Active field resonance is essentially the use of high-speed frequency resonance to liquefy the active core material, thereby releasing the activity, creating a "field" that can attract free activity from the outside world.

Field, presence in mathematics refers to the mapping of one vector to another vector or number. Physicists believe that momentum should exist in the field, which is the spatial distribution of objects.

In fact, radiation is a kind of field, and temperature is also a kind of field, basically the field is everywhere.

And this "active field" is different from active radiation. Radiation radiates energy to the outside. Therefore, after the evolution beast dies, the activity will be slowly lost due to radiation. Inactivation becomes waste. But the active field resonance is a closed field.

Similar to the magnetic field, the north pole goes out and the south pole closes.

Therefore, after sorting out and deriving the experimental data, Shen Cong guessed that the active field resonance of a single nucleus could not be maintained for a long time because it could not be completely closed. However, using dual-core and multi-core to induce active field resonance may be able to establish a truly closed active field, which can be maintained stably.

Shen Cong designed an experimental model for this.

He has a large number of short-lived ant colony active cores that are not useful, just use it for experimentation, not distressed at all, anyway, he failed, and he can also set off a wave of active tornadoes to feed the Vajra.

Shen Cong first thought of the active resonance field composed of three active cores. The triangle is the most stable structure.


Speed ​​up the Vajra frequency.

The three active cores buzzed and began to tremble. This was the active core from the worker ants. The frequency itself was exactly the same, and even the level was deliberately selected by Shen Cong, very close.

One minute later.

boom! boom! boom!

Three explosions announced the failure of the experimental model.

Not discouraged, Shen Cong repeated the steps again, doing it more carefully. The low-level active core cannot withstand the resonance frequency. Shen Cong only used it to find out the basic conditions for the resonance field to be closed and stable. He did not intend to use the low-level active core to establish the resonance field.

Following another failure, Shen Cong replaced the active core of the dwarf soldier ant, which was also a triangular fixed model.

The result was the same, three explosions sounded a wave of active tornadoes, which became the nutrient solution for the Vajra.

Comparing the results of the two experiments, Shen Cong spent half an hour to derive and came to a conclusion: "The triangle model has no effect, and there is no trace of the resonant field closing in the three experiments."

The triangle doesn't work, and Shen Cong starts the dual-core model.

The magnetic field has north and south poles, and perhaps active resonance field, there are also two poles.

Take out two short-strength worker active cores and start alloying.

The dual-core model is established.

Accelerate the Vajra frequency, Ascension resonance frequency.

The two active cores were buzzing and trembling, and after a minute, an explosion occurred. During the explosion, Shen Cong keenly discovered that the shock waves that should have spread everywhere had actually become entangled at the moment of the explosion. In less than a second, the entanglement disappeared and the active tornado was set off.

"It's done!"

Shen Cong waved his hand to fan the dust in front of him, and his joy was uncontrollable. The experiment did explode, but the moment of entanglement made him see the feasibility of the model.

However, Shen Cong only vented his inner excitement a little bit, and then suppressed it, only to get a trace of not knowing whether it was accurate or not. The excitement was too early, and the experiment would continue.

Before the last moment, it is not certain that it will really succeed.


The failure of the dual-core model of the short-strength worker ants gave Shen Cong hope.

Following the dual-core model of the dwarf soldier ant, Shen Cong once again saw the final entanglement of the two active strands; then the incisors of the rat were also used by Shen Cong for the dual-core model experiment, and the entanglement at the final moment of the explosion became more obvious; Then the two fangs of Tai Ritian did a dual-core model experiment, and the entanglement phenomenon occurred before the explosion, that is, the moment when the surface liquefies.

Then, the two remaining fangs of Yalang were also used by him for a dual-core model experiment.

This time, the active resonance field after liquefaction was entangled for a full minute before it broke apart in the explosion.

Throughout the day, I don't know how many times there were explosions, and a thick layer of dust fell on the floor. Finally, in the evening, all the experimental data were collected and deduced ten times carefully. Shen Cong took a deep breath and decided to do the last experiment.

He has no high-grade materials that can be used for dual-core model experiments, only the last pair of bull horns.

If there is another explosion this time, this experiment does not know when it will continue.

However, the activity level of the Bull Demon King is much higher than that of the Tumor Pig. During the single-core experiment, the Tumor Pig’s full moon scimitar almost maintained stability. The Bull Demon’s horns should be able to withstand the impact of the active resonance field.

"I can't bear the child can't hold the wolf!"

After dinner, Shen Cong took a nap and adjusted his mental state to the best.

At this time, after absorbing the free activity brought by several active tornadoes, the Vajra has risen to Lv0.560 activity level, and Shen Cong's physical fitness has also increased slightly, rising to Lv0.754.


On the laptop keyboard, Shen Cong knocked down the record before the experiment: "The sixth experiment of the active resonance field-dual core model: materials, the active core of the cow devil-a pair of horns (Lv0.215)..."

After recording, the experiment begins.

A pair of horns quickly resonated under the high-speed frequency impact of the Vajra, and the surface gradually began to liquefy, but the liquefied surface did not leak to the outside. The resonant activity makes the liquid on the surface of the horns show a kind of colorful light flowing, which is really beautiful.

Whether it looks good or not, Shen Cong didn't care about it. He guided the resonance frequency with all his strength and calibrated it little by little.

With Shen Cong's efforts, after the two horns resonated, they quickly connected with each other's resonance. A distorted active resonance field is produced, and with the synchronization between the frequencies, the "field" of the active resonance field becomes more and more regular, emitting activity from one horn and receiving activity from the other horn.

At the same time, they react with each other, and the horns that receive the activity emit activity, and the horns that emit activity receive the activity again.

Cycling back and forth with each other, the activity maintains a very stable state, and truly establishes a stable active resonance field. After closing this active resonance field, Shen Cong immediately chose to cut off the high-speed frequency impact of the Vajra.

This is a key move.

Whether the active resonance field can be maintained, it all depends on this time.

After the cut, Shen Cong immediately hugged his head and bowed to protect his own vitals. He was afraid that the explosion might be too powerful and would hurt himself wearing the explosive change armor.


For a DIY expert who is not even an expert in civil sciences, Shen Cong's so-called research is a wild way. Especially for research activity, there is no systematic or regularity at all, and it is completely dependent on own divergent thinking. When you think about where to experiment, you can experiment with inspiration.

He was really hitting on the right side, and the active fur was really researched by him using folk techniques.

And this time, Shen Cong's research has reached a deeper level. This is not a simple use, but an in-depth excavation of activity.

Do professional scientific research with folk science methods.

I have to say that Shen Cong's hands-on ability and mental courage far exceed those of ordinary people. Perhaps only a stubborn character with mental problems can embark on this path.

In an instant, it was as slow as a century.

I very much expected the experiment to be successful, but Shen Cong held it at the same time, and immediately welcomed the consequences of the failure of the explosion. This kind of emotional entanglement is even more tormenting for him.


The worrying explosion did not happen, and the pair of closed horns active resonance field still maintained good operation. From perception, you can see this closed active resonance field, emitting countless "fields", from one horn to another. These fields form a sphere with a radius of about one meter.

The field of this sphere is gathering the surrounding free activity with huge suction.

Then, a storm vortex surrounding the active resonance field was born, and the massive free activity gave Shen Cong a feeling of being in the real wind and waves.

The Vajra conveyed even more cheerful emotions.

These free activities were continuously absorbed by the Vajra in the form of whales.

Lv0.560 a minute ago...

One minute later, it was maintained at Lv0.560...but the activity level was increased by Lv0.0002.

After five minutes, it is still Lv0.560... has increased the activity of Lv0.0005.

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