Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 805 Conquering Strategies

Then Keiichiro Jiangchuan heard a plan that was enough to make him doubt his ears.

Her Royal Highness seems to have known for a long time that there is insufficient grain storage and high food prices here, so she intends to temporarily set up a supervisory agency to control and distribute food at a fair price. And the price of food is set very low, which belongs to the kind that most residents can afford. Even if they can't afford it, the organization will also implement a relief food program, allowing the poor to use their labor in exchange for rations.

Undoubtedly, this plan was definitely not something he came up with right away. At least from the perspective of feasibility, he couldn't find any faults. The problems of corruption and private sales that may arise have also been taken into account.

But the biggest question is, what good does it do for the other party to do so? Not to mention that you can't get much money from the search, and you may even lose a fortune because of employment problems, which is a typical thankless effort.

After all, it is impossible for them to stay in Tsushima Mansion forever.

In other words, the hearts of the people here mean nothing to Her Royal Highness.

When a new ruler takes over, everything will go back to the way it was.

Of course... maybe I don't need to think so deeply at all. Jiang Chuan Keiichiro moved his lips, but in the end he could only show a wry smile. No matter how good the plan is, there must be food to support it. No matter what the other party's idea is, the Tsushima Mansion will not be able to draw so much food.

"His Royal Highness is merciful..." He bent down, "But we really don't have that much food in storage, unless you can persuade other princes to sell food to you, or..."

Or adjust grain from the mainland for assistance.

But he didn't dare to count on the latter even with his best imagination, so he simply didn't go on.

"Is there no food? I don't think so." The princess stretched out her hand and patted it.

The door slid open, and a fat man with a lot of ties was pushed in.

Jiang Chuan Guiichiro turned his head, and couldn't help being horrified, whoever this is, if not the city lord! ?

Not only was he tied tightly, but a rag was stuffed in his mouth, so he could only make a muddy hum. And the one who escorted him was a beautiful fox girl, the long brown ears on her head were particularly eye-catching.

Shouldn't the Kido City Lord have fled long ago?

And when he left, he was protected by the guards, how could he be caught by the Jinxia people so soon?

Xia Fan secretly winked at Li, indicating that he did a good job.

Since the twin tails grew out, Li's combat ability has suddenly improved to a new level. Whether it is the Kanjutsu or the physical strength after transformation, it is not the same as before. The moment the city lord left the city with his family, he was also noticed by the scouting team. After contacting through the audio device, Olina and Chi immediately flew over, carrying Li and Shanhui to the ambush site—despite the ambush There were only four of them, but under the conditions of one-way transparency on the battlefield, they defeated the city lord's private army of hundreds of people almost instantly by doing mental calculations or not.

In fact, when Li started with an illusion that covered the entire road and included all the targets, there was no suspense in this battle. The Kido castellan couldn't recover from the illusion until he was caught in the sky by Chi.

"Besides him, we have also caught many escapees. Judging from the size of the convoy accompanying them, there should be a lot of food at home." The princess continued, "I believe that in the face of life and death, they will be very happy to hand over food." Give out your own food."

Jiang Chuan Keiichiro swallowed.

He suddenly had a bad premonition.

"However, I don't know exactly how many of these people's family properties, where the villas and farmland are located, and I don't have the time to check these things." The princess looked around the crowd, "Everyone is in Tsushima Mansion Those who are worthy should understand somewhat, since you have sworn allegiance to me, this matter is left to you."

As soon as the princess finished speaking, Jiang Chuan felt a burning illusion behind him.

He turned his head cautiously, and saw Kido-sama staring at them, the anger in his eyes was self-evident.

Even if it was Princess Qiguo who really wanted to deprive the Kido family property, the city lord would not dare to direct this anger at the "culprit". This difference made Jiang Chuan feel a sense of absurdity.

"Don't worry, these people will cooperate with your work." The princess said confidently, "Then what's your answer?"

There was a moment of silence in the lobby.

"Oh? Is this what you call allegiance?" After a while, the other party's tone became more and more serious, "Jiang Chuan Keiichiro... I thought you dared to stand up and refute me just now, but you still cared about other things in your heart. Now you have to choose Following Kido Oriku, will you abandon the people of Ma Mansion?"

Jiang Chuan clenched his fists. Due to his background, he often dealt with the residents of the city, so he naturally knew the hardships of their lives. When dealing with tax issues in the past, he would also think of ways to reduce the burden on the poor and farmers, but the premise of all this is that his own interests will not be damaged, which is different from the current situation.

Once he participates in the family raid, he may immediately become a thorn in the eyes of the big and powerful families who want to get rid of it. This result is even more serious than betrayal-because he betrayed not only the owner of Mudo City, but also everyone in Dongsheng Kingdom. superiors.

Others cast sympathetic looks at Jiang Chuan.

At this moment, the princess obviously intends to treat him as a leader.

The Mudo city lord can use property to pay for his life, so what else can they trade? If the answer is not good, the end may be worse than that of the city lord himself.

"Your Highness... I have something I want to ask." After thinking hard for a while, Jiang Chuan dared to say.

"What will happen if you don't agree?" The princess shrugged, "Don't worry, capital crimes are not necessary, but your family wealth will also be included in the flat food plan, so just use another way to contribute to me."

Hearing that they could not die, the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Jiang Chuan shook his head and said, "Your Highness, what I want to ask is not this... but if one day you return to Qi Kingdom, can I go with the ship as a subject?"

Kido Castellan's eyes widened immediately!

The princess raised her eyebrows in surprise, then giggled, "You want to become an official in Jinxia?"

"Yes." Jiang Chuan bowed his head deeply again.

This is the only way he can think of to survive—that is to completely become a part of the princess' power. He had also heard rumors about the mainland. Officials there were no longer servants of the local princes. They were appointed and dismissed by the imperial court, and they also served the entire kingdom.

"Then you have to perform well." The princess said with great interest, "Anyone who can serve as an official in Jinxia is an outstanding candidate. If your task is done well enough, this requirement is not impossible."

"I am willing to do my best for His Highness." Jiang Chuan replied loudly without hesitation.

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