She didn't always call him Xiao Yi softly anymore, and she didn't buy any delicious food for herself.

Yuan Yi was a little sad.

He called his mother nervously, Yuan Shujia glanced at him and said coldly: "Sleep."

He dared not speak any more and lay down.

Yuan Shujia now has a complicated psychology towards Yuan Yi.

On the one hand, she wanted to use Yuan Yi to tie Qiu Xu, on the other hand, she loved her son very much.

But Yuan Yi and Qiu Xu still have money, they are always a little bit worse.

She sometimes hates him inexplicably.

She told him many times not to provoke Qiu Mu.

Had it not been for him to provoke Qiu Mu and say that, she would not have fallen into this situation today.

Even more frightening is that the nightmare is not a pure dream.

She felt that if she continued, Qiu Xu might really dump her.

When she was free, Yuan Shujia opened the WeChat group and wanted to chat.

It was still dark, and almost no one in the WeChat group spoke. Yuan Shujia sent a message in it, but no one responded.

As soon as she was about to quit, she saw someone returning to her.

As if finding someone to chat with, Yuan Shujia chatted with her in a group.

The woman named lychee has a very common topic with her. When Yuan Shujia asked her why she woke up so early, she replied: Oh, it’s hard to say, I’m pregnant, but my boyfriend wants to kick me, he is a rich second-generation. I am annoying.

When Yuan Shujia saw this, she felt a little bit in her heart.

Isn't she in this situation recently?

The more Yuan Shujia thought about it, the more she felt that she had found a confidant. She clicked on an application to add friends, and soon the other party agreed.

Yuan Shujia issued a sentence: I have experienced similar things to you.

Lichee seemed to trust her very much, and immediately told her all the things between herself and her boyfriend.

Yuan Shujia listened and felt that the other party was really stupid.

I can't keep my boyfriend's heart when I'm pregnant.

At first, she was pregnant, but she kept all the men who had wives.

It's she is no different from this one called Lychee.

Yuan Shujia comforted her symbolically, and then asked her: What are you going to do?

The other side of Litchi was always inputting. After a while, Litchi sent a message: I have an idea. Doesn’t he want me? I’ll go to his company and let people in his company know that he is a Who, see if he wants to be shameless.

Yuan Shujia frowned, but she was so lucky to think of such a spring plan.

Men hate such women most.

Yuan Shujia said: This is not so good, what if things get worse?

Litchi: You don't know. The richer the man, the more he wants to save face. If I were alone, I might fail, but isn't there a guarantee in my stomach? You said that when you have a child, what will the people in the company think when they know about it. Even if it is for your own face, he must first comfort me, otherwise he will end up with the reputation of a scumbag, what should I do?

After Litchi finished speaking, he quickly sent a sentence: I have to do a paternity test during the day. It is more convincing to have a paternity test, so as not to stumble upon me after he denies it. I want to prepare the most sufficient evidence so that He has no chance to refute.

After she finished speaking, she said she was going to make preparations.

Yuan Shujia looked at her words repeatedly,

I don't know if people are already in a difficult situation. The more she looked at it, the more she felt there was some truth.

Yin Yunyun seemed to want a divorce over there. If she went to the company to make trouble, after Yin Yunyun knew about it, she would be determined to divorce.

And Qiu Xu had to solve this matter for the sake of face.

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