High Above

Chapter 585 Soul Binding Pillar (13)

"You know our goal is to save the dragon?!"

Even in the process of charging, Redemption still couldn't help being surprised.

As she said this, the giant sword in her hand did not stop. She smashed the forehead of a monster with a cleave, like slapping garlic, and also knocked two phantoms away. It was obviously a good sword.

Although Redemption is a Minoan, his true form is 'Fenrir's Hunt'. The top level of the wolf series is the highest level tracking created by integrating the inheritance advantages of the most powerful hunters in the northern border of Yanjiang. The true forms of hunters and hunters.

Even at the second level, she possesses brute strength that ordinary monsters cannot match. With one punch, she can destroy an iron wood that even three people can't wrap around her. She also has the eyesight to see through the marks left by her target with just one glance.

When Redemption enters 'Hunter Mode', her physical fitness and tracking ability can be enhanced in all aspects. Even if she is more than ten kilometers away, her hunter instinct can still sense the severely injured enemy - and in Normally, she can even briefly rejuvenate herself by drinking the blood of her enemies.

Now, Redemption has not entered hunter mode, but the process of killing phantoms and various weird chimeric monsters still makes her excited. Her power is getting stronger and her speed is increasing.

"Of course I know."

Ian calmly induced, he said calmly, and led everyone to rush into the next box garden.

After that, he didn't stop and immediately led everyone towards the next box garden - but the many corpses and phantoms stranded in this box garden did not react, and they allowed Ian to lead everyone to cross them. .

As Ian walked, he said, "Your goal is to rescue the survivors. Who doesn't know Huaiguang's purpose?"

Apart from that, he didn't say much else. Others would figure out his origins and reasons for him.

During the conversation, Ian led the Huaiguang rescue team across three small gardens, and all the phantoms along the way were as Ian had foreseen. They were very weak, but quite 'difficult', and they were the kind of killers. They will be splattered with blood, and fighting them will definitely slow down your progress.

"Powerful Phantom, those subordinates of the deceased king are gone, now is a good time."

Ian anticipates every choice, and thanks to his prophetic power, the more people there are, the more useful it is.

After all, if they encounter danger, Frost Butterfly may be fine, but with such a large team, it is impossible for such a large team to avoid some danger and damage except on the 'right path'.

As long as Ian can find the least dangerous of all choices, he is definitely on the right path.

This is indeed the case.

Under the incredible gazes of everyone in the Huaiguang Rescue Team, Ian felt as if he were at home, quickly passing through the chambers one after another and approaching the central area of ​​the laboratory faster than any other researcher.

Soon, they arrived at their destination.

After crushing another batch of phantoms that did not have second energy levels, everyone suddenly felt that their eyes suddenly became clear.

This is a rather peculiar box garden. Its space is extremely large, and it is covered by grassland covered with countless thorns and vines. There is only a rugged path leading to the center of the grassland.

And in the very center, there are eight erected pillars, nine to be exact, but because the middle pillar collapsed for some reason, only the eight pillars in the outer circle are left shining with various soul lights.

At the top of each pillar, there is a group of shining things imprisoned. Others may not be able to see clearly, but Ian can see that they are the imprisoned souls.

Either an individual or a group. All in all, this is a place where souls are imprisoned.

What's very strange is... there are no phantoms here.

In other words, there once was, but he was seduced away by another group of people - and the person who seduced the phantom was still an acquaintance.

"Viscount Avac."

Ian squinted his eyes, and the silver chip analyzed the characteristics of the remaining source matter here. He could clearly sense that this was Viscount Avak who led his own knights to seduce the guards who guarded the place where souls were imprisoned. Mark of……

but why?

Although because they are close to the subspace, Viscount Avak and his knights have become much stronger, even surpassing their true strength. They are completely different from the battle between Ian, Tres and others in the real world. language.

But why would they do this?

Instead of protecting the researchers on the Archduke's side, they came here to steal souls?

Or is it that it was precisely because Viscount Avak and the others had stolen one of the nine Pillars of Souls that the ‘Death King’ fought with the researchers of Archduke Thorin despite his serious injuries?

Ian was full of doubts, but he did not see any danger here, so he turned his head and said to the surprised Huaiguang people behind him: "I think this is where the souls of our respective targets are imprisoned."

"The situation here is not quite right. I'm walking in front. If you want to follow, just follow. If you want to observe carefully, please do so."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for anyone else to reply, the Knight of the Glen turned around and ran quickly along the rugged dirt road towards the center of the thorny plain.

Soon, Ian arrived at his destination.

Immediately, Ian saw Xiou.

Two of the eight pillars have only one soul on them.

One is Xiou, who is curled up in a ball and cannot see clearly the body of a dragon soul.

The other one is quite surprising, it is Lubeck’s body.

Although Lübeck, the original mercenary leader of Harrison Port, had reached the peak of the first level seven or eight years ago, he had not yet been able to break through to the second level because he had no inheritance or resources.

Originally, Ian thought that the other party would become the second level with the support of Huaiguang Church and become a temple executor like Huijian and Redemption.

But before he could get permission to advance, Lübeck returned to the mountain people for some reason unknown to Ian, and had a relationship with the Dragon Worship Cult and even Xiou, the descendant of the true dragon.

Then... he was locked up here.

And he actually already has a soul? But why is the whole body here?

Ian put aside this doubt for the time being. Anyway, he couldn't save many people, so he would have plenty of time to ask questions slowly in the future.

The most important thing now is to see how to rescue Xiou.

The nine soul-binding pillars located in the center of the thorny plain bind the souls of ‘Xio’, ‘Lübeck’, ‘elves’, ‘birds’, ‘beasts’, ‘insects’, ‘plants’ and ‘invisible things’ respectively.

Ian was a little confused at first, but soon he found his way out and said, "Interesting... there are some fungi among the invisible things, and they actually have souls, entwined with different kinds of mycelium..."

"So, what is entangled on this soul-binding pillar is actually the 'Animal Kingdom Birds', 'Animal Kingdom Mammalia', 'Animal Kingdom Insects', 'Plant Kingdom' and 'Fungi Kingdom'."

"However, fairies and true dragons are independent of all this - they do not belong to any of the above categories, so they are listed separately. There are only Xio here for true dragons, and there are probably only Hua An and Miss Mo Feng here for fairies. A few friends...but there are a lot of them, there are actually eleven fairy souls?"

Ian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Avak Laboratory to be so bold and dare to capture more than ten goblins... If a few goblins died or even lost contact, although Falling Star City would be surprised, it wouldn't react too much. Pass.

After all, everyone knows about this hellish place in Terra, and it is not strange at all to disappear silently. God knows it was caused by some strange maze or monster.

But if there are more than seven or eight, the major fairy towns will definitely respond and try to hunt them down.

——Awak Laboratory, this is just for doing experiments without caring about the future!

Ian probably understands why all parties are so anxious. They plan to evacuate directly after completing their plans and throw all the crimes and blame on the other party.

Of course, what puzzles Ian the most and cannot be explained is Lübeck’s classification.

He... is actually independent of all the other creatures above, with a soul... no, a body, occupying a soul-binding pillar?

Why is this?

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