Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 348 The reason for the breakup

"May I ask, Miss Chi's purpose for coming to Jinxia City this time?" Xia Fan asked, "If it is to avoid the pursuit of the Privy Council, coming here is definitely the right choice. In addition, I heard that Penglai Island has been captured by the Privy Council. Keep an eye on, I wonder how many of your kindred are left on the island? If they intend to move, I can also make arrangements. It should be safer to travel by sea than by land.”

Although the dragon can fly, it consumes a lot of gas when it transforms. It can take a person across Shenzhou at most, and then it has to rest. This is also the conclusion he drew from Olina's test. Chi may be more capable of flying, but out of safety considerations, he still brought up the migration method.

The other party directly asked the purpose!

Now is a great time to get straight to the point!

Kong Xuanzi stared at his servant master, secretly encouraged him.

Say it, this time there must be a satisfactory result!

"Do you think that dragons are like flying lizards, everywhere in the streets?" Chi's answer was completely different from Kong Xuanzi's expectation, "Even in its heyday, there were only three dragons on Penglai Island, and now I am the only one left. In addition to the dragon, there are tens of thousands of people living on it, and there are more than 20 people who are sensitive to it, and I really don't want them to fall into the hands of the Privy Council."

"As for the purpose of this trip..." She paused, "I——hope to find a place where dragons are needed to live for a long time."

Kong Xuanzi almost coughed.

"A place that needs a dragon?" Xia Fan asked curiously.

"Haven't you heard the rumors before? Dragons can disperse clouds and mist, and they can also bring down rain. Once a place is protected by dragons, the weather will be smooth and the crops will be harvested." Chi raised his chin slightly, "This is the ability of dragons, and it can also be harvested." It's the vocation of a dragon—although I'm still underage, my talent in this area is beyond doubt."

Is it actually closely related to agriculture...

No wonder the other party dared to pretend to be an asylum.

We must know that in the long course of history, farming has always been a matter of depending on the sky.

This is absolutely of extraordinary significance to a big country in the agricultural era.

It's just that Xia Fan is a little puzzled. Even today, the abundant rain in the arid land can save thousands of people. How did the dragon suddenly disappear?

He asked the question.

"These contents are recorded in the Penglai history annals. Kong Xuanzi, let you tell him."

"Yes." Kong Xuanzi hurriedly restrained his mind, and cupped his hands at Xia Fan, "Master Xia, this matter can be traced back to more than a thousand years ago."

More than a thousand years——Xia Fan's heart skipped a beat. This span has already allowed some civilizations to emerge from nothing, and then go from their heyday to their extinction.

"At that time, there was no unified dynasty on the mainland, and there were countless scattered tribes and city-states. In some places, a city was even a country. And whoever can get the blessing of the dragon will be able to prosper forever." Kong Xuanzi said seriously , "However, there were also very few people who sensed Qi at that time, but anyone who can awaken the ability to sense Qi will become a famous person in the world."

"After hundreds of years of union and annexation, two dynasties finally came to the fore, one named Wei, and the other named Chu. The territory of the Wei Dynasty is almost the current Mao, Feng, and Qi countries. It was Wei that Long protected at that time. Dynasty. And Chu State can be regarded as the predecessor of Yong Dynasty.”

In terms of geographical distribution, it is probably the dispute between the east and west of the mainland - Wei and Chu are almost equally divided. Xia Fan thought, "Since Long chose the Wei Dynasty, there should be no shortage of food and grass, strong soldiers and horses, why did they lose to Chu in the end?"

"Because of the change of people who sense energy." Kong Xuanzi replied, "According to the records of Penglai, people who sense energy were still extremely rare thousands of years ago, but gradually began to increase. This was especially true in the period of the Four Kingdoms five hundred years ago. , almost every town can have one or two sensers. The state of Chu took the lead in strengthening the management of the sensers, officially conferring officials on them, and calling those with official titles alchemists. This policy has attracted a large number of By the time it successively annexed the other two countries, the number of people who felt Qi had surpassed that of Wei by a lot."

Xia Fan suddenly realized the key point, "These alchemists... make the meaning of the dragon seem less important?"

Chi frowned and glanced at him, but didn't open his mouth to refute.

Kong Xuanzi sighed, "I admire your ingenuity. When the number of qi-sensing people increases, people's ability to resist wild animals, bandits, evil spirits, and natural disasters will be greatly improved. For example, some alchemists who are good at mixing magic can also moisten the soil. Turn barren land into fertile land little by little; alchemists who specialize in Kanshu can turn gas into water, even in severe drought years, people will not be helpless. On the contrary, in the country of Wei, where there is a dragon blessing, the wind is well balanced Shun, but it is impossible for Long to take care of every piece of land. Under the ups and downs, the state of Chu is not much worse than the state of Wei in terms of farming."

I see.

Xia Fan thought, if ignorance was still the main tone of the world a thousand years ago, the next five hundred years gave time for ideas to sprout. People get in touch with the world, understand the world, and transform the world with their own hands—this process accumulates knowledge, which leads to a significant increase in the number of people who sense energy.

It's just that no one can perceive the connection between the two from a macro perspective.

The "abnormal" awakening rate in the school may also be used as one of the evidences. Compared with the half-guessed practical experience, what the school teaches is the essence condensed from thousands of years of theory. There are several well-known masters standing behind an eye-catching formula, and the growth rate of knowledge cannot be described as taking off.

"People have gradually discovered that neighboring countries can live a good life even if they don't need dragons, so doubts about dragons began to appear." Kong Xuanzi's voice became a little low, "Because according to the ancient law, asking a dragon to summon rain requires a gesture of relief." To sacrifice at the altar, in addition to the three animals, ten children under the age of three must also be prepared."

Xia Fan looked at Chi in surprise.

This time Chi couldn't help it anymore, "I don't know who came up with this crooked idea! It's just that the tradition is hard to change. The children they used as sacrifices were all taken to Penglai Island to be raised!"

"Master Chi is telling the truth, I am one of the descendants of the sacrificed." Kong Xuanzi testified, "It is a pity that Penglai's explanation has little effect, and the Wei army has lost consecutive battles and taxes have increased. It is becoming more and more common. If it was just the people who opposed it, everyone could endure it, but no one expected that in the end it was King Wei and the upper-class family who dealt the most fatal blow to Penglai."

Xia Fan suddenly had a bad feeling, "What happened... what happened?"

"At that time, a new rumor spread in the royal palace. Dragon blood and dragon heart are great tonics, and eating them can prolong your life for a hundred years." Seeking imperial physicians and those affected by qi from all over the world failed to heal them, so they turned their ideas on the dragon."

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