Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 691: The other side of the space portal

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The space portal in front of him still stood there steadily without any change. Banner looked helplessly at the broken rope connected to his protective suit. The environment around Banner after passing through the space portal was not an endless starry sky, but a dimly lit wilderness. The hills in this wilderness are undulating, and the rocks are all deep black, which is obviously different from the earth's environment.

In addition to the endless desolate plains in front of him, Banner also saw the previously sent drones near the space portal. Except for a few that were still working normally, almost all the rest were parked somewhere without any movement, obviously malfunctioning. There are also some drones that don’t know what happened to them, as if they hit a rock with their parts scattered all over the place.

"It's really not easy to send back so much information in such a situation!" Banner couldn't help but sigh after seeing the situation in front of him.

Although Banner still doesn't know what's weird here, why those drones are out of control or directly turned into parts, his determination to explore this strange place will not change, even though the rope behind him has been broken. However, before starting to explore this strange land, Banner walked to the nearest drone, fiddled with it for a while and then threw it into the space portal behind him.

The rope connecting him from the earth has been broken. Of course, Banner knew that the people waiting for him over there would be very worried. Therefore, he needs to send back a message so that they should not worry too much. Moreover, Banner does not feel that anything can threaten him now.

After the drone on which he left the message disappeared through the space portal, Banner suppressed his uneasiness and stopped caring about the drones around him who were still trying their best to complete their work. After simply tidying up the piece of rope, he started the action he had originally planned.

"The gravity is different from that of the Earth, but the difference is not very big. It is about 1.3 times that of the Earth... The imaging instruments seem to be affected by some special influence and cannot take clear photos..." Ban started his own action Dr. Na quickly fell into the role of a scientist, eliminating other influences and focusing on his own work.

However, Dr. Banner, who was carefully studying the surrounding environment around the space portal, did not know that this wilderness was not as barren as he imagined. There were some hidden things among these black rocks that were silently observing this serious researcher. guy. However, because many functions of Banner's protective suit were inexplicably broken when he was transported, he was unable to detect the specific situation around him at all.

"Captain! You can't go through!" Just when Dr. Banner started his work as if nothing was wrong, on this side of the earth space portal,

Natasha stopped in front of Captain Rogers and said with a serious face.

Less than a minute after the rope connecting Banner broke, Rogers had already put on protective clothing and was ready to go through the space portal to find him. However, they have "lost" Bruce Banner, so how can they now let Captain America, who is in charge of the overall situation, take risks again. Therefore, Natasha, who was very rational, stopped directly in front of Rogers.

Although Falcon and Hawkeye standing behind Rogers did not speak, if Rogers really insisted on passing by, they would obviously stop him. SHIELD has finally stabilized after going through so many things. It is now in a period of steady development and growth. They cannot take so many risks and sacrifice Captain America.

"Natasha, you can't stop me!" Rogers said seriously as he looked at the black widow Natasha who was blocking him in front of him.

"Rogers, even if someone needs to be sent to rescue Dr. Banner, that person shouldn't be you." After hearing Rogers' words, Natasha said without giving up.

"Dr. Banner was strongly invited by me to come back. Now that he is in danger and has lost contact, no one else is qualified to go there except me!" Rogers certainly doesn't want to let others take risks. This is his responsibility.

"Captain Rogers, it's not even ten minutes yet. Maybe nothing happened to Dr. Banner." Just when Rogers was about to forcefully rush into the space portal, Daredevil came from behind to persuade him.

Dr. Banner personally strongly requested to enter the space portal, but Captain America did not stop him. Of course, the Guardians or the X-Men as allies could not say anything. And now that Dr. Banner has lost contact and the rope holding him is broken, the X-Men and the Guardians have no position on whether to save him or not. However, Daredevil's identity allows him to speak out in this situation.

"But, this is obviously an accident. Who knows what will happen if we wait a few more minutes?" Rogers said in a serious tone after hearing Daredevil's words.

"Although it is true, Captain Rogers, have you ever thought about it. If something unexpected happens over there, if you go there again, you may not be able to come back together. Do you think this will be beneficial to the current situation? ?" Knowing that the strong sense of responsibility in Rogers' heart made it impossible for him to give up Dr. Banner, although Daredevil tried to persuade him in another way.

As the leader of SHIELD, Rogers now has a very heavy responsibility. In addition to Dr. Banner, he also has the entire SHIELD to be responsible for. In addition to S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers is still a core figure in the alliance with the X-Men and the Guardians, and nothing can happen to him.

After hearing these words from Daredevil, Rogers finally calmed down. However, he still won't give up rescuing Banner. Therefore, within a minute, he had directly sent dozens of drones in. If Dr. Banner is okay over there, he will definitely be able to get back through these drones. However, Rogers will only wait ten minutes. Once the time is up, no one will be able to persuade him by then.



Just when the drones sent by Rogers were halfway in, a severely damaged drone suddenly flew out from the other side of the space portal, knocking away several drones that were queuing forward. Rolled down at Rogers' feet.

Rogers' eyes lit up when he noticed the drone rolling down to his feet, and then he reached out and picked it up, regardless of whether it carried threatening substances in the universe. After seeing the news brought back by the drone, Rogers finally breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Dr. Banner is fine for now!"

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