Weihuang's face turned pale from the severe pain of being pierced at the waist, she clutched the wound tightly, swayed twice and fell to the ground.

At the same time, Bai Zhan's figure also appeared at the border of the shadow.

"I'm sorry, I heard what you said. I'm in a very disadvantageous situation with a three-on-one, so I can only strike first." He said lightly, "But don't worry, although this blow will cause great pain, it will still cause great pain. Timely treatment will not kill you. I guess there should be many alchemists outside to support you?"

"You... think that this little pain... can stop me from performing the spell?" Weihuang gritted her teeth, and touched the medicine bag with a trembling hand.

Duye Taki also aimed his sword at Baizhan, but he was caught in a dilemma. Now that he rushed to fight Baizhan, the severely injured Qingjian and the second prince had no one to protect him. And the sword just now was really weird, the other party seemed to have an insight into what he was thinking.

"Are you really going to attack the Tianshu envoy?" Bai Zhan suddenly snapped.

"You said - what?" Duye Taki couldn't help being stunned.

The second prince's complexion suddenly turned pale, "Are you...in this kind of place..."

"Didn't expect that there would be an inheritance platform covered in dust in this Yongwang ruins." Baizhan stretched out his hand, "Look, this is the proof!"

As his words fell, a virtual chessboard appeared in front of everyone.

The three of them are all too familiar with this technique.

It is "World Chess Game"!

"What do you mean... Isn't this He'er's fairy art? What does it have to do with Tianshu envoy?" Duye Taki frowned.

Weihuang closed her eyes sadly.

"The second prince is not the real Tianshu envoy," Baizhan slowly revealed a secret that only the elders knew, "After the First World War in Wanjinglou, the soul of the Tianshu envoy has been living in He'er, and the pain and suffering continued. For more than ten years, now, for her, she is finally freed."

"I don't think that a person who is in collusion with evil forces is qualified to be a Tianshu envoy," Baihuajian said coldly, "At first I just suspected that you and Fei Nian were colluding to murder Yu Linglong, but when I saw this bronze ruins, I More sure of this—"

Before he finished speaking, Bai Zhan threw a head at his feet.

"Collusion? Don't be joking. I was just using this person on purpose. As for Yu Linglong, a traitor who betrayed the Privy Council, is there any problem in wanting to take her down? One thing is another thing, boy, don't confuse it." .”

"Fei Nian... is dead?" Duye Taki asked in surprise.

"That's right, I killed him." Bai Zhan put his sword back into its sheath, opened his hands towards the three of them and said, "He wanted to use the Tianshu envoy as a condition to win me over, but it's a pity that he overestimated his usefulness. I am also willing to accept Qixing The Privy Council's investigation even included a memory search to prove that I never fell for An Jia or Heimen Sect!"

"As for you—His Royal Highness Ning Qianshi, I know that Tianshu Envoy once fell in love with you, but have you ever thought about why she always keeps a distance from you!"

Ning Qianshi was in tears at this moment, his eyes were red, his expression was ferocious and painful, and he was no longer calm like before.

"Because she knows her own destiny." Bai Zhan said calmly, "Seven Star Envoys usually pass on the inheritance around the age of forty, and she cannot accompany you until old age. Transferring your soul to He'er is a kind of emergency. After that, you should complete the replacement of the new Tianshu envoy as soon as possible. But not only did you not do this, but you also played the trick of the real and false Tianshu envoys, which caused the prestige of the Shangyuan Privy Council to drop sharply in the eyes of Qi Xing, and also made Xu Guo He Gaoguo doubted our ability to govern one side. Do you think Master Tianshu will really be happy to see this done?"

"But you... also agreed..." Weihuang gasped.

"One moment is not the other. The pain needs time to heal. Even I don't want to let the Tianshu envoy sacrifice at that time. But this time is too long... Now the Privy Council is facing unprecedented challenges. The Tianshu envoy But they can’t participate in it. Tianxia Chess is powerful, but its essence is calculation, not prediction—the less information it has, the less effective it is. It won't play a key role at all!" Baizhan's voice was firm.

"You killed... the Tianshu envoy!"

Ning Qianshi suddenly let out a low growl, pulled out the dagger at his waist and rushed towards Layman Yunshang.

Without the blessing of alchemy, not even any tricks, at this time he is just an ordinary qi senser.

"Your Highness!" Bai Huajian had no choice but to keep up—the second prince in this state rushing forward was almost as if he was going to die.

Bai Zhan turned the scabbard upside down, and flew the opponent ten steps away, and the landing point happened to be in front of Duye Taki.

The latter took advantage of the situation to catch Ning Qianshi.

"Stop it, I don't want you to die here. Those who devoted themselves to evil have paid the price, and the former Tianshu envoy can rest in peace. This should be the end of this matter."

Bai Zhan turned around and walked to the inheritance platform, and opened the door of the copper box. He Er, who had already woken up, stared at him as he carefully climbed out of the box, and then ran towards Ning Qianshi, crying.

Seeing the terrified little girl throwing herself into the arms of the second prince, he knew that the initiative had completely fallen into his hands.

Now, he is Qi Guo's new Tianshu envoy.

Regarding this result, Bai Zhan couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth—not to mention the defeat at Gan's hands, but Ning Qianshi sent him to take over Gan, which essentially had doubts about him. As long as he hesitated at that time, what awaited him was definitely a long prison sentence. Even if he agrees, Gan will definitely keep an eye on him, and it will be extremely difficult to take He'er away by then. What's more, Fei Nian will arrive in Liuzhou soon, and he has indeed been in contact with the other party. When the time comes to investigate thoroughly, let alone avenging the war, it is very possible that he will be dragged into the water by Fei Nian.

It was also at that moment that Baizhan made up his mind to act.

As long as he can become the new Tianshu envoy, those details will no longer be obstacles. Qixing had long criticized Ning Qianshi, even if the old core members broke with him, Qixing would fully support his approach.

Of course, these are not the most important things for Baizhan.

Situation, status, favor, power... are all fleeting.

Only one's own strength is eternal.

And the soul of the Tianshu envoy did not disappoint him in the slightest—it was the knowledge and experience preserved by several generations of top alchemists. As big as the variety of magic techniques evolved with the core of "Xianshu-World Chess Game", as small as the tricks of drawing energy into the body and the eight trigrams they mastered, all of them are huge improvements.

Let's not mention it, Baizhan didn't expect Ning Qianshi to guard such a treasure house, and he hasn't touched it for ten years. If he wanted to obtain the inheritance, the Tianshu envoy would definitely be willing, and the other core members would not raise any objections. It's a pity that in Ning Qianshi's heart, the proportion of favor is too large. This kind of disposition allows the second prince to stabilize people's hearts when the Privy Council encounters a crisis of division, but it is not suitable for being a leader.

But thanks to this, he had the opportunity to obtain this inheritance.

The massive amount of information in his memory made him ecstatic. While his body and abilities were reborn, it also convinced Baizhan that he had crossed that threshold.

No one is required to authenticate.

He has already entered the rank of Yuyi.

I'm really sorry to keep you waiting so long

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