The soldiers of the Ganzhou Army were horrified to see that their men could not even get close to the black monster. The short guns held by the opponents did not emit light, and there was no obvious reloading process. They could only hear continuous and dull With a bang bang sound, the person who has been recruited by the party is almost flying with flesh and blood, and instantly collapses! Moreover, this kind of attack not only kills and injures the soldiers in the front row, but also affects the people crowded behind, several of them.

Seeing that the formation was not guaranteed, some generals who led the team simply wanted to lead their own people around the rear to double-team the beasts, to see if they could find some opportunities in places that the Jinxia Army could not see.

It's a pity that the follow-up river crossing team has been continuously filled up.

The first thing these double-teamers hit was the living dead.

Qianzhi took the lead and rushed into the enemy's formation.

Seeing girls under ten appearing on the battlefield, the first reaction of most soldiers was stunned, and the second reaction was to kill them—they couldn’t beat the giant monsters, so couldn’t they beat a little girl? ?

Even if it is a person who is sensitive, a woman of this age is nothing to be afraid of!

But the moment they fought, they realized that they were wrong.

Qianzhi stuck the ice cubes on her body and hit them with the crowd like an iron ball. The gun shaft pierced from all directions, but it was difficult to penetrate the layer of ice. None of the soldiers in Ganzhou could block Qianzhi's "bear paws". She didn't even have to jump up, and she would break her legs if she slapped her legs directly. It is even more difficult.

"Hey!" "Ha!" Qianzhi yelled strange slogans, and punched with both hands in accordance with the rhythm of the slogan. Every sound was accompanied by a person screaming and falling, and the Ganzhou army collapsed in a blink of an eye. More than a dozen people!

"Demon, monster!"

"These guys are not human at all!"

"Where are the supporting alchemists? Where are they?!"

For a while, hysterical roars filled the entire front line.

Some soldiers also noticed the change in the rear.

"Look in the direction of Daying, all the high slopes are on fire!"

"Isn't that dragon already subdued?

"Could it be that something happened to the Commander-in-Chief..."

Once the battle situation in the front is unfavorable, the negative impact of various movements in the rear will be magnified hundreds or thousands of times. The 5,000 soldiers in the central army are already the most elite combat force in Ganzhou, and many of them are veterans who have retired from the Leizhou frontier army. Shake.

The encirclement that the team had spontaneously developed had stalled, and not only that, the striker had begun to retreat from the top of the slope, which was already a sign of the disintegration of the battle formation.

Asshole, asshole, asshole!

Qi Duming cursed in his heart, the enemy's sensitizers were harvesting his troops like scythes, and the alchemists from the Privy Council have disappeared, what are they doing for food! ?

This is a man brought out by himself!

His heart was still bleeding.

According to common sense, when the central army is attacked by the enemy, it should send cavalry to attack the enemy's flank. He did arrange a thousand-man team to wander upstream, but when he saw a new mechanism beast stepping on the river from the other side, Qi Duming Hesitated.

The Ganzhou cavalry are all light cavalry, and their impact is limited. It is hard to say whether they can interrupt the Jinxia Army's offensive. Besides, this cavalry team is an extremely valuable mobile force. Once it is damaged here, it will be difficult for him to compete with General Lu An for the commander-in-chief of Ganzhou.

Why did the Jinxia Army focus on Wang Shandu!

If I had known this earlier, I would have chosen Pingzhen myself!

During this hesitation, the morale of the front line finally collapsed, and the soldiers dropped their weapons one after another and began to flee in all directions. There may be only a few hundred people at first, but once the fear of fighting and panic spreads, it can quickly spread to the entire army.

"My lord!?" The lieutenant waited eagerly for the general's instructions.

Qi Duming finally did not issue an order to increase troops.

"We retreat."

He gritted his teeth.

Luo Bairen has not appeared so far, which means that he is also in trouble, and it is unlikely that he will take into account the situation of the army. The enemy has only landed about a thousand people so far, and they don't have a single horse. The pursuit is definitely not the director. At the same time, the river beach is not easy to expand. Only about half of the Chinese army is fighting fiercely with the enemy, and the other half is still maintaining a stable formation. Timely escape from the battle can greatly reduce the possibility of turning into a rout.

Of course, losses are inevitable. Retreating at this time is equivalent to abandoning all the soldiers who are fighting with the Jinxia Army in disguise, and it is normal to lose more than half of them in the end. This choice is nothing more than the lesser of two evils, and it is better to lose a battle than to wipe out an entire army.

"Where are you going? Wangshandu?"

"No, that small town has no danger at all, let's go back to Yecheng!"

Yecheng is also the nearest big city, with walls on all sides, which is very suitable for holding on. Qi Duming didn't believe that the princess would chase him there—would he rather swallow this little army, not even the huge Shenzhou?

He even thought about how to write the report: Although he lost Wangshandu, he restrained a large number of Three Princesses' troops and limited their main force to the Ganshen border. At this time, if Liuzhou and Qingzhou can quickly go south and attack the Jinxia army from both sides, they will definitely win a big victory!

The sound of gold ringing sounded, and the rear reserve team immediately turned into the front army, turned around and ran towards Yecheng. Qi Duming also threw the Green Dragon Saber to the adjutant, rode his horse into the Qing cavalry troops, and moved westward at an accelerated pace.

If the retreat of the rear army can barely be called orderly, the front line is a mess. A small group of troops didn't hear the sound of Jin Jin from the rear at all, and were still trying to hold their positions, while more people ran away like headless chickens. In a panic, many people fled in the opposite direction, biting the bullet and jumping into the Lichuan River. In such chaos, the factors that caused the biggest casualties of the Ganzhou Army were no longer machine beasts or air rifles. Pushing and trampling each other were the main causes of casualties.

Ning Wanjun did not take advantage of the victory to pursue and cover up the kill all the way, but took out the megaphone and shouted——

For a while, the slogans of "disarm, surrender, don't kill, Jinxia treats the prisoners preferentially" spread throughout the riverbank one after another.

This wave of capitulation immediately achieved excellent results.

As the targets of abandonment, the front-line soldiers had no intention of continuing to serve the general. Immediately, a large area of ​​the battlefield fell to their knees, and their spears and daggers were thrown all over the ground.

If it was before, Ning Wanjun might have to go back and forth two more times, but now that she has been influenced by Xia Fan, she always feels that the guys who give up resistance in front of her are no longer enemies, but resources that can be used one by one.

Of course, the princess would not care about things like cleaning the battlefield. This round of pursuit was not over, and she had to immediately throw herself into the next battle. Two quarters of an hour later, Ning Wanjun left a thousand people to escort the captives and guard the river beach, and continued to advance westward with fifty mechanism beasts and a thousand elite.

She knew that Xia Fan would be waiting for her in front.

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