High Above

Chapter 369 Elf Bachelor (33)

According to the words of this elf who should be from Canaan Moor, the carriage Ian saw when he killed the sharp-clawed tiger was his property, and the driver was an employee of Nauman City.

He originally planned to come to Nanling, go deep into the Baisen Mountains to the autonomous region, and conduct research on the culture of the mountain people. Unexpectedly, before he could cross the Indoshan Gorge, the theoretically 'fairly safe' Agate Stone Plain was surrounded by sharp-clawed tigers. He was attacked and fled in a hurry. Unfortunately, both the driver and the carriage were killed immediately.

Warcraft generally do not go out of their way to eat ordinary people who are not sublimated. After all, people have really little meat. Most ordinary people at this time have little fat. It takes effort to chew bones, so it is better to eat a few more camel beasts.

In short, he was very grateful to Ian and avenged his carriage and driver.

To express his gratitude, he decided to give Ian fifteen talers and a gemstone bracelet crafted by elves.

The gemstone bracelets are exquisitely crafted, and the emeralds are all genuine. The price is about a dozen thalers, making them very valuable jewelry.

"I don't need it... save this money and leave it to the family of the driver who died in the accident."

But Ian wasn't too cold. Instead, he looked at the green-haired elf in front of him with interest and looked into his golden eyes.

Even in Terra, a world where everyone is handsome and beautiful, there are still differences in appearance. According to human standards, the faces of elves are all handsome without exception, but the elf in front of him is also the most handsome among the elves. Considered excellent.

The elf who calls himself 'Anfa' wears a bachelor's robe, with long green hair hanging down to half of his waist. He has a well-proportioned and smooth body. He is indeed worthy of what he said, 'frequently goes to the field for exploration and research', but there is a stick hanging on his right shoulder. A long iron chain is tied diagonally around the chest and abdomen, reaching to the waist.

This is the representative of the 'lifelong oath' in the oath-keeping culture of the Terra elves, and is often used in some important ceremonies. Of course, generally speaking, no one would bring this thing with them, but elves also have a kind of martial arts that can use iron chains, but I don't know if this elf thinks the same way.

“I am overwhelmed by your generosity.”

Anfa's words were full of surprise, but he soon returned to his original politeness: "As you wish, I will add the thank you money originally given to you to the funeral expenses originally planned for the victimized Marr family."

Ian nodded slightly, but he still cared about the blue mist on Anfa's body in his eyes.

Yes, Anfa is a sublimator, and his strength is not weak. He should be a water type.

Although he may not be able to defeat the crazy sharp-clawed tiger, he is not as fragile as he pretends to be, as if he is just an ordinary scholar.

This elf was so well disguised that even Ian couldn't detect the slightest bit of the sublimated person's aura with his ordinary elemental sensing. If it wasn't for the precognitive vision, it would have been hidden from him.

"This technique of concealing aura is worth learning."

Because his hidden identity is always seen, Ian is now also thinking about how to better hide his aura - but he also knows that this is not realistic. The person who can really see his hidden identity is not the teacher back then. An acquaintance, simply a witness who already knew his identity.

For such people, ordinary hiding methods are useless.

As for the other party's hidden strength, Ian doesn't care too much. Anyway, he also hides his strength, and everyone treats each other.

At the end of the exchange, Anfa also expressed his request: "Dear knight, can I go with you to the Ryan Territory? I don't mind traveling late at night, and I am willing to pay."

"Of course you can."

Ian agreed: "There is no need for remuneration. Didn't you say you were a 'minority culture researcher'? I would be happy to hear you talk about your research results on the road, if there is no need to keep them confidential."

"If you wish."

The elf smiled and saluted.

Different from the slight sense of alienation caused by his handsome appearance and polite manners, Anfa is actually quite talkative, or he is happy to explain the results of his work to others.

According to Anfa's own introduction, he was actually a researcher at the 'Canaan-Moorish Ancient Civilization Research Institute'.

However, during the research process, he realized that the culture of the indigenous people, mountain people and immigrants in various places were inextricably linked to the pre-epoch civilization, so he decided to abandon the comfortable research environment of the institute and go to the countryside, wild forests, and other places. Communicate with locals in dangerous areas and explore some of the truth hidden in their ancient legends and myths.

With the passage of time and the expansion of civilized countries, these primitive indigenous cultures are disappearing, and much of the history of lost eras can only be passed down in the ancient legends of indigenous people and mountain people.

"Our continent is full of wars, and the Setar Empire is the country with the longest history and stability. But even so, three major changes are equivalent to a change of dynasties. The research materials destroyed by the Dark Moon turmoil are the summary of the efforts of previous generations of scholars over hundreds of years."

When he said this, the handsome elf looked extremely regretful: "There is a lot of work that must be started over. I can only do my best."

Ian knew that Anfa's research route was actually quite correct - just like the Sequoia People, the predecessors of the Sequoia Aboriginals, they were the remnants of the Terran civilization in the previous era.

Their legends and various sacrificial rituals are indeed inextricably linked to various technologies and history of pre-era civilizations.

However, this is undoubtedly a dangerous job. The mountain people can say that as long as they respect their dragon god, they may treat you to a hot meal. However, the natives of the redwood forest are different. They will most likely treat you. The investigator becomes a hot meal.

Even with the milder natives in other places, simple exchanges are okay, but the legends that involve the in-depth aspects of their culture and participation in various rituals and sacrifices are definitely not something that can be easily learned.

That must be the result of their complete approval, and it is unlikely to be an area that an ordinary researcher can cover.

"I originally would have hired a group of adventurers to accompany me, but I am currently on vacation. I only came to Lian to study the history of the integration of imperial people and mountain people here. I never thought that there are such beasts around the Agate Stone Plain. ."

When he said this, Anfa also showed a helpless look, and Ian nodded slightly. The authenticity of this sentence was more than 90%, which was much more credible than the previous half-truth and half-false self-introduction.

"Integrate with the mountain people?"

So he followed the conversation and said, "I don't know much about this aspect. Can you elaborate on it?"

"With great pleasure."

Apart from the suspicious parts of his body, Anfa was indeed a qualified researcher and had done enough research before going to the Shanmin Autonomous Region.

Contrary to what many outsiders thought, the Lean Territory was not an occupied territory, but a pilot area for the integration of the empire and the mountain people.

The first Baron Ryan was the descendant of an intermarriage between imperial people and mountain people, and served as a bridge during the post-war peace talks.

Medicinal plants such as golden leaf trees and Xia Hui grass, as well as psychic plants, are also traditional planting techniques of mountain people, used by hunters to heal wounds and cultivate sublimators and psychics.

It is said that in those days, the intermarrying mountain people were still an extremely noble lineage of elders, and every few generations, Baron Ryan would marry or marry a mountain man.

"Although all tribes of the mountain people worship the Dragon God, the internal differences are huge. There are many tribes like the Sequoia Aboriginals who have the tradition of cannibalistic blood sacrifices. However, most of them have changed or been wiped out. ."

Anfa also expressed his interest in the Sequoia Aboriginals, especially after learning from Ian that the Sequoia Aboriginals had been defeated and subdued by Port Harrison.

However, he still planned to visit the mountain people first

Ian listened carefully to the whole process, which greatly satisfied his curiosity.

And he also discovered that after telling himself the history, Anfa, who was sitting in front of the carriage, took out a booklet and wrote some words on it seriously.

Even though he was looking at it backwards, Ian could still see clearly that the words "Knights of Golden Leaf Town" written above were referring to himself, but it was not clear what the plus numbers behind them meant.

He smiled and said: "You can call me 'guide'. What is written in this book? Ah, forgive me, if you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it."

"Haha, I just record the people I meet and the related actions."

Anfa didn't care about this either. He changed 'Knight of Golden Leaf Town' to 'Guide' and then raised his head with a smile: "During my journey of studying minority cultures, I met many good people who helped me. I have also met many people who deceived me.”

"There is a proverb from my hometown of Canaan Moore, 'All words are false, only the actions of the hands are true' - I will write down everyone's actions one by one and write them down in this booklet with numbers to avoid forgetting. ."

"For example, Mr. Guide, for your actions such as killing the sharp-clawed tiger that attacked me, your generosity to the victim, and your willingness to take me to the Ryan Territory, etc., it is '+175'... Well, according to our Taking into account the time spent together, this is a very high score. You are indeed a kind person."

Ian asked: "Isn't this the book of hatred of the dwarves? It's just an extra part about friendship. Or is this part of your elf oath culture?"

Of course, it was more like some kind of prestige or favorability system. He didn't expect anyone to actually calculate this by themselves.

"No, this is my personal habit."

Putting away the 'Book of Little Hatred', Anfa lowered his eyes and sighed slightly: "Emotions, goodwill and hatred are difficult to calculate, but there must be a measurement value, so I will record it for reference."

"No matter what the attitude is, whether it is laughter or contempt on the surface, judging only by actions is far more accurate than listening to words."

"Well, that makes sense."

Ian did not comment on this, but in his mind, he changed Anfa's impression from a 'suspicious elf scholar' to an 'interesting and suspicious elf scholar'.

The speed of the camel beast was not fast, but with the acceleration of Ian's vague input of source material to eliminate fatigue, they still arrived at the Ryan Territory before the sun rose in the morning.

A forest town surrounded by a sea of ​​purple, red and golden orange flowers.

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