Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 639 An unexpected situation

Magneto's departure didn't seem to attract anyone's attention, but it wasn't like no one saw him leaving. Professor Charles, who was several hundred meters away from him, silently turned his attention away after Magneto left. Charles was still very concerned about his old friend whom he had known for many years. Therefore, Charles already knew that Magneto had met his children. As for No. 2's subsequent sneak attack on Magneto, Charles didn't pay too much attention. Anyway, this kind of modified mutant can no longer be regarded as a normal mutant. If he dies, he will die. Charles is not a saint.

"Iceman, now that the suppression effect has been lifted, go and deal with those modified giants. It's best to save their lives." With his eyes back from Magneto, who was leaving, Professor Charles said to his side Iceman said, unable to hold back any longer.

Because their abilities were suppressed, Iceman and the others, as powerful X-Men, could only hide behind Captain Rogers and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s K-Team, which made Iceman and the others feel very uncomfortable. Now that the suppression effect has disappeared, Iceman no longer wants to hide behind and let others protect him.


After hearing what Professor Charles said, the Iceman instantly turned into an ice crystal and rushed out. Just by circling around those huge green-skinned monsters, the green-skinned giants, whose defense and strength were almost invincible, were frozen into ice sculptures by the Iceman.

"Huh? It seems they have recovered." Seeing Iceman's sudden attack, Captain Rogers' eyes flickered and he thought silently in his heart.

Then, Rogers led Team K and cooperated with Iceman's actions to quickly freeze the remaining green giants. Together with Iron Man in mid-air, they will soon be able to control all these green giants.


Half a minute later, the last green giant fell under the joint attack of Team K and several Iron Man. At this point, these green-fat-looking cybernetics with amazing defense and strength released by the military were all under control. Glancing at the injured soldiers in Team K, Captain Rogers frowned tightly. After this incident is over, Rogers seems to have a good chat with the military.

"Captain Rogers, Magneto has left. I think today's incident can finally be over. Although it caused a lot of damage, it can be considered that the incident has been controlled and the incident has not been expanded." After Rogers walked back to Professor Charles, Professor Charles looked at him and said with a smile.

Once the battle between mutants is out of control, it will cause immeasurable losses to a city or even a larger area, not to mention a strong man with abnormal mutant abilities like Magneto. Although Magneto also broke out this time, at least it did not affect the entire Washington. The worst result was that there seemed to be a low-level earthquake in the area near the battlefield. Some of the ground cracked and the buildings swayed a few times. This kind of loss is completely acceptable for this kind of war, at least SHIELD can completely resist this consequence.

"Well, I'm very happy to be able to cooperate with the X-Men this time." After hearing Professor Charles's words, Captain Rogers responded calmly.

Although Rogers is not a person who completely advocates strength, he has to admit that the strength of the X-Men far exceeds that of his Avengers. Although the Avengers can arm themselves with continuously upgraded high-tech equipment, their strength will drop a lot if they encounter mutants like Magneto who can destroy most of their technological equipment. Therefore, the union is also a good thing for SHIELD.

"Does Professor Charles know anything about Magneto's attack on Stryker?" Although Magneto has left, Rogers still doesn't know why he attacked Stryker this time and caused such a big fuss. movement. So after the incident stabilized, Rogers still asked.

"I have to tell you this even if Captain Rogers doesn't ask. The reason why Magneto attacked Stryker this time..." After hearing Rogers' question, Professor Charles nodded and prepared to explain.

However, just when Charles was explaining to Rogers, Rogers suddenly frowned tightly, and then his face suddenly became very ugly.

"No!" Without hearing Charles' explanation, Rogers suddenly looked up in the air and shouted loudly.

"What?..." Seeing Rogers's expression change instantly and hearing his exclamation, Professor Charles looked up in confusion.

The next second, Professor Charles saw a figure descending rapidly in the sky. During the descent, the figure rapidly expanded from its normal size, and soon became a giant as big as those green-skinned giants.

"Is that...another modified warrior?" Although this green giant that dropped rapidly from mid-air looked a little different, Professor Charles still regarded him as the same as those controlled modified warriors.

"No! He's not a secret transformation soldier of the military! Damn it! Why did he come down!?" After hearing Charles' words, Rogers answered and rushed out with his shield.

"Not a reformed warrior? What is that?" Hearing Rogers' answer, Charles thought in confusion as he looked at the background where he rushed out.

"K Team! Assemble!" When Professor Charles was confused, Captain Rogers had already assembled the resting K Team again. From the look on his face, he seemed to be more nervous facing this one green-skinned giant than the dozen before.

When Rogers assembled Team K, Iron Man, who was originally suspended in mid-air, also looked at the figure that was landing rapidly in mid-air. After scanning the specific situation of the figure, an Iron Man located behind suddenly swayed in mid-air.

"The real monster is here!" Looking at Jarvis's scan results, Tony, who was suspended in mid-air, said to himself with an ugly face.

After comparing Jarvis's scan with the data in his own database, Tony was shocked to find that the green giant that was landing rapidly turned out to be Dr. Banner, who had been missing for several years, which also left a big psychological shadow on Tony. The Hulk.

"Jarvis, how long can our secret weapon last?" Tony suppressed the shock in his eyes and quickly asked Jarvis.

Facing the real Hulk, Tony's Iron Man skills are completely insufficient. The only thing that can hope to suppress him is his secret weapon. Even if the X-Men all regain their strength, Tony doesn't think they can control an angry Hulk.

"Sir, there are still one minute and thirty seconds left." Jarvis replied quickly after hearing Tony's words.

"Then, let's pre-start!" Seeing that the giant in front of him had landed, Tony said in a serious tone.

"Yes, sir."

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