Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 261 Tony's temptation

"So, Mr. Tony, do you have a way to control the venom?" After learning about the various functions of the venom, Lin Rui asked Tony who was beside him while looking at the silent venom split in the glass jar in front of him.

"Uh... I haven't found a solution yet. No matter how small these venom parts are divided into, they still have their own consciousness and there is no way to control them." Hearing Lin Rui's question, Tony replied effectively and embarrassedly. .

"However, although I haven't found a way to control the venom yet, I believe there will be a way in the future. This thing is an alien creature, and it's not easy for others to come and study with me. It would be nice if Dr. Banner was here, He has a deep research on biological science." As if feeling the awkwardness of the atmosphere, Tony hurriedly added another sentence.

"Well? Dr. Banner? Is it Bruce Banner?" Originally, Lin Rui didn't care about Tony's forced explanation, but after hearing what he said later, his eyes lit up and he asked quickly.

"Yes, it's Dr. Bruce Banner. Do you know him?" Tony asked curiously when he heard Lin Rui's sudden surprise.

Although Lin Rui has brought Tony a lot of surprises to this day, especially now that Tony has almost determined Lin Rui's other identity, it still surprises Tony that he can know Bruce Banner. Bruce Banner is not an ordinary doctor, but a nuclear physicist whose genius is no less than that of Stark, and most people will not know such a person.

In an accidental physical experiment, Bruce Banner was mutated by exposure to gamma rays, and turned into a super-strong man who would turn into a Hulk as long as he was angry, and belonged to the top powerhouse in the Marvel world. In order to treat his radiation-mutated genes, Bruce Banner later turned to studying biology, and he also achieved high achievements with his genius.

But years later, Bruce Banner still hasn't found a cure for himself. So, in order not to let yourself become a Hulk after getting angry and hurt others. Bruce has moved incognito to an off the beaten track in Nepal more than a year ago and has been learning ways to control his anger.

Now, there aren't many people in the world who know where Bruce Banner is, and Tony is clearly one of them. Although Tony knows where Bruce Banner is, he will not call back the Hulk in practice because he is anxious to study venom. Not to mention that Professor Banner probably won't come back. If he suddenly turns into the Hulk in New York, Tony feels that his Iron Man Corps can't stop the big guy.

Therefore, Tony was a little surprised after hearing Lin Rui say Bruce Banner's name. Does this little guy in front of him know the Hulk? How many secrets does he have?

"Uh... this. That's right, I know Dr. Bruce Banner." Knowing that his behavior was a little weird, Lin Rui quickly replied with a restrained expression.

"Oh? I'm curious how you know him. Don't say you know it from the Internet. There is no information about this guy on the Internet." Seeing Lin Rui admit it, Tony continued to ask. While asking Lin Rui, Tony looked at him with his arms crossed, as if he wanted an answer.

"Uh...this...that..." Seeing Tony's aggressive look, Lin Rui didn't know how to answer for a while.

Lin Rui knew that the Hulk involved really big things, and it was normal for Tony to have such an attitude. However, Lin Rui can't make up any good reasons now! As his head quickly recalled, Lin Rui was also struggling to admit his identity as a Phantom Knight directly to Tony. He believes that if he admits the identity of the Phantom Knight,

Tony wouldn't hold on to what he knew about the Hulk any longer. However, when Tony stared at him, Lin Rui suddenly remembered something.

"Oh! I remembered it! It's Dr. Eric! I heard about Dr. Bruce Banner from Dr. Eric." Finally remembering the reason why he could get away with it from his memory, Lin Rui quickly said it .

Lin Rui didn't lie, he did hear Dr. Eric mention Bruce Banner's name when he was interning behind Dr. Eric in New Mexico. Just when S.H.I.E.L.D. confiscated Jane Foster’s equipment and research materials, and she was going to find S.H.I.E.L.D. theory, Dr. Eric persuaded her to come.

At that time, Dr. Eric said that a doctor he knew disappeared because of his involvement in this mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. At that time, Lin Rui was a little confused when he heard the name of Bruce Banner, because he didn't know that Dr. Eric still knew the Hulk. Is the academic circle really so small? However, Bruce Banner who can be involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. should be that one.

However, because there was Thor beside Lin Rui at that time. And Dr. Eric is not particularly familiar with Dr. Banner, so Lin Rui didn't ask anything later.

"Dr. Eric? Is that the doctor of astronomy you went to New Mexico for an internship during the holidays?" Tony asked suspiciously when he heard the name Lin Rui said.

"Well, it's Dr. Eric." Nodding seriously, Lin Rui confirmed it again.

"Jarvis, check if this Eric really knows Banner." After staring at Lin Rui for a few seconds, Tony turned his head and instructed Jarvis.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis, who is always there, agreed calmly.

"Sir, Dr. Eric does know Dr. Bruce." Soon, the results of Jarvis' investigation came out.

"Okay, I believe you." After receiving Jarvis' answer, Tony lowered his arms and smiled at Lin Rui. However, no one knows whether Tony really believed Lin Rui's words, but at least he believed it on the surface.

"However, Mr. Stark, is there anything special about this Dr. Bruce Banner? Why are you so nervous?" With a silent sigh of relief, Lin Rui then asked with normal curiosity.

"This, you will know when you see him yourself. However, when you see it with your own eyes, it may not be a good thing." Hearing Lin Rui's words, Tony replied with a strange smile.

"Uh... well." Of course Lin Rui knew in his heart what it would be like to see the Hulk in person, but he still showed a curious expression on his face.

"This kid! Let's see how long you have to pretend!" Seeing Lin Rui's expression in his eyes, Tony muttered silently in his heart.

"By the way, how is Peter doing now?" The matter of Dr. Banner passed temporarily, and Tony suddenly asked about Peter's situation.

"Oh, his injury has fully recovered." Lin Rui subconsciously replied when Tony asked about Peter.

However, when Lin Rui finished answering, he remembered that he is not a Phantom Knight now, why did he know so clearly about Spider-Man's injury! However, it was too late to change his words now, so Lin Rui had to continue to pretend to be calm and wait for Tony's words. If Tony asked him how he knew Peter was injured, Lin Rui would say that he found out when Peter didn't go to class and went to his house to find him. As Peter's good friend, such Jack should not have any flaws.

However, to Lin Rui's surprise, Tony just nodded lightly and said nothing, as if he was not surprised that he knew about Peter's situation.

"It's fine if he's alright, this little guy is still very good. At least, I think he's better than you." Looking at Lin Rui in front of him, Tony suddenly said something vague.

"Haha, isn't it? I always thought Peter was very good! His grades were even better than mine." Following Tony's words, Lin Rui only felt that he was very tired.

"Well, now, let me show you my latest design!" After the chat ended, Tony was about to start working again. And one of the reasons for calling Lin Ruilai today is to ask him to help him with the later experimental work. Such a handy assistant, Tony, will not be wasted.

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