High Above

Chapter 341 Soul and Source Seed (33)

Lamar does know, and Elan nods vigorously.

"Then I recommend this storm thorn. Although it is an ordinary thorn when it does not bloom, it is as turbulent as a wave in a storm when it blooms, and it can live with water."

At first, Lamar thought that Ian was the Viscount who had something to do, so he sent him over on the way, but he thought that the other party had been recuperating for the past few days, and it was only when he saw Elan that he realized that Ian, the workaholic in his eyes, actually There is also a daily life of playing with my younger brother.

He walks into the store, and Ian recalls the dream from last night.

In the dream of the worm's nest, although those six years were skipped, he vaguely had the memory of Lamar taking care of Elan.

And it's very rare, not because of him, just because of Elan's care.

Is it because Lamar himself is also a refugee orphan of the Red People, so he feels pity for Elan?

Or is it that Elan is very fond of him in the appreciation of flowers and plants?

In any case, the other party is indeed not a bad person.

Lamar's true form inheritance "Wolf Hunter" actually has quite a lot of potential, above it, there are "Lion Hunter" and "Dragon Hunter" - this already has the potential of the third energy level, which is enough for the entire Walk on the mainland.

The viscount was actually good at the choices his subordinates had made, and he was quite attentive in this regard, as he managed Port Harrison as his hometown.

"After all, this place is already equivalent to the Viscount's hometown."

Lamar came out with a long row of flower pots, which were clusters of blooming storm brambles. As he said, the storm bramble flowers were surging like waves in a storm, clusters of white petals clustered together , exudes an elegant fragrance, which is somewhat similar to laurel, and somewhat similar to the freshness after a heavy rain. This is a unique plant only in coastal cities. The ancients used it to predict storms.

"Is there another storm?"

Lamar was also a little surprised. He didn't expect the flowers to bloom so luxuriantly. Elan was naturally very happy. The little boy opened his eyes wide and stared at the group of white flowers with an 'oh'—he immediately turned his head and held Elan tightly. En's hand, and Ian didn't wait for Elan to say "want to buy", and said in advance: "I want to pay the bill."

"Actually, you can look at it more."

Lamar said with a smile, but he also noticed Elan's excited and joyful expression, so he put the pot of storm thorns in place: "It blooms so lushly, it means that a storm is about to come."

"And this time it's not an anomaly brought by the maze, but a precursor to the rainy season."

It's a pity to say that although Ian is a prophet, he can't "predict the weather" that ordinary prophets can easily do-unless he raises a desert weasel that is extremely afraid of water. Only by living can we know whether it will rain in the future.

After buying the flowers, Ian left the flower shop with Elan, who was bouncing and obviously very happy.

And Lamar smiled and waved to them, and then went back to continue pruning the flower branches.

Port Harrison is not a particularly large city, and it is mainly composed of several big bloodlines, such as the White People and the Red People, which mainly represent the blood of exiles and refugees from other countries. Those who were closely united with Viscount Grant were the blood knights and members of the immigration group brought by the old Viscount Harrison.

However, over the past few decades, this city has become the hometown of the new generation. Even the Viscount himself has heirs, and he will take root in this land.

All live in the city.

Ian even suspected that the reason why the Viscount was able to cross the threshold between the second energy level and the third energy level, and successfully conceived the heart light body after taking the potion... was related to the birth of his child.

After all, if it is said that from the first energy level to the second energy level, what is needed are some hard conditions in terms of physical body and source quality.

Then from the second energy level to the third energy level, it involves the category of "coordination of body and soul, unity of body and soul" between body and soul.

The next day, as Lamar said.

Sure enough, the rain came.

Tara 773, April 27, noon.

Master Gesai and Isengard are about to set off to return to the imperial capital.

A bolt of lightning swayed across the dark cloud-shrouded sky, illuminating the entire city in white, and then merged into the lightning rod of the alchemy workshop.

In the pouring rain, Ian was saying goodbye to the old man and the young man who were about to leave in front of the carriage.

They had just finished the farewell lunch hosted by the Viscount, and the Viscount himself had just left, and now Ian was called by Master Gosse alone to give the last instructions before the farewell.

"It will arrive in a few days. The latest small laboratory equipment in the imperial capital, as well as the fairy materials that Yi Sen said will be given to you. Professionals from the Platinum Iridium Workshop will deliver it to your studio in three days at the latest. "

Above the sky, the waves of the black sea of ​​clouds rolled, and the intermittent noise in the living area behind him was quickly swallowed up by the noise of the rain, but the voice of the old man was very clear: "And all the materials we left in the Platinum Iridium Workshop belong to All of yours—probably should have been delivered to your shop by now, pay attention to check."

Noticing Ian's expression, Master Gesai shook his head and said, "You're welcome, you deserve it, and to be honest, compared to your credit, those monster materials are far from enough."

"I don't have time to communicate with you these days, but remember, Ian, Isengard and I are very grateful for your help."

"I believe in your talent and ability more than anyone else, but I still want to tell you that you are a good boy... You already have many things to do, so you don't need to pay too much attention to our affairs."

There is something in Master Goser's words. He knew Ian was Hilliard's disciple, so he warned Ian not to go too deep into Isengard. Viscount Grant recommended to become a patrol knight, so he was worried.

"I make my own decision, thank you, master."

And Ian nodded slightly, he could understand the old man's kindness, but for him, ordinary choices could not break the deadlock, only more dangerous and more profitable options made sense.

"...Well, I probably understand."

Master Gosser paused for his cane. He somewhat understood Ian's thoughts, but he still felt that the boy was a little confident.

But he also understands that this kind of self-confidence cannot be persuaded, so he can only sigh: "So, is there anything you want to ask me? I will take the last chance to answer your question in as much detail as possible."


Ian asked without hesitation: "I want to know the relationship between my own source quality, source seed and natural psionic energy."

"Or to be clear, what is the point of using the 'natural spiritual power' in the second energy level?"

"good question!"

Master Gesai nodded heavily. He glanced thoughtfully at the side, but Isengard, who was still a little confused, couldn't help but patted the other party's head: "It seems that you have already reached that hurdle...Of course, you You must know, but you want to know the latest research results."

Ian nodded silently. Hilliard did tell him some precautions back then, but he also told him that today's sublimation skills are changing with each passing day. Although he stands at the highest peak, he can't keep up with the low-level skills. last era.

After all, he is already at the fifth energy level, and these trivial matters have nothing to do with him.

"From ordinary people to the first energy level, what is needed is the source seed, which absorbs the source matter in the food, converts it into its own source matter, and then converts the source matter into sublimation organs, and solidifies all kinds of special powers in the body. in your own body."

After thinking for a while, Master Gosai raised his hand, and the invisible wind condensed into a vortex in mid-air, drawing the surrounding rainwater into it: "The vortex is the source seed, and the rain is the source quality you absorb, and the first energy level The point of the whole stage of practice is to condense the rainwater into ice."

"Ordinary people match food, use the materials of monsters, engrave the source quality structure on the ice, simulate the inscriptions and natural fields, and make their own source quality have attributes and functions-the so-called 'source material organs' are used The source quality simulates the natural spiritual energy field, which provides your source quality with organs of attributes, and the so-called 'strengthening organs' is to use the source quality to simulate inscriptions to obtain the power of various supernatural functions."

"The stronger the ice, the harder it is to inscribe inscriptions and structures, but it's also more stable."

Ian nodded slightly, all of this is exactly the same as what Hilliard said, which is why the first energy level needs a solid foundation, if the foundation is not strong, under the subsequent impact of the source quality, the 'ice' will Melted, unable to load higher level structures.

Therefore, at each energy level, practitioners will try to optimize the structure of their source seeds, and strengthen the 'ice' that is the base, that is, source quality, again and again.

Until the end, at the fifth energy level, the ice condenses into steel, which becomes an almost indelible existence. Even if the spirit dies, the body can still last forever.

"To solidify water into stronger ice, to shape one's own shape, and then to engrave and carve the ice to echo the natural spiritual energy field. This is the most important thing in the first level of 'Enlightenment'."

"Because the first energy level is only simulating monsters and nature, it is a kind of imitation, so the most important thing is to ensure the stability of the internal structure. Once too much source quality is used, it will damage the root and cause your sublimation organs to regress. You can only slow down. Rebuild slowly."

Master Gesai concluded that he closed his eyes at this moment, and then opened them again: "The second energy level, Condensation, is related to the soul, and it is also the process of transforming 'imitation' and 'virtual' into 'real'."


The old man stared at the young man and said, "What do you think is a soul?"

"Organs that assist our thinking."

Ian replied thoughtfully. He thought of what Hilliard said to himself back then, about the dialectic between falsehood and truth, and a thought flashed in his mind.

He raised his head and suddenly said: "It doesn't exist, it's a false, illusory thing—but it can have a real effect!"

"Just like the source species..."

"The soul is the source of psionic energy?!"

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