Heavenly Consort

Chapter 2206: Magic Shield

In this place similar to King Kong, Xiao Qianhan has an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but she has never seen anything around her. This place is definitely her first time here.

The only thing in common with King Kong's realm here is that it can resist the thunder of immortality.

Compared with the narrowness of the King Kong Realm, this place is incomparably wide, and the huge hall is ten times or even dozens of times that of the King Kong Realm! The passage is only a short section, and two steps are enough to get out.

The light in the entire hall is a faint, somewhat holy golden halo, like sunlight, even warmer than sunlight.

There are two things in the hall, a knife and a sword, also suspended in the air, supported by an energy that also glows with a golden halo.

These are not things that make her feel inexplicably familiar. What really makes her familiar is the faint smell in the air.

If I remember correctly, it belongs to Zhao Wenqiang!

Because I have been in contact with Zhao Wenqiang many times, I have some memories of this smell on him.

Because of his stature, Zhao Wenqiang not only likes to transform into tall men, but also likes to add some spices that match his stature. While there's not just one flavor, it's not random either.

She has also smelled several kinds of smells, and the one floating in the air is just the one she has smelled, and there are more than one.

Zhao Wenqiang not only came here before, but also deliberately left traces for others to discover!

They did come here!

Her eyes narrowed, she immediately searched all over the place in the shortest time, but found nothing!

Apart from the hole she came in and the small hole she found earlier, there wasn't even any exit on the surface!

"What else is there to exit here?" She woke the rat spirit immediately and asked, not in a forced and questioning tone.

The mouse took Xiao Qianhan's medicinal pill and recovered quickly. He shook his head and squeaked twice.

Xiao Qianhan frowned slightly.

She wanted to let Xiao Xiao continue to rest, but she couldn't.

Seeing that, the rat Jing understood what was going on, and squeaked again.

Xiao Xiao opened her eyes and took on the task of translation again, "It said that it only knows those two exits."

Xiao Qianhan's eyes gradually sank, "Bring us here, although you saved yourself, you also saved us, so I will give you another chance and think about it."

"Your identity is not simply a magical beast in the realm of the King Kong, and even whether it is called the realm of King Kong is unknown. You not only know the place that was destroyed before, but also know very well about this place, and even what you said. I also know enough about the place that the mole spirit occupied, not never been there. Don't ask how I know this, you know whether it's true or not. Now, the answer I want is very important to me, and it's urgent If you can delay time, or deliberately mislead me, even if you save us, I will kill you."

After the solemn words were over, the rat spirit did not make a sound immediately. The small eyeballs rolled a few times, and from time to time looked at Xiao Qianhan, and then stared at the ground for a while.

During this period, Xiao Qianhan did not urge or open his mouth, but the Feng Lie Sword appeared in his hand, and the strength of his grip was getting tighter and tighter.

"Okay, I admit that you are very powerful." This time, the rat spirit didn't squeak, but uttered words.

Xiao Qianhan glanced at it, his face did not change, he was relieved, and put Xiao Miao in Wan Ding Yin.

Although the tone of speech is decisive, it is guesswork after all, and it is a very important guess. There is no favorable physical evidence based on it, but based on the usual behavior and Xiaomiao's translation, the persuasiveness is not very strong!

The most important thing is that if the rat spirit is bitten to death, she has no other way but to kill it.

Even if she shreds the rat's corpse into ten thousand pieces, she can't find any news about Zhao Wenqiang and others, and it will not do her any good.

"I'm looking for someone. He's been here before, but he didn't go out of the hole, and he didn't even come in through the hole." She said calmly.

When Xiao Miao dug out the soil near the hole, it was clearly outdated, with a backlog of soil that had been accumulated for a long time, not overturned. Of course, it is not ruled out that Zhao Wenqiang and others also have ways to shrink people.

"It's true that someone has come and left, but I can't tell you any clues." The rat spirit's attitude was very firm, and it actually meant death.

"Zhao Wenqiang, probably so tall." Xiao Qianhan gestured with her hand. She was one of the few people who had seen Zhao Wenqiang's true height. "And wolf Qin Tian, ​​Su Xue'er..."

She spoke very slowly, and every time she said a name, she carefully paid attention to the changes in the expression of the mouse spirit. Soon, she finished all the names of everyone, including Liao Chenhuo.

She believes that Liao Chenhao must be there, and the tight-lipped mouse spirit is largely because of Liao Chenhao, because Liao Chenqiao is the true guardian of Xifengzhou!

"I'm their friend. I'm late. I followed the clues to find it here." The mouse spirit's expression told her that she might have guessed correctly, so she added an identity to herself, which could be true or false.

She is a friend of Zhao Wenqiang and others, but not a friend of the crowd, at least not the friend of the crowd who has entered the devil's way.

Unexpectedly, the mouse spirit actually knew her, "You are Xiao Qianhan, right? The person who merged with the magic shield is Yun Mojin?"

Although it is an interrogative sentence, it is not in a questioning tone.

Xiao Qianhan's heart fluttered, but his face did not change, "I am."

Since it is recognized, there is no need to deny it, "Have you ever mentioned me to you?"

"Shut up! This is the last time you call this name directly, if you still want me to help you." The mouse spirit used a slightly dark tone for the first time.

Xiao Qianhan raised his eyebrows, didn't speak, and looked at the mouse spirit.

"The reason why I am willing to help you is because I can't watch the king continue to make mistakes. Don't think that I will betray the king." The mouse spirit's tone was still very low and solemn.

Xiao Qianhan still didn't speak, even though the mouse spirit used the title "King Shang" to Liao Chenhao.

The rat spirit seemed satisfied with Xiao Qianhan's attitude, turned around and walked to the position between the knife and the sword, "Wait here for three days, and the king will show up with others."

Xiao Qianhan stood still, "Wait?"

"I won't help you to open the otherworld space." The mouse spirit is very sure.

"Didn't you say that you can't watch your king continue to make mistakes? Aren't you afraid that your king will make a big mistake in the three days I wait?" Xiao Qianhan said slowly.

The mouse spirit is obviously loyal to the hustle and bustle, but fortunately, it is not foolish.

The rat spirit immediately fell silent, but when he spoke again, he brought good news, "Okay, I will help you open the otherworld space, but you have to promise me that I can't do anything that is unfavorable to the king."

Xiao Qianhan smiled and shook his head, "Since you know who I am, you should know my relationship with Liao Chenxiao! Don't tell me not to mention his name, so what should I call him? Also call him the King? ?"

The mouse was hesitant to speak, and seemed to be going through a serious ideological struggle.

Xiao Qianhan did not interrupt.

She could choose to deceive the mouse spirit, but she didn't, because the mouse spirit had just saved her and Xiao Miao's life. Although not a benefactor, but also not an enemy. Most importantly, the rat spirit is smart, not a stupid rat.

Finally, the rat spirit came to a conclusion, stopped talking, and stood in the middle of the knife and the sword and began to manipulate something.

Soon, there is energy flowing out of the knife and the sword, and not only is it not the same energy, but the exact opposite!

The energy of the sword still has a golden halo, and the energy of the knife is the same as the shield later, it is black, and it also has a halo!

One black and one gold two energies converge, confront, meet, have clear boundaries, and reach a certain balance!

Then, the feeling of space tearing appeared, which was familiar to Xiao Qianhan.

A space turbulence appeared, just in the middle of the two energies, like a door leading to the otherworldly space.

"Go in." Rat Jing said.

Xiao Qianhan stood still.

"There is another world inside, there is only one way, you will soon find the king!" The mouse spirit added.

Xiao Qianhan still did not move.

"Hurry up, I can't last long!" The mouse spirit was a little anxious.

Xiao Qianhan still stood still, but said, "What is the magic shield? Why do you say that Yun Mo has fully integrated the magic shield?"

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