Part 4

Everyone was shocked.

Hak-seong Kim, who was running, stood still and looked at Park Hyunsoo with a blank face.

Park Hyunsoo slowly withdrew his outstretched regime.

The bones protruding above his fists throbbed.

When he spread his fingers, he felt a little stiff.

[Because I am a beginner. Because I've never used my fist properly.]

It was Chungyeong's words.

You might get bruised.

Park Hyunsoo couldn't contain his laughter as he thought so.

He defeated the B-class Hunter.

Also in one shot.

Apart from his personality, Choi Joong-seong was not a strong class B-class.

Even so, the B-class was not going anywhere.

“Mr. Hyunsoo.”

Kim Hak-seong came and called him.

He looked at Choi Joong-seong, who passed out with his egg white raised.

"how… … ?”

Kim Hak-seong asked everyone's questions on behalf of everyone.

The one who just woke up today.

Although he was rumored to be a character destroyer, he defeated a veteran hunter with a track record.

Kim Hak-seong couldn't understand at all.

Of course, Choi Joong-sung was careless.

Even if I awakened as a hunter, my perception of someone didn't change easily.

For him, Park Hyunsoo was just a supporter who had just awakened.

‘Even so, you passed out in one shot?’

Kim Hak-seong, who is a top-ranking B-class hunter, could not do that.

If it's a combat-type A-class hunter, maybe it's possible.

That too was not certain, it was just a guess.

Because the skin of a B-class hunter wasn't particularly hard.

Park Hyunsoo saw Kim Hak-seong.

He had a look of disbelief in disbelief.

He understood him and sympathized with his thoughts.

So he could answer.

“I must be stronger.”

* * *

The raid team escaped the portal.

As soon as Kim Hak-seong came out, he reported what had happened today to the Korean branch of the Hunter Association.

Choi Joong-seong could not regain consciousness and was rushed to the hospital.

The dead and seriously injured were also transported with priority.

Erin Lee was staring blankly at a man.

He is a man who is chattering in the air from afar.

Then, he looks around and lowers his voice as much as possible.

What are you talking about?

She wondered, but she would probably be pretty disappointed if she knew the truth.

Park Hyunsoo.

No, their conversation went something like this.

[Khahahaha! So, do you really need this seat?]


[Even if it wasn't an awakening or something, if it wasn't for the main seat, I would have died anyway. As a result, thanks to this seat, you saved your life, gained strength, and got it all right?]

“… … .”

[Then you must know how to deal with this seat in the future?]

Park Hyunsoo's eyes seemed to go white.

These were all things I had to say anyway, but seeing Chungyeong's reaction, I thought that dying would not be a bad thing.

[I mean good job. Then huh? Because this book may teach you in detail how to beat people well. Isn't it?]

“No, that’s right.”

[I work hard to answer the questions asked. It has become a habit to be very ignorant. At my time~]

I don't know how many times I've already heard that 'At my time'.

No, I don't know how many times the conversation we're having now is repeated.

After coming out of the portal and revealing the truth, it has been like that.

Park Hyunsoo was likely to have neurosis.

But to be strong, Chungyeong was essential.

[Unique Ability: Hear Hunsu][Level 1]-Listen to the teachings of others.

-If you successfully listen to someone else's training, the effectiveness increases from 0 to 60%. (As the level of the ability rises, the ratio increases constantly.)

- Hunsu content will be imprinted in the head with a certain probability depending on the skill level of the person who wears it. (The higher the skill level, the higher the chance of being engraved.)

- You can set up to one specific person specialized in Hunsu. (Even if an ability level rises, more than one person will not increase.)

[List of specific people]

- Chungyeong

In fact, only Hun-su from Chungyeong was able to use this ability to maximum efficiency.

After all, Park Hyunsoo made a decision.

If A and E have been decided, let's rather be respected E.

To be honest, I don't know if I can get respect this way.

Park Hyunsoo looked straight at Chungyeong.

[Why? Do you have anything to say?]

“I can’t even eat porridge without my grandfather after all.”

[Huh. Have you finally figured out the topic?]

"Yes. I figured out the topic. So please be my teacher.”

[…] … teacher?]

Chungyeong's eyes widened at Park Hyunsoo's suggestion.

In over 120 years of life, he has never had a disciple.

It was because he wanted to become stronger by training his disciples in time.

In his later years he was bothered and he did not raise disciples.

But in front of you is a puppy.

A young man who has never used a fist properly wants to become a teacher.

It's not like this hasn't happened before, but it was so sudden that Chungyeong was a little embarrassed.

[uh… … .]

“Anyway, my unique ability only works when I do what my grandfather tells me to do. Then wouldn't it be better to become a disciple and inherit your grandfather's skills?"

Chungyeong can't be separated from Park Hyunsoo.

When Park Hyunsoo died, Chungyeong didn't know what would happen to him.

And because of Chungyeong's training, Park Hyunsoo was awakened.

It was no coincidence that Chungyeong and Park Hyunsoo met.

Chungyeong also vaguely knew.

That the only way to return to his hometown is Park Hyunsoo.

“Teach me what martial arts are.”

If we can learn that, we will be able to move a little more according to Chungyeong's demands, and we will be much stronger than we are now.

Park Hyunsoo was convinced.

Chungyeong, who was staring at him quietly, opened his mouth.

[This seat has never had a disciple.]

Chungyeong's voice, which was full of playfulness, became serious.

[Because I wanted to immerse myself in my training at that time, and when I reached that point, it was annoying.]

Park Hyunsoo looked at Chungyeong without a word.

[But, just like you are now, you may be the answer in this seat as well.]

If Park Hyunsoo hadn't talked about his mentor, he would have been thinking about it for a while.

And it looked like it would be fun.

He did not inform Park Hyunsoo of the martial arts.

Just dodge and attack.

If necessary, only the amount of use of tools was instructed from the side.

It was an action that even a neighborhood scoundrel could do, but Park Hyunsoo, who had never fought properly, did it perfectly.

Simply put, he had talent.

I don't know how much talent he has, but if he teaches it himself, at least he won't go anywhere.

Before that, I confirmed one thing with Park Hyunsoo.

[If you become strong, how free will you be?]

“Are you talking from inside the portal?”

[Just everything.]

“Um, I don’t know.”

Park Hyunsoo was not a hunter.

I do not know his internal circumstances, but as a supporter, there were many things I saw and heard.

“I don’t know how much… … If you're at A-level or higher, you'll be able to move around pretty much everywhere. If you become an S-class, you will become untouchable if you are not a hunter or corps with the same conditions.”

[What is Untouchable?]

“I can’t touch it.”

[That's right.]

Chungyeong nodded his head with an understanding face.

he even said

[Then there is one condition. If the main course teaches you, these conditions must be observed.]

“What is it?”

[This seat will make you to that level. Instead, you must first find a way to return to the main branch.]

Chungyeong lived a long time.

There was not much regret in life.

But when I died, I wanted to die in my hometown.

So, he presented the conditions to Park Hyunsoo.

There was nothing bad about Park Hyunsoo.

Because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life with this nasty old man.

Apart from that, Park Hyunsoo also confirmed one thing.

“Can you make me to that level?”

Park Hyunsoo doesn't know how strong S-class hunters are.

He had never actually seen it.

Only their performances were heard on TV.

The problem was that the performance was beyond imagination.

It was like subjugating a giant bull the size of Mt. Baekdu, or tearing and killing a snake that stretched from the sea to the sky.

S-class hunters possessed the power that could only come from such a myth.

Chungyeong said.

There was great confidence in that voice.

[This seat is the strongest in history.]

There wasn't even an inch of doubt in those words.

Park Hyunsoo didn't believe everything.

However, he knew to some extent that the old man in front of him, Chungyeong, was strong.


[Then, do the gradient right now.]


[To bow nine times.]

“Hey, are you here?”

[Then, do you do it in your dreams?]

Park Hyunsoo looked around.

There were a lot of hunters and supporters who were organizing their luggage.

* * *

“Tongue, Mr. Hyunsoo?”

“Please don’t ask.”

Park Hyunsoo finished his last verse and patted his knee.

Kim Hak-seong wanted to ask why he bowed, but he asked not to ask, so he did.

It was only roughly assumed that it had to do with the awakened ability.

“What are you doing?”

“Well, because I woke up as a Hunter. We talked about Hyunsoo while reporting to the association earlier. And now speak comfortably. He must be at least a B-class hunter. Oh, you could be taller than me? Hahaha When that time comes, I'll have to be respectful."

The higher the rank, the better the Hunter.

As long as they belonged to the association, they had to follow the rules.

It was in the same vein that all the supporters were respectful to the hunters.

The Hunter Association was nothing more than an army responsible for the defense of the Earth.

"Hahaha… … . What can I do?”

“If you go to the association before 5 o’clock tomorrow, the person there will greet you, Mr. Hyunsoo. If you pass the test and get a grade, you will be issued a Hunter license. From then on, you will become a real hunter.”

“A real hunter.”

The hunter I dreamed of.

Park Hyunsoo thought of his brother, who was still lying in his hospital room.

He clenched his fists.

Being a hunter can make a lot of money.

It can't be compared to what I earned as a supporter.

“If you go, you can say that you have an appointment with Manager Jeon Nok-su. Then I will guide you. And we'll see each other later."

“Chief Noksu Jeon. all right."

“Well then.”

Kim Hak-seong left the place as it was.

Immediately after, Chungyeong said in a drowsy voice.

[Disciple. I'm tired.]

"Do not lie."

[Do you have a habit of talking to your teacher?!]


A fire broke out in the back of the head.

“Po, no violence!”



* * *

returned homeThe desolate semi-basement studio smelled musty.

[Looking back, it's terribly messy.]

“It’s like a house where a man lives alone, huh?”

[This seat likes to be neat.]

"i See."

[i See?]

“I’ll clean it up… … .”

As soon as Park Hyunsoo returned, he could not even rest and cleared the room.

Chungyeong said.

Martial arts comes from a clear mind, and a clear mind starts with a clean space.

“Of course, that would be a lie.”

there is no such thing He said he just didn't want to see a messy room.

Park Hyunsoo grumbled, but all he got back was the palms aiming at the back of the head.

It was a small studio, so cleaning was quick.

[How come it's dirty even after cleaning?]

“Because cleaning up the mess doesn’t make a one-room two-room one.”

[By the way, what is a one-room or two-room?]

“One room is a one-room, two is a two-room. That’s it, Master.”

[Hmm. Isn’t the word “master” quite unfamiliar?”

“I felt like my face was going to explode when I did the rite.”

I don't know what the people around me looked like, but it was certain that everyone stood there and saw only myself.

What an overwhelming shame!

[Originally, everything is like that.]

“Honestly, did you do it on purpose? To make my disciple offended.”

[Did you know that now? Ha ha ha ha ha!]

“Damn it, damn it!”

Chungyeong just chuckled and laughed.

Having lived to be over a hundred years old, his personality is as light as a feather. He was more comfortable with Park Hyunsoo on that side, but he was as terrible as being teased.

“So, when do you start training?”

[Relax your body. Training is next.]

“But where is the water lily… … Ah."

[Isn't there a good place right next door?]

Chungyeong grinned and looked at the hole in the wall.

An empty, vast expanse of another world existed within.

[It's okay to do anything there.]

“Wow, what are you going to do?”

[That's good to look forward to. Kkukkuk.]

Chungyeong laughed sullenly.

Park Hyunsoo had goosebumps all over his body.

* * *

7 am the next morning.

Park Hyunsoo was in the midst of a dreamland.

Is it because he was tired yesterday?

He was snoring and sniffing his nose.

And there was a man watching it from above.

[Are you sleeping very hard?]

It was Chungyeong.

Chungyeong glanced at the bathroom.

Drop by drop on top of the gourd, it was filled with water.

He returned to Park Hyunsoo again.

A playful smile was drawn on his lips.

He created an air force, and he floated him in the air just like when we first met.

It was a technique of emptiness, but lifting a person was never easy.

[Even in this state, you sleep well.]

Chungyeong dragged Park Hyunsoo, who was snoring hard, to the bathroom.

and put it upside down.

[It's time to wake up!]

He immersed his head first in a gourd full of water.

“Purple la la, purpuroooooooooooooooooooooooo! Whoops!”

Chungyeong lifted it again.

Park Hyunsoo, who was out of breath in an unexpected situation, saw Chungyeong.

The two looked at each other without a word.

“This inspirational guy!”

It was the start of a tumultuous day.

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