Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 481: The Same World

Just when Ning Wanjun was about to try again, a dark figure suddenly appeared above people's heads—Olina Okan stretched her wide wings, whizzed past the martial arts arena, and slid down to the center of the villa.

The princess turned to look at Xia Fan, who nodded at her.

"Let's go." Then Xia Fan said to Yu Linglong.

"Go?" Yu Linglong hadn't recovered from the dispute with the shadow, "Where are you going?"

"The living room." Xia Fan got up and said, "It's Jinxia."

Like the intelligence center that attacked Huiyang City before, Chi and Olina's double relay can complete a cross-state round trip in the shortest time. When the two dragons were changing shifts at the border of Shenzhou, Xia Fan had already known the news that Yuyi was about to arrive through the audio device.

"What?" Yu Linglong showed a shocked expression, "He also came to Jinxia? How could it be so fast?"

"I don't know the specific details, but...the core of the Privy Council has obviously deteriorated."


In the reception hall of the mountain villa, the high-level leaders of the two warring parties were almost gathered here. On one side was the Jinxia faction dominated by Ning Wanjun and Xia Fan, and on the other side were Gan, Yan Qing and Yu Linglong. Although the second prince Ning Qianshi and several other Qingjian guards are missing, the place where Yuyi is present can already represent more than half of the capital of Gyeonggi.

In order to record this meaningful meeting, the Propaganda Department of the Affairs Bureau also sent Luo You'er and Yu Shuangxue to follow up in real time, so that they can be reported in the "Shen Jin Weekly" later.

Luo You'er is now one of the persons in charge of the Propaganda Department, and Yu Shuangxue has also become a special writer for the weekly newspaper because she has written several articles for the newspaper and the response has been good.

To be honest, Yu Shuangxue was a little nervous when she received the notice.

She has lived in Shangyuan City for so long, so she naturally knows what the Privy Council Green Sword and Yuyi mean—in a sense, they are people who live in a different world from her. The sons of aristocratic families in Gyeonggi, wealthy businessmen and gentry can easily control their fate, but even the top of these people can only bow their heads and avoid it in front of Qingjian Yuyi.

In addition, the Privy Council is planning to start a full-scale war with Jinxia, ​​and all kinds of troops have gathered on the border of Shenzhou. She can imagine what kind of scene such a meeting will be like with her eyes closed. According to common sense, the two factions will inevitably confront each other, fight with each other, or fight directly in the villa.

The duel of high-level alchemists must be called earth-shaking and the sun and the moon are dark. If she, an ordinary person, is involved in it, one can imagine her fate. But even so, she still accepted the assignment from the Bureau - after all, this war is closely related to everyone, and with Huo Ying as an example, she didn't want to escape.

However, the actual situation in the living room surprised Yu Shuangxue. Not to mention the smell of gunpowder, the atmosphere at the scene was harmonious, and the high-ranking Yuyi envoy looked no different from an ordinary middle-aged uncle. A sense of homelessness.

"The general situation is like this..." Gan Changchang sighed, his injuries have been basically healed by the rabbit demon, but Qi Hai still needs time to recover, so that he seems a little weak when he speaks, "Bai Zhan has become a new The whereabouts of the envoys Yuyi, He'er, Ning Qianshi, Weihuang and Duyelong are all missing, judging from the results, the goal that the Privy Council has been striving for has been a complete failure."

"It's not your fault. Ending the imperial power and sweeping up the aristocratic family made us complacent, but we forgot to examine ourselves."

"Let me say that this is all evil, and Fei Nian is the culprit!"

Yan Qing and Yu Linglong took turns to comfort her.

"As Yuyi, I should be responsible for this no matter what." Gan shook his head, "If I hadn't pursued the practice of staying away from government affairs before, I wouldn't have allowed the evil forces to infiltrate to this point."

"What has happened can't be changed, the key is what to do in the future." Ning Wanjun said, "Do you still think Jinxia City is the number one enemy of the Privy Council?"

With a wry smile, "Of course not. The most urgent task now is to prevent the outbreak of war and avoid unnecessary casualties. As for the relationship between the Privy Council and Jinxia, ​​it may be possible to form a trend of cooperation and mutual assistance in the future—"

"No, the Privy Council must be banned." Xia Fan interrupted him.

Hearing this, Yu Shuangxue's hand holding the pen couldn't help shaking slightly.

"Do you have to do this..." Yu Linglong whispered.

"Well said, there has never been such a thing as a smile to wipe out a grudge!" Shadow clenched his fists to show his support, "When dealing with an enemy, one should cut the grass and root out the root, and should not stop, but suffer chaos instead!"

Gan's reaction was calmer than everyone expected, "Can I hear the reason?"

"The governance philosophy of Jinxia City is fundamentally different from that of the Privy Council. The two are incompatible and cannot coexist." Xia Fan said bluntly, "The Privy Council is an organization dominated by alchemists, and the philosophy they follow is also alchemists first. The cultivation of qi-sensing people is the top priority. But for Jinxia, ​​people who sense qi should not be treated differently from ordinary people. The leader can be an alchemist or an ordinary person who has no ability to sense qi."

Gan fell silent for a moment.

Xia Fan continued, "As long as the Privy Council exists, it will hinder Jinxia's policy promotion. If the Privy Council reforms and tries to get closer to Jinxia, ​​it will be two parallel administrative centers, which will also weaken Jinxia's strength. After all, World War I is unavoidable. Besides...this system has lasted for hundreds of years, so it is time for a complete renovation."

"So you think so..." After a long time, Qianchang sighed, "I heard from Yu Linglong that a large number of awakened people appeared in Jinxia Academy."

"She didn't lie to you, which is actually beyond my expectation." Xia Fan admitted, "However, these children will still complete their studies according to the arrangements of the Bureau, instead of gathering them together and forming a special department to manage it. As for what they want to do in the future, it’s up to them to decide.”

"Irreplaceable benefits, Jinxia has them."

"It's a free city."

Yu Shuangxue's mind suddenly echoed what the other party said.

For some reason, there was a mist in his vision.

She hurriedly pretended to be indifferent and blinked, but the ups and downs of her mood were hard to calm down.

That's right... She and Yuyi did live in completely different worlds, and the people they usually came into contact with and what they talked about had nothing to do with each other.

But now it is different.

What Xia Fan had heard was repeated in front of Yu Yi now.

At least at this moment, even the aloof Yuyi is in the same world as her.

"The Qiguo Privy Council is not a separate institution, it is a part of the Seven Stars." There was a hint of worry in Gan's tone, "If you plan to completely abolish the Privy Council, the Seven Stars will probably not stay out of it."

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