Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 760: The Way Out

"It's you..." Zhou Sheng stared at the other party for a long time, "Why do you still come to me now?"

The person who came was none other than Mr. Chen Qiran, Chen Qiran, who had been romantically and recited poems together before.

After he came back from Shangyuan, he naturally thought about helping his brothers. After that, he went to Gyeonggi to be an official, and everyone could accompany him. Unexpectedly, in just over two months, these partners have all changed their temperaments. They not only rejected his offer, but also advised him not to oppose Jin Xia, especially Mr. Fu Cheng of the Affairs Bureau.

After that, they simply chose to stay behind closed doors, not even accepting his posts. Zhou Sheng was astonished by this almost breaking behavior. You must know that when he left Yancheng, they sent each other ten miles away and flattered him that he would definitely go to high school. The difference between the two attitudes is so great that the talented Zhou often scolded the other party for treachery.

"I left a door sticker before, but I never got a reply. I tried to push the door this time, and found that the door was unlocked..." Mr. Chen seemed to want to explain why he entered without warning.

Zhou Sheng interrupted him directly, "If you have something to say, why are you here?"

The other party showed a wry smile, "Young master Zhou, don't you invite me to sit in the room?"

He was silent for a moment, and finally nodded, "There is no more tea."

"Ordinary cold water will do."

When the two returned to the house, Zhou Sheng poured a glass of water for each other—even if this group of people turned their faces and turned their backs, he still considered himself a gentleman, and he still had to show the proper etiquette.

"Now we can talk."

Mr. Chen hesitated for a moment, "I saw your name on the house transaction register... Do you want to sell this mansion?"

Zhou Sheng couldn't help staring, "How did you see—" But the next moment he had an epiphany, "You are working for the Bureau now?"

"Yes, I am a clerk in the Housing and Urban-rural Development Department. Although I am not a serious official, it is still a stable position. It is much better than doing nothing in the past." Chen Qiran replied unequivocally.

Zhou Sheng felt the veins on his forehead throbbing faintly.

Could it be that this guy came to the door today to humiliate himself on purpose?

Back then, it was agreed that they would obtain fame and fame together and honor their ancestors, but now he has voted for the rebels!

"Yes—so what?" Zhou Dacai gritted his teeth.

"If you are really short of money, I can help you a little, and Mr. Hu and Mr. Lin should also be able to help—"

"No need!" He snorted coldly and interrupted the other party again. Yes, he was indeed short of money, so short that he had to register and sell the Zhou Mansion to solve the urgent need, but this was also a proof of his loyalty to the court. It is impossible for the rebels to win forever, and when the righteous path is rebuilt and everything is clear, his efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

"That's right..." Mr. Chen sighed, "If you think about it, Zhou's great talent will not ask for such a small fortune. In fact, I have another way to get you out of the predicament. Recently, the construction department is forming a new team , If you want to repair a brand new water supply system, manpower is very tight. I think with your ability, with a little training, you can take on an important position in the team, definitely better than me..."

Is he recruiting himself for the rebels?


"I remember that guy Xia Fan said that the bureau doesn't need people who have achieved fame?"

"It was like this at the beginning, but now the standards have been relaxed." Chen Qiran explained, "As long as you have no criminal record, you can report to the secretariat. However, my assessment will be stricter, and the road to promotion is not from a school. Those graduates went so well."

It's hard to understand... Zhou Sheng shook his head in disbelief. Although Mr. Chen was a bit poor in his studies, he was still a serious scholar, and now he wanted to compete with a bunch of mud legs for positions in the rebellion regime, and he seemed to be fighting with You Rong. Yan, this is too ironic!

But what is the water system?

Is there a risk of water shortage in Jinxia City?

After listening to his question, Chen Qiran took the initiative to explain, "Of course not. Yancheng is close to the sea, and the Jiujiang River passes by in the northwest. There must be no shortage of water. But now there are more and more residential buildings, and the number of floors has also increased from one floor to On the third floor, fetching water has become a rather inconvenient matter. The Bureau intends to solve this problem so that residents can use clean water without leaving home."

Just... for this reason?

Zhou Sheng was stunned. Several families shared the same well. Isn't it normal to fill up the water tank every day? That's right, the building has been repaired to the third floor, but it's not like there were three-story buildings in the past! For example, restaurants, inns, and spring buildings, all of which have been built up to four or five floors, and they are not carried up by people bucket by bucket. Has anyone found this inconvenient for hundreds of years?

"Are you sure?" He frowned, "How can I get water without leaving the house? The Bureau of Affairs won't deliver the water to the door in person, will it?"

"No, it's even more miraculous than that!" Speaking of this, Mr. Chen suddenly regained his spirits, and he said with joy, "Residents don't even need to prepare buckets and water tanks, as long as they turn on the switch, water will gushes out from the pipes and directly Delivered to the home! In addition, several switches can be installed in one family’s home, so you can get water wherever you want, which is very convenient! I was still wondering why these newly built residential buildings reserve a well that runs through the whole building , neither for people to pass through, nor like a place for dumping dirt, it was only later discovered that this thing was premeditated!"

"Wait, is this a plan or did you see it with your own eyes?" Zhou Sheng was extremely surprised. According to the other party, this is definitely an extremely complicated project. The population of Jinxia City is expanding now, and it is even more crowded than Shangyuan City. If you want everyone to have running water in their homes, you may have to spend hundreds of thousands of taels of silver on the masonry materials alone. What's more, water is an amorphous thing, and it is easy to leak. He has only heard that some big families will specially make running water and underground drains, so that people in the inner courtyard can also use water and sewage. Fantastic.

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes!" Mr. Chen said in a trembling voice, "If I hadn't actually seen it, I wouldn't believe that the Bureau of Affairs would be able to do this. I heard that it is the Bureau of Mechanical Engineering that keeps the water flowing in the pipeline. The mechanisms provided, these things can continuously inject water into the pipes, and the pipes are divided into main and branch pipes. The latter is made of bamboo joints and combined with each other with glue, so it is very fast to manufacture. In order to verify the feasibility of In addition, a special building was built beside the Jiujiang River, even if it is five stories high, it is easy to climb up the water."

"What about the cost?" Zhou Sheng questioned, "This thing should cost a lot of money, right?"

"I don't need a penny." Chen Qiran replied, "The Bureau will bear all the expenses. Only when residents waste water will they charge punitive fees."

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