Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 640: Joint strike

Lu Ping and Zhou Xiao looked at each other through the customization of the two painting grounds. ≯One small> say <<<﹤< ≤ ≦ <﹤﹤<﹤ ≦ <≦

Zhou Xiao wondered how Luping actually existed, and Luping, at this time, actually looked at the barrier of power in front of him, wondering how to rush out of this customization. Although his goal is to defeat Zhou Xiao, things have to be done step by step, and now he concentrates on what he wants to deal with, it's just this customization.

He recalled the scene of Zhou Xiao's customization being bombarded before. At that moment, he did not create any burden on the entire large customization but just hit a mouth.

But because of the inability to perform listening and listening, Lu Ping was not clear about what kind of collision happened at that moment.

Therefore, you can only try.

One can't do it twice, two can't do it three times, ten times, one hundred times, one thousand times, ten thousand times. Lu Ping's cultivation is improved all the way to the present by this way.

So again, Lu Ping came to the barrier and raised his fist.

The fist is exactly the same as that of Zhou Fei.


Fisting on the power barrier, the sound of this kind of physical collision will come out. After this sound, the custom barriers that everyone could not shake by all means immediately broke a gap in the fist.

I didn't see any abilities, I didn't see Lupin's frame style, just raised my hand, waved my fist, and the barrier was broken.

The gatekeepers of the three colleges were all speechless. However, after Zhou Xiao was punched by Lu Ping for a customized foreplay, everyone was not surprised.

But the gap in the fist is really useless. It was impossible for Lu Ping to drill out of such a gap, and the gap was immediately repaired by mass customization.


Lu Ping waved his hand and punched three punches quickly, and each sound was a big fist gap. However, the gap of the three punches did not help. When Lu Ping wanted to make another punch, he quickly made a big customization, and already repaired the first gap almost.

After Lu Ping scratched his head, he leaned back. Retreat to a distance away from the Soul Barrier.

What is he doing?

Everyone just had doubts, Lu Ping has already rushed.

A punch is a big gap in the fist, so this time, he will turn himself into a punch. Lu Ping believes that such destructive power will be sufficient. Did n’t Zhou Xiao break the barrier like this?

boom! With a loud noise, the barrier of the Soul Force broke apart, and Lu Ping broke out of it. But the response of the big customization is so fast. This time, the one-person gap that was hit was not repaired immediately, because the entire customization disappeared immediately after Luping rushed out, but chasing Luping out. At the place where he settled, a new custom was raised and Lu Ping was imprisoned again. This time, because the goal is only him, the customized space and scope have become much narrower.

Between him and Zhou Xiao, it was closer, but after all, there were still two customizations, which made Lu Ping glance at Zhou Xiao with some regret. Zhou Xiao noticed Lu Ping's eyes, and then he realized that Lu Ping was still thinking about chasing and hitting him. This is to catch the rhythm of killing!

The people of the three colleges, especially Nantian College, suddenly panicked.

Lu Ping can break through the customization once, and can break through the second time, he can break into Zhou Xiao sooner or later. Isn't Zhou Xiao, who has been seriously injured, badly?


The anxious gatekeepers, regardless of their usefulness and uselessness, have swelled customization, but everything is in vain. Their attack is like itching to the customized power barrier.

But Zhou Xiao, at this moment, suddenly shined. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, he suddenly raised his right hand and made a stop gesture.

The people around were looking at this side, seeing Zhou Xiao's gesture, seeing Zhou Xiao's gaze, knowing that he was signaling to everyone. They stopped their hands and looked at this side.

Zhou Xiao looked around and nodded. He not only beckoned Nantian College, but gave instructions to the gatekeepers of all three colleges around him.

Again, Zhou Xiao raised his right hand. Although the serious injury was weak, an attack was condensed on the right hand.

"Prepare, attack together." Zhou Xiao said.

together? Will this work?

Everyone doubted it, but with Zhou Xiao, they were ready to attack.

With the order of "tapping!", Everyone's attack was launched, colliding with the siege's own customization, born from various collisions.

is that useful?


No matter what kind of attack, no matter what kind of collision, everyone has tried it before. This time everyone played at the same rhythm, but in the end, it did not cause any different changes.

A lot of people looked "sure enough". If the large-scale customization can be broken with more people, why do they need to worry about the Beiyuan Academy's seven-yuan solution to the large-scale customization?

But Zhou Xiao did not regret the helpless blow. His eyes showed expectation and confidence. He looked around again and conveyed this expectation and confidence. Then he raised his right hand again and gathered again. A weak attack was used as an example.

"Come back?" After all, many people were from Xuanwu and Miss Yue College, and they didn't support Zhou Xiao so firmly. But anyway, he is helpless anyway. Although he doesn't look forward to it, he is still ready to attack as shown by Zhou Xiao.

"Attack!" Ordered again, but again to no avail.

But Zhou Xiao was still me, and he raised his right hand again.

"That's it, don't stop, even if I die, everyone must stick to it!" Zhou Xiao said, glancing at Lu Ping. While they were attacking together twice, Lu Ping continued to try to break through the customization, but because the new customization space was too narrow, Lu Ping failed to grasp the explosive rhythm. The first time ended in failure, but now The second time after making adjustments.

"Attack!" Zhou Xiao ordered again.

This wave of attacks ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ everyone is obviously much harder than before. Zhou Xiao's remarks moved everyone, rather than stop talking, everyone's heart also ignited.


Luping's shock was almost at the same time as everyone's attack.

This time, Lu Ping did it, and the customization was broken. He had come to Zhou Xiao. Although there were new customizations trapping him, there was only a barrier between him and Zhou Xiao.

The three colleges attacked together, but still did not see the effect. But Zhou Xiao was still not discouraged. He looked at Lu Ping right in front of him and waved his hand again.

Everyone is attacking together, it is customized; but Zhou Xiao really intends to attack, but that person.

He is an important part of this big customization from Beidou College. The militia can withstand any form of tough attack, but what about humans?

As long as he falls down, this big customization will definitely break!

Zhou Xiao hopes that he will not feel too late. (To be continued.)

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