High Above

Chapter 574 Nightmare breeds evil (33)


A violent vibration rang out, waking the meditating director from his worries about the future.

"What happened?"

He yelled at the people around him in a daze, while the monitor stared at the screen dumbfounded and said incoherently: "He... that patrol knight... actually chose all the 'correct options' all the way to us. ?!”

"Director, he is now just two 'choices' away! He is approaching!"

"How can this be?!"

Hearing this, the director was immediately shocked. He hurriedly stepped forward and looked at the screen in front of the monitor.

Since the "subspace labyrinthization" of the central laboratory, the entire park has been divided into "box gardens" one after another.

For example, the corpse courtyard where Gary was before was an independent 'box courtyard' controlled by the Gnostic Academy.

The Gnostic Academy can observe the situation there through the monitoring room and grasp the three 'entrances' from this small garden to other areas.

To put it simply, in the labyrinthine subspace, the entire experimental park location is divided into small dots.

Each small point will derive several lines leading to other points. At least one line is guaranteed to lead to other points. If people want to move in this maze, they can only follow the lines between points. Movement, not 'physical distance'.

Just like the corridor and the laboratory next to the corridor, they are two points... If it is in the real world, you only need to open the door and walk in.

But it's different in the warp labyrinth.

If there is no line connecting the corridor and the laboratory, then it is likely that you will need to make completely illogical 'jump selections' such as 'corridor', 'restroom', 'rooftop' and 'classroom', and follow these lines to enter.

As for why there is a wired connection between the rooftop and the classroom... If you have any questions, ask Subspace!

Every time you make the wrong choice, you will be lost and unable to reach the destination you want to reach.

To reach the control room from the Corpse Courtyard, you need to make nineteen 'correct choices'.

For people who don’t have a map and don’t know the rules, every time they make a choice, it’s like tossing a coin or even a dice. Only when the result is right can they get one step closer to their goal - and if they are wrong, it will be very difficult to go back the same way they came. It’s difficult because people who are lost don’t know which option is the way back.

Even 'that guy' was trapped by the rules of subspace and could not quickly find them hiding deep in the laboratory, giving them the opportunity to hold on and resist, waiting for reinforcements.

So, how is it possible for someone to guess the heads and tails of a coin or the number of a die nineteen times in a row? !

But it is what it is.

The director and monitors watched in disbelief as Ian arrived at a small garden and just took a few casual glances. If he was in a good mood, he would slash a few monsters with his sword to add to the fun. If he was in a bad mood, he would just make the right choice. Just quickly approach the 'monitoring room'!


The director yelled out of control: "Release the 'Nightmare Entity' - this guy is ridiculously strong at the second energy level. No one can deal with him except the Nightmare Entity!"

"Do you really want to let it go?"

Other researchers were still a little hesitant: "The other party is also a patrol knight after all. In this case, he is one of our own, right? And the nightmare entity... after Director Proshir died in the battle, we have no one who can really control it!"

"Does it really need to be used to deal with a second-level knight?"

"Shut up, I'm the only director now!"

The director slapped the table and roared angrily. He stared at the patrol knight in front of him and trembled: "This is subspace. Can't you see the scarlet mist overflowing from the soul light around him?"

"He didn't come to us at all...he came to kill us!"

This is the correct judgment.

Because, a few minutes later, Ian had already appeared in the 'box courtyard' where the control room was located. There was only a wall and a door separated from the researchers hiding in the corner of the subspace.

"The hiding place is quite deep. It seems that the central laboratory has already made preparations for how to deal with the mutation, so even though it is the 'epicenter', so many people have survived."

The faint tone was accompanied by the cyan soul light as he slowly approached. Ian looked at the dark silver alloy door with inscriptions in front of him and said loudly: "Can you explain why the Gnostic Academy's first thought when seeing the Inspector Knight was to destroy it? My mouth?"

"Can I think that Lingzhiyuan has secretly cooperated with Feiyandi and Duke Thorin who intends to treason, and has committed treason?"

Ian's accusations are actually unreasonable. After all, the Flying Flame Land and the Empire are not yet at war. Archduke Thorin is still theoretically a member of the Empire. It is absolutely reasonable for the Academy of Spiritual Knowledge to cooperate with them on some projects...

But the content of the experiment is not necessarily the same.

Therefore, a voice of defense came from the room: "We only cooperate with others on some projects. Essentially, they are all for the technological progress of the empire - Knight, who are you, who are you? Subordinate? There may be some misunderstanding between us, and the previous battle was just due to the nervousness of the dangerous environment..."

Ian didn't reply, and the voices in the room gradually became lower, and then became completely silent.

In fact, the people behind the control room were still talking, trying to communicate, or distract Ian.

But all the sounds in this world were taken away by the twisted light group that suddenly appeared in front of Ian.

As Ian watched, in front of the door of the control room, a dark mist suddenly appeared out of thin air, and an inexplicable malice began to spread.

The black mist filled all the space in front of the gate in an instant, and in the center of the black mist, an entity was rapidly appearing.

It is like a tumor suspended in mid-air, expanding out of the void, constantly swelling and growing. The blue-gray tumor looks like the skin of a dead corpse, densely covered with light blue nerves and red blood vessels. The pale yellow pupils turned out from the swollen tumor, staring closely at the life in front of him, without any fear or disgust, just full of curiosity.

- Interesting food.

The tumor grew rapidly, as if the creature gestating within it was rapidly expanding, making the cyst surrounding it thinner and thinner, becoming more and more transparent, and one could even vaguely see the terrifying winged monster gestating in the cyst.

The sharp mouthparts pierced the cyst, and the monster crawled out of the nightmare tumor. It had a brown shell and two pairs of wings that exuded a faint brown light. It looked like a giant dragonfly, but its body was But it was even bigger, resembling some kind of armored dragon.

The carapace on its head was covered with dense holes, and in each hole was a light yellow eye, staring closely at Ian.

A solid exoskeleton over five meters long covers its entire body, with no forelimbs or hindlimbs. Only immature claws can be vaguely seen under the second pair of wings, like a germ that has not yet begun to grow.

It simply does not look like a life that can be born in this world, but some kind of ultimate monster larvae that is born in a more extreme and weird environment.

——This is a monster that can only be born in the void.

A monster from the nightmare of all life in the universe.

A nightmare breeds evil.

Recommend a book! "Rebirth: Ten Years Against the Current" - an urban business story with two female protagonists, who started selling goods on Taobao, accumulated funds through mobile games, and invested in rice fraud, and gradually emerged after 12 years. Author: Honey Chicken

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