Heavenly Dao Formula

Chapter 249 More Comfortable Things

Shenzhou, Jinxia City.

The time has come to December unknowingly, even in Yancheng, which is always hot by the sea, there is a chill in the air.

For the residents of the city, it can be said that they have seen more changes in these few months than in the previous half a lifetime. The Bureau has fully fulfilled its promise, not only repairing all the houses that were burned during the pirate invasion before winter, but also building a large number of new houses.

These neat row houses are beautiful and grand, one after another along the street, making the originally somewhat empty inner city denser and more compact.

Especially in the section from the Inland River Wharf in the north of the city to the Chengdong Affairs Bureau, it will pass through the large factory building, the machine building bureau and the residential area successively. Vigorous.

As a result, the number of shops and pedestrians on the street has increased significantly.

Even though winter has officially entered, business and trade seem to show no sign of abating. At this time in the past, there were often only two things that could be bought in the market, one was expensive charcoal, and the other was meat that was also expensive. The former needs to compete with the salt cooking field, while the latter is a must-have for the Chinese New Year.

This year, however, that has changed.

First of all, the price of charcoal is very low, and you can buy a basket of copper coins; secondly, there are also a large number of fresh seafood in the meat market. The price of meat.

Except for these two types of goods, there are still plenty of other commodities—from fabrics to ready-to-wear shoes and socks, from paper, pen and ink to various daily utensils. No one wants to close the store early. As if the wallets in the pockets of the residents swelled up overnight, the market area is always patronized by people. Faced with this change, businessmen also postponed their plans to close their stalls for the New Year, hoping to make more money.

But the difference that makes the locals feel the deepest is the salt price in Yancheng.

After the fall of the Wang family, there was a saying in the neighborhood that the salt production could not keep up, and the salt price might skyrocket. Coupled with the closure of the salt cooking plant, this rumor has been promoted even more.

Until the bureau itself sold salt publicly.

The price of salt was only a quarter of the normal price, and anyone could buy a bag, and such good news spread throughout the city in an instant. At this moment, people really believed that there were new saltworks on the east coast, and after the Bureau of Affairs released the list of saltworks recruitment, applicants quickly piled up the quota.

The fact that people in Yancheng couldn't afford salt has since become history.

All these changes made the bureau's prestige unprecedentedly high, and everyone understood that it was not the government office that brought these benefits, but the princess who lived in Fengyang Villa and her representative Xia Fucheng.

Today's new residents, the first thing they hear from their neighbors is the anecdote of these two people.

Of course, not only ordinary people in Jinxia City were affected by the changes, but Xia Fan himself was also included.

Under the strong suggestion of the princess, he moved out of the alchemist dormitory where he was originally, and moved into a new house in the south of the city.

Ning Wanjun's original words were: "I don't mind if you live in the villa permanently, but as the head of the Privy Council and the Bureau of Affairs, you shouldn't even have a mansion of your own. Talking about it will only embarrass me. .Chengnan District itself is a place where officials and wealthy businessmen gather. Now that there are so many empty places, you can choose a house at random. You can build it yourself.”

So Xia Fan had a permanent home for the first time.

He didn't choose the residences of those officials, but chose to rebuild them - each of those mansions covers an area of ​​tens of acres, with small bridges in the garden, and seven or eight houses. Unreasonable. Therefore, he directly leveled a large courtyard, used part of it as the base of his own mansion, and built a "big flat floor" of about 200 square meters on it. Including the area of ​​the front yard and the back yard, the overall area is almost Five hundred square meters.

According to the point of view of this era, although the mansion with less than an acre of land could not be called magnificent, it was already an extremely spacious house for Xia Fan.

After the housewarming banquet, he and Li moved into their new home.

Shanhui was arranged to live in a house across the street, so they could take care of each other.

"I thought you would also let me live opposite or next door." Li looked around the new house, her light tone undoubtedly showed that she was in a good mood at the moment.

"If you want to have a space to be alone." Xia Fan walked to a copper pipe, pressed his hands on the surface, and cast a shock spell, "But no matter when, the door of this house is open to you."

"There's no need to be so troublesome, just arrange it like this." Li also followed and asked curiously, "What is this?"

"A heating device, commonly known as floor heating, can keep the house at a comfortable temperature without burning charcoal." Xia Fan laughed. Although Jinxia City belongs to the southern city, the average temperature is not low, but because it is close to the sea, the humidity is quite heavy, which is the magical attack that ordinary clothes and bedding can hardly resist. Therefore, at the beginning of construction, he considered the need for independent heating.

A few copper pipes, the fine sand filling the bottom of the house, and the wooden floor laid throughout the house constitute a simple and reliable heating device. This set of floor heating does not need a water pump to keep the warm water running, and the heating method is electric heating. Apart from manual heating once a day, there are no other disadvantages.

"So that's how it is," Li immediately understood its principle, "it's the same as the stone room where you boiled salt water, right?"

"Smart." Xia Fan praised. The reason why he expends energy to do this is very simple, he doesn't want to wrap the winter fox demon in three layers, so that when he returns home, he can still enjoy the whole picture of the other party.

What's more, being able to take off your shoes and run around barefoot as soon as you arrive at the house is an extremely pleasant thing in itself.

"What is this bench?" Li turned his head to look at the buckskin sofa in the living room, ran over to touch it, "It feels so soft!"

"It's stuffed with cotton, that's why it's fluffy. So are the beds, by the way."

"You really know how to enjoy it." The fox demon lay on it and stretched out, "It's so comfortable... Is this news that only the listener can know?"

"Probably." Xia Fan didn't bother to argue that he wasn't a listener. "By the way," he cleared his throat, "There is another more comfortable thing, but it needs someone's assistance to complete it."

"Oh? What?"

He took out a box from his pocket and opened it, revealing several thin needles and fluffy balls inside.

"Put this in your ear to remove earwax. I heard it's ten times more enjoyable than scratching it."

"Are you sure? I've never tried... What if I stab your ear?"

"If not, I'll make a demonstration first."

Li suddenly tilted his head, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I said, are you just looking for an excuse to touch my ear?"

Xia Fan froze, had his intentions been seen through?

Indeed, it has been several months since Li agreed to let him pet his tail, and he often thinks about how to go further—but after all, the ears grow on the top of the head, and it is always inappropriate to speak directly, and it will undoubtedly be a blow if he is rejected, so Only then did I come up with the method of curve research, and use my ears to achieve a breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, before it was implemented, his idea was clearly understood by the other party.

"Actually, you don't need to make so many excuses. I know you are full of curiosity about monsters, and this is not a bad thing..." Li Li lay down and said, "So it's okay, just do it according to your ideas."

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