Changing the active radiation frequency of the Vajra, even if it is only the surface layer, is still quite difficult.

But Shen Cong thinks that this can be done. The biggest inspiration is of course that the Vajra swallowed the activity of the motorcycle and synchronized it. Normally, Shen Cong consumes upgraded meat, but also directly ingests the activity, and naturally completes the synchronization of the frequency.

There is also a huge inspiration. When I first saw the motorcycle frame, the active metal surface was covered by a layer of rust, and the radiation was completely covered up. It was not until Shen Cong erased the rust that he felt active. This is of course because Shen Cong's own external perception ability is relatively weak, but it also shows that the radiation frequency can be covered and changed.

The outside Liuliu powder has already begun to volatilize under the sunlight, and the irritating dust has prevented some upgraded ants from approaching.

However, there are still a large number of upgraded ants who continue to secrete formic acid on the body parts that have not been sprayed with six or six powder.

Willpower communication Vajra, you can clearly feel that the activity of the car body is declining bit by bit, and in a short period of time, it has dropped to 43.1%.

In his hand, he was holding an upgraded ant alive, and he slowly felt the frequency emitted by the upgraded ant.

"Change the frequency of breathing...I can control the activity, and I should be able to change the frequency!" Shen Cong's willpower constantly tries to grasp the activity at a deeper level.

This was a risky attempt without sufficient theoretical preparation. Shen Cong's research has not yet reached this point and the feasibility is not high, but under the threat of the ant colony, he had to try.

If you succeed, you can get away with it.

Failed, the consequences are unpredictable.


What does it mean to be alive?

For a person, it means heartbeat, breathing, and metabolism. These signs of being alive can be controlled artificially. When excited, the heartbeat speeds up and shortness of breath, and when it is calm, the heartbeat slows down and breathing is prolonged. Appetite can be controlled, and excretion can be delayed.

As for the Vajra, which has been given the "alive" nature, metabolism means the ingestion of activity and the emission of radiation.

Shen Cong now wants to reduce the radiation emitted by the activity to a frequency of upgraded ants.

To his surprise, after trying it once, he found that the frequency can be changed. He successfully interfered with the frequency of the active radiation of the Vajra, and there was a slight change. Of course this is very difficult, just a little interference, the radiation frequency bounces back, not docile to Shen Cong's willpower.

It's like holding your breath, and if you hold back anxiously, it will rebound.

"The effect is good."

Shen Cong raised his hand to wipe off the dense sweat on his face and forehead, and continued to concentrate, using willpower to forcibly interfere with the active frequency, trying to guide the upgraded ant's frequency.

Activity is like the nerve that carries the connection between Shen Cong and Vajra. The brain can control the nerves, and the willpower can control the activity.

As time passed by one minute and one second, the Vajra’s active energy was depleted in one minute and one second.







When the activity level dropped by 30%, Shen Cong tried more than 20 times, and finally reduced the Vajra's radiation frequency to the same frequency as the upgraded ants through interference.

At this moment, the upgraded ants that had been secreting formic acid and gnawing on the outer armor of the Vajra shocked collectively.

They all stopped biting at a loss.

Feeling this result, Shen Cong was overjoyed.

Full effect!

It's just that the extreme happiness leads to sorrow. When the mental state is chaotic, the interference is bounced back, and the frequency of the Vajra instantly returns to its normal frequency. In an instant, the confused upgraded ant went from a state of being at a loss to a state of gnawing.

Shen Cong quickly stabilized his emotions and began to interfere again.

Knowing the effect, his heart became more stable and his performance was very stable. After a few attempts, he once again reduced the Vajra's radiation frequency.

The upgraded ants crawling all over the body shook together and fell into a state of confusion again.

Their IQ is not enough to tell why the active radiation emitted by this iron lump is consistent with their own. When the odor is disturbed by six powders, active radiation has become the main means of communication, and the Vajra was successfully incorporated into the upgraded ant team.

The disorderly state of confusion lasted less than ten seconds.

Losing the target of gnawing, this group of upgraded ants quickly left the Vajra. For them, although the Vajra is of the same kind, the surrounding environment is full of unpleasant odors, prompting them to escape here. Turned to rush to the surrounding car wreckage and continued to eat the metal.

Perceive the departure of the upgraded ants.

Inside the Vajra car, Shen Cong let out a long sigh of relief.

Inwardly, he became more relaxed, a crisis, relying on his genius to display his wit, and solve it smoothly. Vajra’s activity remained at 28.4%. Although nearly half of the activity was lost, at least the outer armor was intact, and it took time to make up for it.


After getting familiar with the way to interfere with the active frequency, Shen Cong can relax and just need to maintain a little distraction to ensure the effect of the interference.

He opened the side skylight again and inspected the situation outside.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. When the upgraded ant is far away, he is ready to drive away immediately. However, there are a lot of car wrecks here, and the upgraded ants will not be able to eat them for a while, and we still need to wait.

There was no danger, Shen Cong thought of the motorcycle at the back of the car.

The Vajra has his guiding activity to resist, and the motorcycle is not protected at all. He seemed to have heard the cooing sound of plastic rabbits before.


When he walked to the compartment at the rear of the car, Shen Cong saw it at a glance. The plastic rabbit that had recovered a bit of vitality was bleeding from his mouth and nose, lying in the cage, motionless.

I grabbed the cage and felt the plastic rabbit. There was no breathing, no heartbeat, and a slow loss of activity.


Shen Cong opened the sunroof again and looked at the motorcycle hanging on the tail. Because motorcycles take up a lot of space, Shen Cong was placed outside to allow it to absorb free activity on its own.

However, the motorcycle has disappeared and was eaten up by upgraded ants.

Shen Cong's expression turned pale in a moment, and the joy of the rest of his life was all dissipated.

He was not sad for the death of a small life. The plastic rabbit was kept for research and swallowing activity. As long as it was useless, Shen Cong would burn it at any time; it was not because the source of activity he raised in captivity was gone. But when I feel angry, I can grab it again if I don't have it, it's just something outside.

It was because the motorcycle was gnawed, and even the plastic rabbit died.

This means that if the Vajra "dies" one day, then his Shen Cong will not survive, and the lives of him and the Vajra will be tied together.

Life-threatening options have been added!

He has always regarded the Vajra as a mobile fortress, a tool to protect his own, and if necessary, this tool can be discarded at any time in exchange for his own life. But now, the Vajra is no longer a tool, but a part of life integrated with him.

Shen Cong didn't like this feeling.

At the beginning, the Vajra was almost killed by a monster that was suspected of being a prehistoric giant crocodile. In other words, Shen Cong was almost killed with it.

Take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath.

After a brief period of anger, Shen Cong quickly adjusted his mentality, and it became a fait accompli, and it was useless to complain. Rather than worry about it, think about the good things.

"If it weren't for the Vajra, I would have died early... if life is one, then life is one. As long as I continue to help the Vajra evolve, what danger is!"

Shen Cong's eyes regained firmness: "Evolution!"

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