High Above

Chapter 381 Village Girl Dragon Girl (33)

[As for the left arm...is he acting so realistic? I remember Iwaki Shirakuka’s bloodline has a strong regenerative ability, but it’s not to the point where he can cut off his hand casually...]

The Viscount was still struggling with the severed hand issue - he obviously couldn't figure out why Baron Ryan cut off his own hand for a cart of two-year-old rosacea grass.

Indeed, it is really profitable to burn the warehouse with the fire dragon, but if a noble man has to pay such a high price, it is obviously not worth it.

At the very least, he would definitely not do this himself. Wouldn't it be better to find a death row prisoner and say that he is the mole who colluded with Feiyandi?


And Ian heard a crucial piece of information from the Viscount's words.

This is also the information he really wants to know in this communication.

Swallowing, the young man took a deep breath, and then asked in a deep voice: "Viscount, you mean... the Baroness has passed away? Along with... his children?"

[Of course, this is big news in the aristocratic circle, but I can remember that it was mainly because it was a natural disaster attack. The imperial capital sent a sum of aid to us and the Ryan Territory. Isn’t that how the batch of Beisen giant cattle came? I still remember that you liked drinking milk when you were a child...]

The Viscount teased Ian. Although Elder Puder applied for it in the first place, shouldn't it be him who actually distributes the resources?

But soon, he was keenly aware of something wrong: [Wait a minute, could it be possible...what did your spirit see? 】

The Viscount suddenly reacted, then raised his voice and warned: [Listen, Ian, don't get involved! 】

[Now that you have bought the Xia Hui grass, leave quickly... Damn it, is it possible that he hasn't gotten over the grief yet, and even played the magic of the mountain people to try to recall his wife's soul? ! 】

No, not ma'am.

At this moment, Ian's heart was like a rock in the water, sinking to the bottom of the sea.

——The Baroness...and the child had died in the big storm six years ago?

Then what the hell was the fourth light blue child figure he saw in the Baron's Castle?

And who is the butler who told himself that the young master was just in poor health and could only play in the castle? !

The ferocious sharp-clawed tiger that cuts off the path to the Ryan Territory, the anomalies that occur in Golden Leaf Town, the missing children in neighboring villages and towns...

Plus the prophet's skull, three strange children with psychic powers, the baron's weird broken arm...

And, that so-called ‘echo’…

Ian is smart enough to figure out the key to all this.

Reverberations, echoes, mirrors - they are the means of eternal life.

Of course, this is also the method of ‘resurrection’!

As for the cost of all this and the disasters it may cause...

As long as the Moment's Skull is used irregularly or deliberately, the user will gradually be assimilated by the prophet, or the target he foresaw.

Because the information we know is very detailed, as long as our spirit is slightly unstable, we will be overwhelmed by the torrent of predicted information and lose ourselves.

So, what if by accident, the psyker using the Moment's Skull predicts a certain insect nest?

Or is it foreseeing that the Flower of Karin may still be sealed?

He even said... to recall those fallen strong men in the past...

Yes, the prediction of the Moment's Skull is random, but it does have a tendency. If it is definitely not the target you want to predict, just keep randomizing it a few times and keep doing it, and you will always succeed one day.

"It's okay to resurrect that prophet. Anyway, the carrier is just like that. It's basically impossible to beat me."

Ian frowned and whispered in his heart: "But what if it is some inexplicable apocalypse-level disaster? For example, this foreseeing prophet foresees a super strong man in the future who can beat the second level with the first level. The kind of energy level?”

"Oh, I can do that too, then it's okay."

For these things, there is no use in guessing, no use in thinking, and no use in predicting.

Only by actually facing it can we know the result.

"I understand, I won't get involved."

After exhaling, Ian said calmly: "This matter is too troublesome."

He smiled and said to the Viscount: "Don't worry, sir, I will leave the Ryan Territory now."

【As long as you know】

Viscount Grant solemnly said: [Whatever the nobles do, they will be punished by the noble court and the patrol knights. If they are more evil, the Huaiguang Church and the Suming Order will punish them. Let’s just take care of ourselves]

[You did a good job this time, Ian. If you encounter something wrong, just ask me if you need it. If it doesn't work, just tell Bishop Baiwu. He has a deep understanding of these evil arts]

The Viscount gave a few more instructions and encouraged Ian, then ended the communication.

Ian stood in front of the communication device, lost in thought.

"How do you care about this?"

He said to himself, then shook his head slightly and changed his words: "Where should I start?"

"Although I have advanced to the second level, it is best not to expose this matter. Although the second level at the age of fourteen is not unexplainable, being too talented will cause a lot of unnecessary troubles."

No matter what, Ian will take care of this 'noisy' matter.

Not to mention the possible safety of several children and surrounding villages and towns.

Baron Ryan may be related to 'prophetic power' and 'echo', and he must understand the context behind it.

The former may be just curiosity, while the latter is a matter of great importance.

The White People of Nanling were basically exiled here because of the Echo Incident, and Isengard is very likely to be Axel's future Echo carrier.

As long as this technology is involved, there will definitely be a huge conspiracy behind it.

Although there is no 'direct' connection, even if you don't use the prophet's premonition and just think with your head, a mentally retarded person can come up with results that cannot be ignored.

He didn't want to be ignorantly sucked into the whirlpool. Even if he had to jump into it, he had to know what it looked like.

"Hide your identity...and explore."

"I hope things are not as bad as I thought."

After making up his mind and thinking like this, Ian's figure has disappeared.

He came to the street where there was heavy rain.

Because of the curfew, the entire city of Leian was very quiet, with only a few algae oil lamps still flickering.

On the dark road, two aqua halos flashed past, like cyan lightning.


Thunder swept across the earth along with the icy wind, whizzing past houses and intersections. The pale light suddenly illuminated the entire town, and then quickly disappeared, leaving everything in darkness.

Only the sea of ​​rosy grass and flowers outside the city still shines with brilliant rays of light.

A figure arrived here, and then he was surprised to find that another person was also here.

Lightning pierced the dark night. Sister Yingguang of Huaiguang Church held a shovel in her hand and looked at the young knight wearing a helmet in shock.

The dragon girl is currently wearing a rather simple rural farming uniform. At first glance, she looks like a village girl. She may be trying to disguise herself, but as long as her tail and horns are still there, it is unlikely to succeed, let alone reflect the Sister Guang's appearance and temperament mean that even if she is a village girl, she is very beautiful and can kill a cow with one punch.

However, the way she holds the shovel is quite standard and skillful, and she obviously does farm work frequently.

The two looked at each other and fell into an awkward silence.

Sister Yingguang's dragon horns are black with a hint of crimson, which should be the characteristics of some kind of rock dragon or fire dragon. She narrowed her eyes slightly and was looking at the knight in front of her who had met once before.

Soon, she became aware of it.

"Here, shovel."

She raised her hand, took out another folding shovel from behind, and handed it to Ian.

The voice of the girl-like dragon man was clear and clear, with a faint crisp sound at the end like the collision of pebbles in the river. This strange tone proved that her hometown should be around Mount Junling Castle or Gantrigham, only places where there are more dwarves. There will be such pronunciation habits.

Ian took the shovel, and he noticed that in addition to the package on her back, the woman also brought three shovels as backup. She even had a metal vibrator on her waist that was used to pierce rocks and soft soil. She was fully prepared.


After trying the feel, Ian nodded and thanked him.

So the two began to dig up the ground.

The two ascendants dug the ground, and it didn't take long to dig to a depth of more than ten meters. The surrounding rainwater gathered and was blocked by Ian's control. Sister Yingguang was at the bottom of the pit and made a sound of 'Sure enough': "Found it." "

She jumped up and returned to the ground from the bottom of the pit in just one jump, holding in her hand an adult skeleton whose flesh and blood had been shaved off and cutting marks could be seen on the bones.

"There are still underground. This area is the hiding place where Baron Ryan buries corpses."

After checking the condition of the bones, Sister Yingguang looked at Ian who seemed to be deep in thought. She said smoothly: "This knight, although I don't know your purpose, Baron Ryan and the mountain people did use the corpses to cultivate psychic powers. Related to the evil sacrifice of plants.”

"You can continue to assist me in investigating this matter, or you can leave as soon as possible and go to Nauman City to report to the local governor."

"I must warn you that this matter is extremely dangerous. I will not act rashly. Instead, I will collect more information and report it to the South Ridge Cathedral."

This is a very formulaic phrase, and then the dragon girl reaches out to Ian and shows a capable smile: "Thank you for your assistance. How did you discover Baron Ryan's anomaly?"

"A little bit is a long story."

Ian understood what the nun meant. He did not misunderstand, shook hands with the other party, and returned the shovel to the other party: "I think we can exchange information."

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