Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 614: The battle of demigods (middle)

It seems to be easy to resist the charged blow of the fighting tyrannosaurus, but the pressure on Jos is not as simple as he looks.

A slight gasp came from under the mask, using the magic shield to absorb the charge of the top semi-god level strongman. The magic power consumed was also a big number for Jos.

It was not Joss’ style to be beaten.

Some elemental spices swayed in the fingers, with the increase of elemental spices, a quaint magic scroll gradually ignited in the hands of Jos.

It can force Jos to use a magic scroll instead of calling magic with his own magic power. This battle tyrannosaurus is enough to be a powerful opponent that Jos has been difficult to meet for nearly 100 years.

"Dimensional Blade!" Qing Yan's voice drank, a cone shape, and a gray-black energy storm with a strong tornado character appeared, and swept away to the fighting tyrannosaurus.

The gray-black matter in the energy storm is nothing but the space cracks that Locke had the luck to see at close range.

An attacking method that can tear space and create space cracks. This magic scroll is one of the treasures that Jos has obtained when he traveled the wizarding world for centuries and traversed the wizarding world.

It is also difficult for a demigod-level strong man to face its powerful horror magic.

Sure enough, seeing such a level of magic hitting him, the steel wings of the battle tyrannosaurus fluttered, while trying to retreat, while using his proud skills, trying to intercept this magic.

"Fighting tornado!" The two wings of iron and steel were vibrating at the same time, while in the turbine vortex, two storms of extreme energy from the wind element appeared.

Under the deliberate control of the fighting tyrannosaurus, the two storms merged into one, and the dimensional blades issued to Jos flew away.

Both are in the form of a tornado. The attack of the two is weaker and weaker. At the moment when the energy storm touches, the judgement is high.

The dimensional blade with space cracks is obviously better. The wind elemental energy storm released by the fighting tyrannosaurus slammed after a fierce squeeze, and was crushed into a turbulent energy by the more brutal dimensional blade. .

The turbulent energy turbulently blows up the towering trees of the Rainbow Forest, and the surrounding environment is turbulent and messy.

Countless low-level Digimons were killed in the attacking methods issued by these two demigod-level strongmen, more of which were hit by the turbulent flow of energy storms and were seriously injured.

This is

The reason why low-level creatures can't rush into the battle of high-level lifeforms is a little careless because it is the end of the bloodshed.

However, the damage of these low-level Digimons, as the parties, did not pay much attention.

Some low-level indigenous creatures just kill them, but it is just that Jos has been killed and promoted to a semi-god level, and hundreds of thousands of new souls have been added.

The battle tyrannosaurus is even more indifferent. The tyrannosaurus family is famous for killing and violent in the digital monster.

At this time, this fighting tyrannosaurus had no time to pay attention to the death and injury of those underlying digital beasts. Faced with the approaching dimensional blade, the fighting tyrannosaurus held his breath. After retreating, the surface light elements gathered, A bright shield of light elements is formed.

"Eternal Light Shield!"

This is one of the signature skills of the Battle Tyrannosaurus. It has an absolutely defensive eternal light shield. Can it really stand against the dimensional blade of Jos.

Jos, who released the dimensional blade in the magic scroll on the other side, did not stop. He knew that this powerful magic alone was not enough to defeat the fighting tyrannosaurus.

Not to mention the battle tornado, it has already frustrated the attacking power of the dimensional blade. This is the eternal light shield, and Jos also has a strong understanding of its defense strength.

Not to mention that the battle tyrannosaurus has not yet again used its ultimate nirvana blazing energy cannon!

"Is it too much consumption, is the use limited? Or is it reserved?" Under the mask, Jos murmured.

The power of the blazing sun energy cannon is not much more than his dimensional blade. At first, when he faced the battle tyrannosaurus beast, if he did not show his cards, there is this precious mask of the faceless mask. The early warning of the guide is really possible.

So Jos didn't dare to relax in the face of the present enemy.

White magic wand grabbed in his hand, and took out a simple magic scroll Jos. This time it can be said that he handed over the old man. The use of various powerful scrolls also put a great burden on his spiritual power and magic power.

The sound of chanting spells came from under the mask, no matter how the resistance of the fighting tyrannosaurus under the dimensional blade of the dimensional blade, Jos's next strong magic was already in a state of preparation.

In addition to the fierce battle between Jos and Felix, the other two demigod-level knights Argus and Azir are not much better.

The pale golden blood of the bronze man Argus,

Almost immersed in his whole body, this demigod-level knight who opened the real body, was seriously injured and dying once in the activated fairy world. It seems that this time in the digital world, it is hard to escape the end of another serious injury.

"I will apply for a two hundred year rest after this plane war. Next time I will go to Eugen to do this kind of fierce battle!" Argus, a bronze man who was 100 meters high, roared.

He had a long history with Eugen, another demigod-level knight of the three western islands, which is a situation known to all the top knights of the three western islands.

Rolling his eyes, ignoring the complaint of this masculine man, known as the Azriel of the Golden Spear Ride, was also entangled with the Badola.

One of the golden wings has been broken off, and Azir, whose real body has been damaged, is no worse than the injury that Argus suffered.

"Hold on for a while, Felix will solve it soon!" Azir said to the bronze man.

Fully unfolding power, Felix, who has semi-god-level strength, is a third-level sky knight and a third-level magician, and his short-term burst of power, even Jos thought that he was invincible, how is it now? This divine angel beast will be able to resist.

As the battle progressed, the holy angel beast became more and more tired, and its avatar was almost exhausted.

It was Jos' confrontation with the fighting tyrannosaurus that made Azir's eyebrows jump.

The battle between the two broke out at a high energy level, far exceeding the general demigod level!

Rock and Kayla, who just flew into the Rainbow Forest, are sensitive to second-level creatures, giving them the luck to feel the fierce battle of several demi-gods for the first time.

The kind of energy with a strong threat of death erupted and was about to die. Locke believed that even if he started to transform himself, it would be the same ending.

I wanted to take Keira to avoid the aftermath of the demi-level battle, and then roared with rage, echoing in the Rainbow Forest.

"Lieyang Energy Cannon!" After all, the battle tyrannosaurus used his own ultimate nirvana!

"My brother is there, let's go and see!" Kayla said with a worried look at the place where the energy burst.

Locke's face was bitter, and he could only suppress the warning signs of his own heart, covering Kayla from moving to the center of the battlefield.

Subscriptions have repeatedly made new lows, uncomfortable ah qaq, I am really in Wanchang, not as high as before, wooh.

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