High Above

Chapter 536 Ian’s Big Trouble (23)

"Fairy Country?"

Ian nodded silently. Although he did not agree with his friends getting involved in such inexplicable and dangerous things, he also understood that precisely because of the danger, he needed to be a fuse to help them find a safer method.

For fairies, the entire virtual realm was their free wilderness in the past, a place where they could play happily and spend their weak childhood.

Yes, in the past, the virtual realm was a refuge for fairies to protect those newborn fairies who had no real bodies.

Only when the goblin has enough strength will he be allowed by the big goblin to step out of the virtual realm and see the vastness of the material world.

However, after the Skyfall disaster, the virtual realm of order maintained by the civilization of the previous era was destroyed, and the primitive chaotic wilderness began to return again, affecting the creations and procedures of the civilization of the previous era, making today's virtual realm more dangerous.

Even the fairies, the natives of the half-virtual realm, can now only establish fairy villages in a few fixed areas and cannot move freely like in the past.

Therefore, fairies are now walking across the entire continent, and fairy bachelors like Mo Feng are stationed in various places to collect information related to various virtual phenomena and virtual gods.

Not for any other reason.

They just want to restore their beautiful hometown.

"The virtual realm is too dangerous."

Withdrawing his eyes, Ian felt a rare feeling of exhaustion - there was no body in the virtual realm, and the consumption of spiritual energy without the body to help load it, the pressure on the soul was too great.

If it weren't for the fact that Ian had the realm of extremes and was at the second energy level, and his soul was tougher than the average second energy level, he might have been overloaded and jumped out of the virtual realm when he used his precognitive vision to observe the sea of ​​fire in the southwest.

Shaking his head slightly, Ian gave a suggestion: "This is a vision about the virtual world, but the source must be in the real world - and the intensity of reality should be much smaller than that of the virtual world. We can go to reality to see the situation."

"Huh? This...is also a good idea."

The two goblin ladies were startled for a moment, then they gathered together to exchange opinions, and then gave a cheerful reply: "That's right! If you are not careful, you will be crushed by the aftermath here in the virtual realm, but it is safer in reality!"

"But, Ian, do you have a way to get there? I clearly remember that martial law has been imposed in the Western Region, right?"

Ian lowered his eyes and smiled: "There are too many channels - I am thinking that I should use the Inspector Knight, the Alchemy Association, or Isengard... Even in a private capacity, I guess Can pass."


Mo Feng and Hua An were spinning around happily. From the perspective of the virtual world, it looked like the two balls expanded and shrank in one circle, and then rotated in place.

Weirdly cute.

"I just wanted to say thank you."

Ian smiled, but he was very calm at this time: "Thank you... for giving me a reason to mix in."

——You guys are rushing to the West to die one by one. What can I do?

It seems that the abnormal phenomenon that occurred in that ghost place is also a major event that can affect the future of the world.

"This is not the time to back down. No matter what, I have to go and see what caused this situation."

At this moment, Ian had already made up his mind to go to the Awak area in the territory of Archduke Thorin in the West to check out the situation.

In addition to various reasons, it was also because of a dark premonition.

——There is no doubt that something that can affect him and the entire world is being nurtured there.

The Dragon Worship Cult, the Academy of Spiritual Knowledge, the Flying Flame Land, Grand Duke Thorin, the Inspector Knights, the Alchemy Association and even the goblins... all the forces related to Ian are more or less related to this matter.

Of course, there are more forces involved, but Ian can know that none of this is a coincidence.

After all, he was a person who came from Nanling. He had to get involved with the Dragon Worship Cult and the Flying Flame Land along the way, and his original purpose was to join the Inspector Knights and show off his alchemy talent.

The Dragon Worship Cult and goblins were encountered by the way.

But the problem is that even if they met along the way, it was because Ian did have the core of the ancient dragon and the blood of the goblin, and even had a soul similar to the goblin 'Extreme Realm', so he was originally intended to go to Nanling. Hua An noticed.

In front of the prophet, in front of Ian who is always looking for the best choice, there is no coincidence.

All these guidances are telling Ian that the abnormal changes in the Avak area are almost the same 'decision point' as the Great Maze of the South China Sea.

In the Great Labyrinth of the South China Sea, Ian obtained the highest authority and the ether crystal of the Great Labyrinth. All the information about the ether engine of the entire pre-epoch civilization was in his pocket. Although it is not of much use now, in the future, when Ian returns to the territory to develop, All these are the most solid foundation.

So, at the decision point in the Awak region, what kind of crises and gains await you?

"Just blindly avoiding danger will not achieve the goal."

Ian's soul shrank slightly, and then returned to calm. At this moment, there was no hesitation or calculation of harvest in his heart, only one final doubt.

——Where is Archduke Thorin?

What is the secret connection between Grand Duke Thorin and himself?

There is no coincidence in the prophet, and Archduke Thorin definitely has some kind of relationship with him - the problem is, Ian doesn't know this at the moment.

If Ian was not well-known, had not established his own reputation, and had not had a long talk with the second prince for a period of time, it would probably be very difficult for him to know this.

But because he didn't reveal any flaws from beginning to end, the answer came to Ian on his own.

[You want to go to the Western Region with those goblin ladies? It seems that you also know that Grand Duke Thorin also has his grandfather's inheritance... This is a good reason. 】

When Ian went to the Fifth District of the Central City, preparing to respond to the call from the Patrol Knights headquarters, he 'recruited' Frost Butterfly, Hua An and Mo Feng as his team members, and went to the Awak region of the Western Region in the name of the Patrol Knights. .

The second prince's light body appeared on Ian's shoulder.

Quiet and motionless, if Ian hadn't sensed a slight spiritual fluctuation, he would have had to wait for Mikael to speak before he discovered that there was a light with no mass and just a faint glow sitting on his shoulder. bird.

In the archives room, the staff member who was registering the team members' identities for the fairy ladies was frightened the moment he saw the Bird of Light - but her professional qualities were very good, and she immediately regained her senses, took the fairy ladies away, and then locked them up door to the archives room.

As expected of a staff member of the Imperial Capital, his political quality is excellent.

And Ian himself is even more hard-core.

——Fortunately, I have never exposed any flaws during my time in the imperial capital, and have always played my identity perfectly... Is the mind, light, and body so scary? Or is it just Mikael's light body like this?

When he discovered the Bird of Light, Ian's heart suddenly tightened, and then he relaxed slowly, with a look of being startled but quickly calming down.

There is nothing to hide this. Everyone reacted like this after being frightened: "Your Highness, you really scared me."

And... is Grand Duke Thorin actually the heir to Inaga II's legacy?

Ian knew very well that although Inaga II died in the Dark Moon Rebellion, his legacy would never disappear like this. Not to mention the silver chip given to him by Teacher Hilliard, this is Inaga II’s greatest legacy.

In addition, there must be other legacies of things like alchemical notes.

Not to mention anything else, the second prince Mikael must have received the relevant inheritance, so he looked at himself, who he regarded as the 'inheriter', in a different light.

[You are the one who shocked me, you actually plan to stir up this muddy water]

And Mikael's tone was a little solemn: [Do you know that the Awak area has become a dead place now? The millions of residents there, as well as all the magical beasts, have all perished. The reconnaissance troops who entered it, even the lifeless alchemy equipment, have all lost their signals]

[Inside it, there are even extremely powerful virtual monsters appearing... That is a terrifying thing that the great knight can only barely match! 】

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