it in Nanling. In that case, your camouflage ability has really improved a lot."

"Excuse me, Master."

Ian is very grateful to Master Gosei who quickly understood his ideas.

The old man's perfect performance convinced everyone of Ian's injury, and they naturally had no doubts about the fact that in order to deal with the crisis, Ian took a temporary risk to advance to the second level and was seriously injured.

In this way, he can become the second level without being too shocking... After all, it is a risky move to save his life in a critical moment. His success is due to good luck and the timely treatment of the Ellen family and Master Gosei.

Due to bad luck and a lack of background, he died immediately.

No one dares to take this risk, so no one can advance like this.

During the time when Ian was in a coma and receiving treatment, many people came to visit him.

Needless to say, Isengard basically came to check on him every day. Ian considered telling him the truth several times, but thinking about the other party's mother, the emperor's grandfather, and the prince's uncle, aunt, etc., they were too shrewd to be human. He thought it would be better to wait a little longer for the royal family members. At least Isengard's social and stealth skills were not yet high enough to hide them from them.

The goblin group, the birch dark mok wind frost butterfly, and an envoy from Paradise Township also came to visit Ian. The latter seemed to see that Ian was not seriously ill, recovered very well, and comforted the goblins. , making everyone look much better.

In addition, in the alchemy circle, two masters and their disciples also came over with Master Gosei to take a look at Ian's condition. They also saw that although Ian's essence was somewhat disordered, his structure was quite stable. They sighed with emotion. In addition to Ian's very solid foundation, he was also surprised when Master Gosei's healing skills became so good.

While discussing with his old friends, Master Gosei glanced sideways at Ian, who was theoretically sleeping, making the young man apologize in his heart.

Even Tres came over apologetically to visit Ian after he was busy with affairs surrounding the Awak Territory.

This guy thought that he was captured as a strong man, which caused Ian and his group to return to the imperial capital early and be affected by King Tianhong's attack.

If he had stayed in Azure City and acted together...

"When the time comes, a large number of people will die."

Listening to Tres's thoughts at the window, Ian couldn't help complaining in his heart: "I just pretended to protect Frost Butterfly, how could I possibly protect so many people in your team? I have to bear the debt of life. Bar?"

But then again, if Tres and the others were present, it would be another plan.

Moreover, this guy Tres... is really a life saver!

When he and the deputy leader of Frost Trail were chasing the giant mountain turtle, they also encountered the aftermath of King Tianhong's attack. With the protection of this fourth-level person, Tres did not suffer any injuries from the beginning to the end except for being a little tired. I also got a lot of credit.

If Ian hadn't been a prophet himself, he would have doubted the nature of Tres, a lucky boy.

Except for these people who usually interacted with each other a lot, Mikael, a big shot, took a break from their busy schedule and came over to visit.

Although the second prince didn't say it, he obviously felt that Ian's injury was his responsibility - after all, King Tianhong was his opponent. As a result, the opponent made another sudden attack after he stopped his attack. He was extremely disrespectful of martial ethics and morality. It's hard to guard against.

This can be regarded as Mikael's naivety. He thought that the Avak incident was a private minor conflict between various countries, and after the Flying Flame Land lost the Dead River armed forces, they decided to use it as a pre-war propaganda mission. Do, boost morale.

The determination of both parties was not at the same level. Fortunately, Mikael also reacted immediately, confronting Fei Yandi tit for tat, and even beat him up... Well, it can't be said that the villain complained first, because both sides are black, so I can only say It's better to strike first.

Fortunately, there were basically no deaths this time. King Tianhong's purpose was to destroy the Awak Laboratory so that neither the Empire nor Grand Duke Thorin could obtain the research results, rather than annihilate the living forces here.

Of course, the latter is basically equivalent to starting a full-scale war with the empire now, and King Tianhong is not that stupid.

Beyond that, there are a few people who knew Ian. But these people either didn't know that Ian was an Inspector Knight and participated in Operation Avak, or they were not so close and didn't know that Ian was injured, so they didn't come.

After all, there are too many big news in the imperial capital today.

Ian picked up a stack of newspapers from next to his pillow.

In just half a week, the Empire and Feiyandi poured out all kinds of threats, slanders and rumors towards each other with four full-channel publicity frequency every day. They had fun every day and made headlines every day.

Something like, 'Even if all the people in Archduke Thorin's domain are killed, we will not take a step back! ’ and ‘Even if the Nirmathas/Absalom alliance collapses, we will continue to fight! ’ There are several comments coming almost every day, which makes the people of Terran countries overjoyed.

The public opinion war between the two sides is obviously not really to convince the other side, but to guide the people's emotions and strengthen their understanding.

The war zones on the border are tense. Every day, air and sky armors rub and collide with each other in their respective airspaces. Although no fire has been fired yet, hand-to-hand combat at the border has occurred more than a dozen times. Both sides have suffered casualties, and they have even taken out many. Fighting hero.

Of course, this is all superficial.

Through Master Gosei's channel, Ian was keenly aware that the price of food in Nanling was rising rapidly - although the biological warfare in Flying Flame Land had been contained, things like food did not grow so quickly after being affected.

The situation in the Western Region is definitely worse, but as the main battle zone, with material support from the entire Central Plains, at least there is no need to worry about people starving to death.

In the same way, the situation in Feiyandi is basically the same.

Although Feiyandi seems to be some kind of ultimate evil person, the ultimate villain, in fact, to them, the empire, which is also carrying out biological warfare and espionage warfare, is also the ultimate villain who exploits the evil of mankind, and it is the same for them over there. The disaster was serious.

The entire southwestern part of the Terra continent became tense. The sluggish trade routes that Viscount Grant was worried about back then have now appeared. His speculations back then were not wrong, but he was a frontier noble after all and could not grasp the core information. Naturally, he could not Get the correct answer and time.

But for the people of the Imperial Capital, even though war is just around the corner, it does not prevent them from still singing and dancing in peace.

"woke up?"

Accompanied by slow footsteps, Master Gesai came to the basement room with a cup of tea: "What's the next plan? I guess there must be several sets of plans prepared, right?"

He sat on the edge of the bed and handed Ian a cup of tea. Ian tasted it and found that it was a kind of bitter wheat tea. After drinking it, there would be a unique fragrance, which would refresh the mind and brighten the eyes. It tasted quite good.

"Well, I'm still waiting to see how the situation develops before deciding to return to Nanling."

After putting down the newspaper and drinking tea, Ian answered the old man's question: "The current Leian Territory is theoretically divided between me and other mountain knights, but I plan to use my relationship in the Dragon Worship Cult to divide the mountain people. The knights actually took control of all the land and became de facto lords of the Leian region."

"Then, I will try to open up the interior of the Baisen Mountains, continue to unify the tribes of the mountain people and the original Warcraft Wasteland, develop new lands, and strive to expand the actual control range by several degrees during the confrontation between the Empire and Feiyan Land. times."

"The only population issue we need to worry about is that because of what Grand Duke Thorin has done, it should be enough to absorb more refugees from the Western Region."

Ian has nothing to hide from Master Gosei. The other party knows his identity as Hilliard's successor and his true strength, and Silver Chip must also know it.

This passionate young man who experienced the golden age of Inaga II in the past is now old.

Master Gosei didn't know whether Inaga II was right or wrong, but he knew that the current empire was not what he wanted, and the Earthkeeper's echo experiment made him worried and even disgusted.

Therefore, he chose to believe Ian.

Believe in the hope of the future.

And Ian will not betray that trust.

"I see. No wonder you have to have the second-level strength to take risks... Do you plan to become the new Baron Ryan, or even a Viscount, through actual occupation and through relationship operation in the future?"

In response, Master Gesai snorted coldly, said with a straight face: "Isn't it too early to start making such plans now? You are alone, even if you go to the Ryan Territory, with the strength of the second level and The relationship with the Dragon Worship Sect has convinced those mountain people to stab their heads, but where will the manpower for specific management come from?"

"The people of the territory can absorb the refugees, but what about the management under them?"

"I know that Qingchao is already working under you, and part of your laboratory's funds have been moved back to Harrison Port. I just pretended not to see it... There is a high probability that he can serve as the captain of your escort team, but he can't Just captain."

"Even if you count those members of the White People, if outsiders manage the original Lean Territory, there will definitely be some secret resistance."

"But if you choose locals, how can you guarantee their loyalty and ability? Not to mention that after attracting refugees, the refugees in the Western Region will definitely form a force themselves."

This is a very real problem. Master Gesai has obviously anticipated that Ian is going to return to Nanling to develop this matter secretly, so he has already thought about related issues for Ian.

——I have precognitive vision and silver chip.

Ian originally wanted to answer like this, but he knew that this was actually cheating-whose leader is a prophet?

Oh, wait... It seems that without a prophet, you are not worthy of being called a big force...

It seems that in Terra, it is impossible to get good grades without cheating.


But Ian actually has a plan that doesn't use his psychic powers.

"I plan to drive over with armor and beat up all those knights. The obedient ones will be kept, and the disobedient ones will be killed."

Ian made a very bloody speech lightly, which made Master Gosei look like he had seen a ghost: "The place in Nanling is not so polite. I am more familiar with you, Master. As long as I prove that I have strength, I can beat them." Pause, and then give them a little sweetener, telling them that they can be promoted if they listen to me, and they will respect my authority like an emperor."

"They need a ruthless tyrant to lead them to live in the wild Nanling - if I don't kill people, they won't be obedient and won't trust my abilities."

"I also know that my appearance may make some people feel lucky and think that I am easy to talk to...so I plan to use the resources in the Imperial City to try to make a personal armor of mine and use it to replace me. I, as a symbol, can be regarded as training for the future etheric weapons."

"Let's not talk about why you are so murderous... Do you know what you are talking about? You want... a man-made armor?"

Master Gosei's expression was as if someone said that he would refine a bottle of elite potion with bare hands and without any alchemical equipment - this was simply taken for granted. What did Ian think of the industrial system of the empire, and what did he think of armor? What? That is the essence of the empire's top industrial technology, a creation that integrates most of the alchemy inscription skills!

Different from the etheric weapons, most of the etheric weapons are sublimation creations specially customized for the inheritance of a series of sublimates. In essence, they are not necessarily developed for combat, but are scientific research comparison objects made to explore the future.

The armor is for mass production of violent weapons with extremely high performance, a state-of-the-art weapon.

Its existence symbolizes the national strength of a country itself.

The difficulty of creating armor by one person is equivalent to declaring that one person is equal to the entire empire's industrial production chain, equivalent to the technical collection of dozens of high-end related alchemy workshops!

Ian certainly knew that the difficulty was roughly equivalent to building a computer with bare hands.

——Just within his capabilities.

"I don't want to build a high-end creation like the sixth-generation aerial armor. Its technical difficulty is comparable to that of ordinary ether weapons."

Ian waved his hand, and he explained his thoughts carefully to Master Gosei: "I just need to create an armored skeleton that can adapt to my abilities...for example, it can match my fairy abilities to create ice blades and poles. The power armor of the cold storm."

"After all, no matter how weak an armor is, it must be able to carry more alchemical potions and raw materials than me and a pocket, right?"

"In this case, I can use it to exert destructive power far beyond my strength, which is completely sufficient in a rural place like Nanling."

"That's it." Master Gosei frowned and thought for a while, and found that Ian's idea was actually quite reliable.

Ian does not intend to create equipment that can compare with the current armor, but wants to create an external medicine rack that can maximize his identity as an alchemist... In this case, his ideas will open up, and he only needs to focus on It only needs a power furnace core and maneuverability, and its actual combat effectiveness is even very strong.

But the problem lies in the heart of the power furnace.

Does Ian have any technical reserves in this area?

——I can perfectly supply energy with my own ether crystals, so I still need to make a power pack?

Although Ian wants to say this, he actually has relevant technical reserves.

Just in the silver chip, Ian has several different armored power furnace core designs, and even an engine for a pumice aircraft.

This is also thanks to his fine tradition of tireless prostitution skills. Now he has a very rich reserve. With the laboratory help provided by Isengard and the accuracy bonus brought by the Extreme Realm, it is not difficult for him to make it by hand.

In fact, he has basically prepared all the materials in the laboratory

"It seems I don't need to worry."

Master Gosei could tell from Ian's expression that this technical problem was not difficult for him, so he just shook his head slightly: "Since you have considered it and have the decision to kill and establish your authority, I won't say more. What."

"However, being an excellent lord is different from being an excellent alchemist, being an excellent technician is different from being a sublimator. I hope you can be mentally prepared for this."

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