Heaven Awakening Path

Chapter 194: An advantage never before

Morin fell in awkwardness and mumbled a sentence after he got up. In the eyes of unsuspecting people, the expectation for him has fallen. Daoran's punch didn't have any power at all, it was just a tentative punch, but this didn't escape, how bad was this guy?

But Lu Ping naturally knew that this was never the case. Mo Lin speaks, this is the point. This at least means that he has recovered the soul of Ming, and is lifting his state of demise. And listen to what this guy mumbled.

Can't I practice more for a while?

The words were full of regrets. But what he did was slashing cultivation, and if he could end the cultivation, it meant that he had completed the continuation, and he could walk out of the terrible closed state of consciousness. It should n’t be regrettable to think about it?

But Mo Lin revealed this emotion.

Good guy!

Chu Min found that he still underestimated this Mo Lin. In this maddening state, what he keeps is actually not patience and endurance. He is cherishing that he regards the cultivation of the soul as a rare opportunity for cultivation, perhaps because Chu Min told him that his lack of blood is an advantage in this situation.

Mo Lin, who was born with a lack of spirit, probably never experienced what is called an advantage. He always fights against people in adversity. This time, it is the first time in his life that he has an advantage over others.

So he cherishes it very much. He is reluctant to end his state of demise. Perhaps he has already been able to make breakthroughs, but in order to maintain this advantage of cultivation, he deliberately did not take that step.

Under such circumstances, what can you cultivate? Chu Min did not know. Because no one has ever done this before.

Really looking forward. This is just the beginning!

Mo Lin stayed with powerful spirit, pivotal spirit and some refined spirits. However, the feelings of these souls on the environment are very limited. At this time, to recover the power of the rest of the spirits, naturally it needs a little adaptation.

He mumbled a word, then stood up, looked up at the sky, turned his head to look around, and then turned back, he saw Lu Ping, Xi Fan and Su Tang.

"Long time no see." He smiled.

Lu Ping ignored them. Morin hasn't seen them for a long time. But they are waiting for Morin every day! Now everyone has discovered that this kid is not unable to make breakthroughs, but keeps pressing himself not to break through. There was no way to do it now, so I began to retrieve it immediately.

Speaking, Naimui came back.

Seeing them, Chong Zhi also returned.

Then Mo Lin carefully looked at Lu Ping and Su Tang. Both of them were scarred, and the blood stained appearance made Mo Lin's expression serious.

"This is a very difficult meeting!" He said. Lu Ping and Su Tang's ability to resist him is still clear, although I don't know how much they have improved this month. But if you can hurt them like this, the opponent must be very strong.

So Morin became solemn. He is now in a duel, he finally knows this.

He looked back and looked at the duel. The tall Tao Ran still looked very impactful.

"Are you my opponent?" Morin said.

Everyone heard what he said, but everyone was inexplicably wondering why Morin seemed to just wake up. Dao Ran is one of those who see his state.

This guy actually completed his soul-cultivating practice at this time, and Dao thought it was really arrogant.

Practicing vigorous cultivation requires a through breakthrough to end. This is also known, so his opponent has changed from a waste that he can let him cut into a through guy.

Daoran has begun to perceive Morin and judge his strength.

The spirit of essence ... a heaven.

Soaring spirit ... Ertian.

Naruto ... Triple Heaven.

The soul of the hub is through!

Daoran felt the spirit of Mo Lin's penetrating realm, and was not too surprised. After the cultivation of the soul was completed, there would definitely be a penetrating spirit!

Then again, the soul of strength.

Soul of force ... Soul of force ... Can't perceive the soul of force?

Dao Ran's eyes widened.

This guy has no strength? Not weak, not low, but thorough, no!

Dare to stand up for the showdown?

Tao Ran felt ridiculous. The spirit of strength is the most reliable in battle. He has always believed in this, so he cultivated into a pioneer who was the first to pass through the spirit of strength.

And now, his opponent is completely powerless, which makes Daoran feel that all his worries are superfluous. A kid with no power, what is he trying to defeat himself?

Daoran smiled again, he even forgot to continue to perceive Mo Lin, but watched Mo Lin start stepping up step by step.

This is to die, Tao Ran thought.

At this time, Moline had already taken the fifth step and set foot on the fifth step. Suddenly there was wind. He rolled up from under this step and walked across Mo Lin's body instantly.

This is the wind, but at the same time it is also a force of courage, for no reason, why should we roll up such a force of courage?

Some people are puzzled, but some people have already begun to perceive quickly.

After that wind, many keen people have noticed that Moline has changed.

Daoran is also one of them. He quickly sensed it, and the power of the spirit related to the wind is precisely the one that he missed just after he stopped sensing.

The spirit of qi ... through? !

Everyone's eyes widened, Morin's state, has reached a double spirit?

Not to mention these people, even Lu Pingsu, Tang Xifan, Chu Min was really surprised, because they knew best that more than a month ago, Mo Lin was only the realm of sixteen souls totaling 14 heavens, not Luping, than From Su Tang to Xi Fan, the state of a total of fifteen celestial bodies will be one level worse. At that time, the soul of his pivot had indeed reached the sixth heaven, but the spirit of qi seemed to be still in the second heaven, which was worse than his rushing spirit and Ming spirit.

But a month later, this guy turned out not only the spirit of the pivot, but even the spirit of the qi.

This is the result of insisting on practicing for a month in a state of sorrow? But Chu Min's decisive spirit clearly stripped away his spirit and spirit. How did he cultivate the spirit and spirit in this state? If you look at it this way, if it wasn't for interruption at this time, would Morin have to go all the way and go straight through?

In that case ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ For this reason, the suspension of the practice will definitely be a big mistake! After the completion of the penetration, there is no possibility to return to the state of cutting soul for cultivation, because the power of the soul of the passing through involves the spirit of the hero, that is not the spirit of attack can be cut off.

Double break through!

The real double-break through. Candidates who reached this level on the whole point of the stage can only have one Wei Tianqi before this time. And Morin, at this time, also crushed the entire audience with a breakthrough.

However, it is too early to say victory or defeat!

Even if it is a double break, but it does not have the courage to do so.

Daoran was not afraid because of this, he had found Morin's dead point.


In the next chapter, let's watch our Moline! (To be continued ...)

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