Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 53 High Mountain Clouds

The divine judge does not refer to someone who is superb in judging cases and has great skills, but is a unique title in the Privy Council just like the instructor.

When the command department investigates a case, it usually sends one or more teams. These teams are often mixed in the form of old and new, with the number ranging from five to ten people, and the god judge is the leader of the team. Usually between seven and five grades.

This time the case report did not come from an individual, but was reported by the county magistrate of Gaoshan County, which means that it is no longer an incident that can be solved by scattered monks outside the system.

During the one-hour preparation time, Xia Fan rushed back to his residence. He originally planned to inform Li and let her settle the dinner by herself in the next few days. Unexpectedly, after she heard that it was an official case, she rejected his proposal and told Ask to follow. Seeing that her opinion had been decided, Xia Fan had no choice but to give her enough silver, told her to hide her whereabouts, and took a carriage to Gaoshan County by herself.

Next, Xia Fan saw what "Privy Council Speed" is.

All the members of the team rode, and those who could not ride a horse were driven by a special jockey. One person and two horses trotted all the way. After arriving at the post station, the whole team changed their horses, and arrived at Gaoshan County, which takes more than half a day by regular drive, in just over two hours.

After getting off the horse, Xia Fan touched his numb buttocks, and decided that the first thing he should do when he goes back is to learn how to ride a horse, otherwise he would be squeezed into the small horseback with the jockey and endure Wang Renzhi's ridicule. Don't want to experience it a second time.

"Master Zhang, I have waited for you." The magistrate of Gaoshan County was already waiting at the gate of the yamen. Seeing the arrival of the Privy Council, he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, "Do you want to rest first, or go directly to the scene?"

"Master Hu, it's important to do something, let's see the scene first."

"Understood." Zhixian waved his hand at his captor, "Clear the way and go to the place where the crime happened!"

"Yes, my lord."

On the way, Zhang Shenpan had already introduced the basic situation of the destination to Xia Fan and the others - the county magistrate here was surnamed Hu and his name was Huairen. In terms of scale alone, Gaoshan County is an extremely ordinary county in other places, but here, it has a special meaning.

As the closest county to Jinxia City, the main responsibility of Gaoshan County is to supply food to the main city. Although the word "mountain" is in the name, it does not affect its status as the granary of Jinxia. A mountain range from north to south only separates it from the sea, while to the west it is a wide plain. Xia Fan noticed that on the way here, most of the time his field of vision was filled with square rice fields. After another two months, it should be golden here.

It is precisely because of the importance of food supply that the Privy Council responded so quickly to Gaoshan County's report.

After crossing two streets and alleys, the head catcher stopped and pointed to a blocked compound.

"My lord, this is the first case."

Before approaching the courtyard gate, Xia Fan smelled a disgusting rancid smell.

"Tell me about the situation at that time, who was the first to discover the problem?" Zhang Shenping raised his leg and stepped over the threshold, and the others had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow in.

"Returning to my lord, it's the Kong family who lives next door. Two days ago they heard noises from Qian's house at night. The ping-ping-pong-pong pong was very strange. The next day they slapped the gate and no one responded. I led the people to the scene After, uh, when we arrive at...after..." The head catcher suddenly stuttered.

"What happened after that?" Zhang Shenpan asked impatiently.

He swallowed, "When we arrived, we found four corpses—the four members of the Qian family all passed away, and their deaths were extremely tragic."

Walking into the courtyard, the stench was already very strong, Xia Fan had to hold his breath to persevere, the others were not much better, and Luo Youer looked like he was about to vomit.

He remembered that the other party's sense of smell was quite sensitive.

Four sheets of sackcloth were covering the ground in the yard.

"Open it." Zhang Shenping said.

"Yes." The head catcher winked at Wu Zuo who was at the side, and the latter lifted the cover slowly.

"Ouch—" Luo You'er covered her mouth and ran out first.

Then came Wang Renzhi and Wei Wushuang.

Shangguan Cai's expression was dignified, although she didn't look well, she didn't take a step back.

Only Yue Feng's expression remained the same.

No wonder his companions couldn't bear it. If Xia Fan hadn't been baptized by Dafang and Xiaofang for a long time, he would probably run out at this moment.

The corpse under the white cloth showed an extreme sense of regularity, which could be described as horizontal and vertical. At first glance, it looked like a square block of wood.

The problem is, people are not blocks.

The Qian family seemed to be forced into square spaces of different sizes by an unimaginable force, but all the protruding parts were pressed flat. This kind of abnormal compression caused a large number of epidermis to rupture, bones to break, and the inside was a mess, but no matter how broken the body was, the surface was still smooth, even the hardest head.

Xia Fan couldn't help but think of the game Minecraft.

However, seeing the cube man in reality, he just felt a little panicked.

"Are there other victims besides the Qian family?" Zhang Shenju asked.

"Yesterday there was an additional Xue family, just one street away from here. Two people died in total, and one escaped by running out of the house."

"Did two incidents happen in two consecutive days...there is a need to report it." He showed a thoughtful expression, "Did you lose the guy who survived?"

"Why, my lord was joking," the headhunter said with a smile, "We are also experienced people, so we locked him up right away. He is waiting in his yard now."

"That's right," Zhang Shenpan nodded, and then shouted out of the yard, "Hey, are you done vomiting? Come in and do business when you're done! Mrs. Zhang should have taught you how to start an evil case, right? It's time for you to act. "


Unless they have the ability to directly restore the situation on the spot, alchemists can only start from the part of inquiry and investigation.

Xia Fan suggested dividing people into two groups. He, Wei Wushuang, and Luo Youer inspected the scene, while Wang Renzhi, Yue Feng, and Shangguancai went to inquire about the situation. This proposal was quickly approved by most people, except Luo Youer.

"You're not intentionally taking revenge on me, are you?" She held her nose tightly and said vaguely with her eyes wide open, "If I'm smoked to death, how will you explain to my senior sister?"

Hey... Your choice of words is a bit strange, when will I have to be a guardian?

"Miss Luo," Xia Fan squatted down, put his hands on each other's shoulders, and said slowly with the most sincere expression, "We are a team, right?"

She nodded.

"If we want to find the culprit, we must grasp its tracks. Besides you, who else here can have such efficient tracking capabilities?"

She looked hesitant.

"This is the team's first mission. How fast everyone can rise in the Privy Council in the future is definitely the key. Everyone is relying on you now."

She bit her lower lip.

"I know it's not easy, but it's because of this that you can highlight your irreplaceability—just like how your senior sister Luo Qingwei stood up in front of many candidates in the face of the wild night."

"Can I be like Senior Sister..." she muttered.

"Of course, as long as you have a firm heart, it is not impossible to surpass her."

"I... Got it." Luo You'er seemed to have made up her mind.

It's done. Xia Fan thought with satisfaction, it seems that his level of filling chicken soup has not declined.

"Actually..." She turned her head when she walked to the door, and said in a low voice, "I never thought of surpassing my senior sister... as long as I don't get thrown too far by her, that's enough." After she finished speaking, she pursed her lips, Quickly walked into the house.

Looking at the other party's innocent smile, Xia Fan suddenly felt guilty.

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